Character Keys

Displaying 1101 - 1200 of 3748

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Code titlesort ascending biography
2143 Unnamed Negro Husband 1

This is the man in Light in August who lives in a cabin "on the edge of town immediately behind" Hightower's house, and who seeks help from Hightower when his wife goes into labor (73). The narrative suggests that he is afraid to approach a white woman to ask for help: "Hightower knew that the man would walk all the way to town . . . instead of asking some white woman to telephone for him" (74).

2659 Unnamed Negro Hunters

In "The Old People" and again in Go Down, Moses, this group of Negro hunters see "the sudden burst of flame" as Jobaker's hut burns down (204, 164). In the short story they are explicitly described as "possum-hunting" (204); in the novel they are just "hunting" (164).

3357 Unnamed Negro House Servant 2

In The Town this "houseman in a white coat" performs general duties in for Manfred de Spain's house, and lives in Manfred's "late father's big wooden house" (14).

643 Unnamed Negro House Servant 1

Major de Spain's house servant in "Barn Burning" is "an old man with neat grizzled hair, in a linen jacket" (11). He tries to prevent Ab Snopes from entering the De Spain mansion, and then - unsuccessfully - orders Ab to "Wipe yo foots, white man, fo you come in here. Major ain't home nohow" (11). At the end of the story, when Sarty bursts into the mansion to warn Major de Spain, this house servant is the first person that he encounters.

1863 Unnamed Negro Hotel Porter in Memphis

In Sanctuary this porter at the door of the Hotel Gayoso offers to carry Virgil and Fonzo's suitcases, but they "brush past him" (190).

1873 Unnamed Negro Hotel Porter

The "negro porter of the hotel" where Ruby stays in Sanctuary (135) briefly appears in three separate scenes: showing Ruby to her room in Chapter 16, fetching Horace to the hotel in Chapter 17, and showing Horace where he can wait for a train in Chapter 29. Faulkner may have been thinking of one man in all three cases, or two, or three.

3087 Unnamed Negro Hotel Employees

In "Knight's Gambit" Max Harriss is "well known not only to all the clerks and telephone girls and the Negro doormen and bellboys and waiters" at the Greenbury hotel in Memphis (208).

2586 Unnamed Negro Hostler 3

In The Mansion Mink remembers that when he was younger there was a Negro in "the lot behind the Commercial Hotel" who would feed his mule for a quarter while he took the train to Memphis (313).

2585 Unnamed Negro Hostler 2

In The Town this man is hired by I.O. Snopes to lead the newly arrived mules from the depot to the lot near Mrs Hait's home.

2584 Unnamed Negro Hostler 1

In The Hamlet this hostler finds the rented horse and buggy that the drummer who was courting Eula abandoned when he fled Yoknapatawpha.

2674 Unnamed Negro Hired Hand

In "Tomorrow," according to Pruitt, when Stonewall Jackson Fentry left his father's farm to try "to earn a little extra money" working at a sawmill in Frenchman's Bend, he made some kind of arrangement with this unnamed black man to help on the farm in his stead. Pruitt tells Gavin Stevens he often heard the father "cussing" the man "for not moving fast enough" in the field, but when two years later the son brings the baby home, the Fentrys continue to employ him for a season (97).

1413 Unnamed Negro Headman

The "headman" among the slaves in "Red Leaves" tells the servant Issetibbeha is still alive, and offers him food (332).

3086 Unnamed Negro Grooms

In "Knight's Gambit" the animals on the Harris plantation are very well attended to. There are not only "grooms" for the horses (234), but also "special human beings to wait on" the dogs (165).

3085 Unnamed Negro Groom

In "Knight's Gambit" this is the specific groom among the various stablemen who work for Sebastian Gualdres who is in charge of his blind "night horse"; Gauldres tells Gavin Stevens that this mare "is left in the stable by the negrito each afternoon" (227).

2949 Unnamed Negro Girls and Women

According to Intruder in the Dust, on a typical evening one would see "Negro girls and women" outside the window of the jail, talking with the black men who are confined inside it (38). Even though the exceptional circumstances of the story have kept them away and in hiding, the narrator describes them as "the women in the aprons of cooks or nurses and the girls in their flash cheap clothes from the mail order houses" (50).

1182 Unnamed Negro Girl 4

According to the brief and ambiguous account in The Mansion, while growing up white and male in Frenchman's Bend Mink Snopes has sex with a least one black girl: the "furious unplanned episodes" with an "almost invisible unwashed Negro girl" in a roadside ditch or the middle of a cotton field (317).

1180 Unnamed Negro Girl 3

In Go Down, Moses, this girl is a slave on Hubert Beauchamp's plantation. Since she follows Sophonsiba Beauchamp down the stairs, “carrying her fan” (12), it is likely that she is being trained as a house slave or personal slave for Sophonsiba.

1181 Unnamed Negro Girl 2

In Light in August this Negro girl is induced to have sex with a group of five white country boys in a deserted sawmill shed. When it is Joe's turn, he sees "something, prone, abject; in her eyes perhaps" (156), and his response is to beat her until the other boys restrain him.

622 Unnamed Negro Girl 1

The oldest of the "three pickaninnies" who live with their parents in the lonely cabin where Young Bayard spends Christmas Eve and Christmas morning in Flags in the Dust; she wears "greasy, nondescript garments, her wool twisted into tight knots of soiled wisps of colored cloth" (364).

1676 Unnamed Negro Gas Station Attendant

At the gas station where Jason stops after leaving the Sheriff's house in The Sound and the Fury, this Negro employee fills Jason's tank with gas and his tires with air.

1307 Unnamed Negro Funeral Parlor Employees

In "Go Down, Moses" and again in the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, this group of "Negro undertaker's men" (265, 363) is at the train station when Samuel Beauchamp's casket arrives in Jefferson; they load it into the hearse.

2614 Unnamed Negro Fireman 3

This man in The Hamlet advises another fireman who wants to borrow money from Flem Snopes, though he doesn't seem to understand how much the interest Flem has been charging him for "two years" is costing him (78). (He is the kind of 'fireman' who stokes a fire rather than puts one out.)

2613 Unnamed Negro Fireman 2

This is the fireman at Quick's mill in The Hamlet who is told by another to "go to Mr Snopes at the store" to borrow money (78). (This is the kind of 'fireman' who stokes a fire rather than puts one out.)

2612 Unnamed Negro Fireman 1

In The Hamlet this man works at Varner's cotton gin, and helps Trumbull overhaul the machinery (65). (He is the kind of 'fireman' who stokes a fire rather than puts one out.)

2781 Unnamed Negro Field Workers

In its account of the position Sam Fathers occupies on the McCaslin-Edmonds plantation, Go Down, Moses mentions the tenant farmers who "farmed allotted acres" but also acknowledges the existence of the men who do "field-work for daily wages" (161). However, although wage labor was replacing tenantry in parts of the South, no such salaried field-workers appear in the novel.

2611 Unnamed Negro Field Hand

In The Hamlet Ratliff's revulsion at the idea of Eula Varner being married to Flem Snopes leads him to imagine what Flem's idea of sex is; the result is a disturbing image that probably tells us more about Ratliff than about Flem or anyone else: sex as a kind of business transaction with a "black brute from the field with the field sweat still drying on her" (181) who wants "a nickel's worth of lard" from the store (180).

2719 Unnamed Negro Father of Young Woman

All we know about the father of the young woman who has given birth to Don Boyd's child in "Delta Autumn" is that he lived in Indianapolis and died "two years ago" (278). (When Faulkner revised the story for inclusion in Go Down, Moses he made the young woman's family part of the extended McCaslin-Beauchamp-Edmonds family, and so although he made no changes in the way this father is described, radically re-positioned him in the larger Yoknapatawpha narrative; for that reason we have a separate entry for him in the database.)

3730 Unnamed Negro Father of Girl

In The Reivers the Sheriff says that Boon's white friends can "settle" the problem caused by his accidental shooting of a "Negro girl" by "giving her father ten dollars" (15). The father himself does not appear in the text.

623 Unnamed Negro Farmhand 2

In The Hamlet this "negro man" warns Mrs. Houston to stay away from the stallion that kills her (238); after her death, he cooks for Houston.

2610 Unnamed Negro Farmhand 1

In The Hamlet this farmhand buys the buggy that was used by one of Eula's suitors and drives it through the village "a few times each year" (165).

1179 Unnamed Negro Farmer 3

In The Mansion this "Negro" lives three miles from Mink. He is a small farmer, but prosperous enough to own a "scrub bull," which he hires out to other farmers for cash "payment in advance" (9).

1178 Unnamed Negro Farmer 2

Driving out to the Caledonia cemetery on the Monday morning in Intruder in the Dust, Chick sees only a single Negro: a man plowing one of the fields along the road, "the face black and gleam[ing] with sweat and passionate with effort, tense concentrated and composed" (145). The white boy and the black man look "eye to eye into each other's face before the Negro looks away" (145).

621 Unnamed Negro Farmer 1

In Flags in the Dust, the black man in whose barn Young Bayard spends Christmas Eve and with whose family Bayard eats on Christmas. Later that day he carries Bayard to the nearest railroad station.

3084 Unnamed Negro Farm Workers

The white man who rents the Harriss plantation in "Knight's Gambit" decides after a year to bring "his own Negro farm-hands" from Memphis to work the land (160). It seems as if they are wage laborers (who are paid by the day or month) rather than sharecroppers or tenant farmers (who are paid by a share of the crop they raise), but that is not made explicit.

3089 Unnamed Negro Farm Worker

In "Knight's Gambit" this is the "barefoot" field hand who is driving the carriage the first time Gavin Stevens sees the woman he will marry after he himself has returned from World War I (245).

1353 Unnamed Negro Family of Vicksburg Aunt

The young woman in "Delta Autumn" identifies the man in the boat that takes her to the hunting camp as her "cousin," but beyond that the story provides no details about the aunt's "family" in Vicksburg with whom she has been staying (278). (In the revised version of the story that Faulkner published in Go Down, Moses, this family is part of the extended McCaslin-Beauchamp-Edmonds family.)

620 Unnamed Negro Family 3

The family of the Negro farmer who owns the "scrub bull" in The Mansion watches Mink as he curses them out (9).

1177 Unnamed Negro Family 2

In The Town young Bayard has to swerve his car to avoid hitting this "Negro family in a wagon" (124). (In Faulkner's first account of this accident, in Flags in the Dust, Bayard swerves to avoid a white man driving a Ford.)

1379 Unnamed Negro Family 1

In The Hamlet the fancy buggy that was once used to court Eula Varner ends up as the property of "a negro farm-hand" who eventually marries and "gets a family" (165).

3501 Unnamed Negro Employees of the Holston House 2

In keeping with entrenched traditions, the Holston House in The Mansion still has "Negro man waiters," some of whom are the sons of previous generations of waiters (421), and in the ladies dressing room there is "a maid" (422).

3356 Unnamed Negro Employees of the Holston House 1

This entry represents every "porter and waiter" on the staff of the Holston Hotel in The Town; according to Ratliff, they find the older bondsman from St. Louis so charming that they hang around his door, hoping for a chance to "wait on him" (88).

2706 Unnamed Negro Elevator Operator

When Mrs. McKellogg takes the young vernacular narrator of "Two Soldiers" back to what he calls "her house" (obviously, an apartment house, 97), he notes that the "little room without nothing in it" (obviously an elevator) is operated by "a nigger dressed up in a uniform a heap shinier than them soldiers had" (obviously the operator, 97). With the exception of the narrator's reference to Negro cabins on the outskirts of Jefferson (88), the Negro employees of the apartment building provide the story's only (linguistically racist) mention of race.

1055 Unnamed Negro Driver 5

This character in The Town waits in the car at the Jefferson cemetery to drive Linda Snopes to Memphis.

1054 Unnamed Negro Driver 4

One of two Negro drivers in The Town. He drives Uncle Billy around in Jody Varner's car.

2492 Unnamed Negro Driver 3

In both the short story "Go Down, Moses" and the novel of the same name, this driver is hired by Gavin Stevens to carry Belle Worsham and Molly Beauchamp in Stevens' car from the train station to the McCaslin plantation.

619 Unnamed Negro Driver 2

This "negro in overalls" is the second driver in The Sound and the Fury: he agrees to drive Jason from Mottson back to Jefferson for four dollars (313).

618 Unnamed Negro Driver 1

The first of two unnamed Negro drivers in The Sound and the Fury. Jason pays him to bring his car to a back street in Jefferson.

2948 Unnamed Negro Domestics

The Negro servants who work for the white population of Jefferson are almost completely invisible in Intruder in the Dust. This is by their own actions: anxious about what might happen after Lucas is arrested for killing a white man, they stop going outside, even to work. But their absence provokes two descriptions of who they are, or at least what they look like, under conventional circumstances. On Sunday morning Chick imagines the "housemaids or cooks in their fresh Sunday aprons" on the porches of their employers' homes (38).

1053 Unnamed Negro Delivery Boy 3

In The Town this "delivery boy from Christian's drugstore" regularly brings "his ritual tray of four coca colas" for bank employees at the end of the business day (323). The novel does not specify his race, but typically in the Yoknapatawpha fictions delivery boys are black.

617 Unnamed Negro Delivery Boy 2

In "A Rose for Emily," this "Negro delivery boy" brings Emily the package of arsenic she purchased from the druggist (126).

1052 Unnamed Negro Delivery Boy 1

In Flags in the Dust he brings Res, Byron and the unnamed bank director the soft drinks they ordered from "a neighboring drug store" (102).

616 Unnamed Negro Customers 2

In The Mansion Mink sees "a few Negroes" shopping - "trafficking" is the word the narrative uses - in "the small dingy store" in Memphis where he buys animal crackers (319).

1051 Unnamed Negro Customers 1

In The Town, these Negroes are regular customers at Garraway's store on Seminary Hill. Gavin Stevens describes them as "loafing" (327), and he and Mr Garraway mutter so as "not to be overheard: two white men discussing in a store full of Negroes a white woman's adultery" (329).

1050 Unnamed Negro Customer 2

In The Mansion the "young Negro man" whom Mink sees inside the small store in Lake Cormorant is wearing the "remnants of an army uniform" (286). He obeys the store proprietor's command to drive Mink down the road, but at the same time subtly tries to let Mink know that the white man had cheated him.

615 Unnamed Negro Customer 1

This is the man in Sanctuary who comes to the conjure woman for one of her spells, for which she wants to charge him a dollar; he wears "a torn singlet strapped into overalls" (271).

1287 Unnamed Negro Crap Shooters

In "Pantaloon in Black" and again in Go Down, Moses, six or seven men who work with Rider - three from his timber gang and three or four from the mill crew - are shooting craps with the white night watchman's crooked dice in the tool-room at the back of the mill’s boiler shed.

1355 Unnamed Negro Cousin of Roth's Mistress

In the revised version of "Delta Autumn" that Faulkner published in Go Down, Moses, Ike McCaslin sees this "Negro man" "sitting in the stern" of the boat that brought the young woman to the camp (277). The boat is his, and he is the woman's "cousin," though unlike hers, his race is immediately apparent (278). When Ike learns that the young woman is descended from James Beauchamp, he might have realized that this cousin of hers is also a relative of his - part of the extended McCaslin-Beauchamp-Edmonds family - but that is not made explicit in the chapter.

3539 Unnamed Negro Cotton Pickers 2

This group consists of the "girls" and "young men" - "probably the neighbors swapping the work" - who are helping to pick the unnamed Negro farmer's cotton in The Mansion (438).

2555 Unnamed Negro Cotton Pickers 1

As the Sheriff and his deputies take Mink to jail in The Hamlet, they see "cotton pickers" working the fields around Whiteleaf store (283); though they are not described, it's likely that the pickers are black.

3535 Unnamed Negro Cotton Farmer

In The Mansion this cotton farmer allows Mink to work and stay the night at his place. As a Negro he expresses himself carefully when talking with the white Mink, but he clearly has doubts about the story Mink has told him about himself.

540 Unnamed Negro Cook 9

"The cook" at the Killegrews in "Shingles for the Lord" won't lend out any of Killegrew's tools (28). While neither the gender nor the race of "the cook" - as the published story refers to her twice (28) - is specified, all but one of the 'cooks' in Yoknapatawpha are women and all of them are black.

2759 Unnamed Negro Cook 8

The black woman who cooks Roth's food does not appear directly in Go Down, Moses, but he does speak to her "through the kitchen door" when he wants her to bring Lucas into the house (125).

614 Unnamed Negro Cook 7

In The Hamlet, during the two months they occupy their new house the Houstons hire a "negro woman to cook" for them (238). Besides the woman who cooks for the Varners, she is "the only other hired cook, white or black, in the country" (238).

613 Unnamed Negro Cook 6

Both The Hamlet and The Town mention the woman who cooks for the Varners. In the first novel, is mentioned as a sign of Will Varner's relative wealth. The narrator calls her the "only" servant of any sort in the whole district" (11) - though later the novel mentions two other Negro servants, a man and a woman, who work for Houston after his marriage. The Town describes the early hour at which she is forced to rise to cook Varner's breakfast for him (313).

1044 Unnamed Negro Cook 5

Nothing is known about the cook in The Unvanquished whom Ringo "flings aside" when he enters the Wilkins house to tell Bayard that John Sartoris is dead, but it can safely be inferred that she is both female and black (212).

612 Unnamed Negro Cook 4

In "Monk" Warden Gambrell has an unnamed Negro cook who works in his house as a trusty; when the warden's pistol goes missing, he has the cook "severely beaten" on the assumption that he stole it (53). Historically, there were female prisoners at Parchman's, but in this story it seems more likely Faulkner is thinking of the cook as male.

1375 Unnamed Negro Cook 3

The second of the Negroes whom Hightower hires to cook for him is a man. Although there are white households with only one servant in the fictions, where the servant is a male, this is the only instance in the fictions when a male servant is specifically identified as a domestic cook. It is the result of an exceptional circumstance. After Hightower's wife commits suicide, "masked men" scare off the light-skinned Negro woman who cooks for him (71).

1374 Unnamed Negro Cook 2

The first of the two Negroes who cook for Hightower in Light in August is a woman who is described as a "high brown" (72). She quits after Mrs. Hightower's suicide, when her presence as a woman in his house makes her and Reverend Hightower vulnerable to gossip and vigilante violence (72).

3746 Unnamed Negro Cook 14

The cook at the Parsham hotel is described in The Reivers as "a tremendous Negro woman" (199).

1048 Unnamed Negro Cook 13

In The Mansion one of the two black servants who work for Flem in his mansion is referred to as the "Negro cook" (172). She is referred to by several characters and the narrator, and she passes close to Mink in the dark as she leaves the mansion to go home, but she is never described.

1047 Unnamed Negro Cook 12

In The Mansion Houston hires this woman "to cook" for him after his wife is killed (11), so presumably she is not the same cook as the one mentioned in The Hamlet, who cooks for Mr. and Mrs. Houston during the first two months of their marriage.

1049 Unnamed Negro Cook 11

In The Town this cook lives and works in Manfred de Spain's "late father's big wooden house" (14).

1046 Unnamed Negro Cook 10

In Intruder in the Dust Gavin Stevens describes seeing "[Sheriff] Hampton's cook" sitting in his kitchen eating greens with Lucas Beauchamp (219). Gavin does not describe the cook at all, but it seems safe to assume that she is a Negro woman; for one reason, all but one of the cooks in the Yoknapatawpha fiction are, and for another, she is eating at the same table as Lucas. Earlier Gavin calls her "a hired town cook," who gets to the Sheriff's house "at a decent hour about eight" (106).

1045 Unnamed Negro Cook 1

This is the older of the two Negroes who work in Rogers' restaurant in Flags in the Dust. The narrative does not explicitly call him the cook, but since it describes the cooking that is going on and identifies the "younger of the two," Houston, as the waiter, it seems safe to assume this older Negro is the cook.

1176 Unnamed Negro Congregation 2

Light in August does not make clear how many people are in the "negro church" that Christmas enters during his flight across the county, but "the congregation" includes the women who "shriek" at his abrupt entrance (one of whom identifies him as "the devil!" 322), the "deacons" who go up to him and try to talk with him (323), and the "men" who, believing that Christmas is white, hold back Pappy Thompson's grandson Roz to keep him from attacking Christmas after he has struck the seventy-year-old man down (323).

611 Unnamed Negro Congregation 1

In The Sound and the Fury Dilsey, Frony, Luster, and Benjy walk to church past fellow churchgoers: "They emerged from the cabins and struggled up the shaling levee to the road - men in staid, hard brown or black, with gold watch chains and now and then a stick; young men in cheap violent blues or stripes and swaggering hats; women a little stiffly sibilant, and children in garments bought second hand of white people" (291).

2608 Unnamed Negro Companion

This young black was Hoake McCarron's sole companion growing up. Many of Faulkner's wealthier white men had Negro companions and personal servants as boys; the way this kind of relationship plays out in The Hamlet is atypical, to say the least. When the boys are 6-8 years old, Hoake "conquers the negro with his fists in a fair fight" (150). Later he "pays the negro" at a fixed rate "for the privilege of whipping [him] . . . with a miniature riding crop" (151).

2142 Unnamed Negro College Teachers and Students

In Light in August Joanna Burden leaves Jefferson several times a year, for "three and four days," during which she visits the various "negro schools and colleges through the south" that she supports (233). There she meets with "the teachers and the students" (234).

2946 Unnamed Negro Clients of Mrs. Down

In Intruder in the Dust a steady stream of Negroes goes in and out of the house of the fortune-teller Mrs. Downs "all day long and without doubt most of the night" (69).

3745 Unnamed Negro Churchmember 4

According to Ned in The Reivers, the "hollow" where they "stable" Lightning before and between races is on land "that belongs to one of Possum's [Parsham's] church members" (217).

1578 Unnamed Negro Churchmember 3

One of the six members of the Second Baptist Church who call at the Sartoris plantation in Flags in the Dust seeking restitution of the $67.40 that Simon has embezzled from the building fund.

1577 Unnamed Negro Churchmember 2

One of the six members of the Second Baptist Church in Flags in the Dust who call at the Sartoris plantation seeking restitution of the $67.40 that Simon has embezzled from the building fund.

1576 Unnamed Negro Churchmember 1

One of the six members of the Second Baptist Church who call at the Sartoris plantation in Flags in the Dust seeking restitution of the $67.40 that Simon has embezzled from the building fund.

1717 Unnamed Negro Church Procession

The procession at the Negro church in Jefferson in The Sound and the Fury consists of "six small children: four girls with tight pigtails bound with small scraps of cloth like butterflies, and two boys with close napped heads" (292). At the start of the service on Easter Sunday, the children "entered and marched up the aisle, strung together in a harness of white ribbons and flowers" (292). Later they sing with the choir "in thin, frightened, tuneless whispers" (293).

1716 Unnamed Negro Choir

In The Sound and the Fury the choir at the black church in Jefferson begins the Easter service with song.

1174 Unnamed Negro Children 4

The Negro children in Yoknapatawpha remain out of sight in Intruder in the Dust along with their parents, but Chick pictures them where they "should have been" on a Monday morning in the county: "in the dust of the grassless treeless yards halfnaked children should have been crawling and scrabbling after broken cultivator wheels and wornout automobile tires and empty snuff-bottles and tin cans" (143).

2202 Unnamed Negro Children 3

These "two negro children" who approach Joe Christmas near the end of his flight across Yoknapatawpha in Light in August "look at him with white-rolling eyes" when he asks what day it is; when he tells them to "go on," he stares at the spot "where they had stood" as they run away (336). The narrative does not say if they are male, female or one of each.

610 Unnamed Negro Children 2

"Red Leaves" refers to the children of the slaves as "pickaninnies" twice: first when the servant sees them in the quarters, "naked in the dust" (328), and at the end, when he imagines the quarters and "the pickaninnies like ebony toys in the dust" (340).

1175 Unnamed Negro Children 1

While their mothers are washing clothes in the branch, these "chillen," as Luster calls them in The Sound and the Fury, are playing in the water (14).

2141 Unnamed Negro Child 4

The posse chasing Christmas in Light in August finds this child, "stark naked" and "sitting in the cold ashes on the hearth" beside his mother, when they kick open the door to her cabin (329). There is no indication of the child's gender.

1575 Unnamed Negro Child 3

The youngest of the three children of the black sharecroppers in Flags in the Dust who let Young Bayard sleep in their barn and share their Christmas dinner; "too small to walk . . . it crawl[s] about the floor in a sort of intense purposelessness" (364).

1574 Unnamed Negro Child 2

The middle child in the family of black sharecroppers in Flags in the Dust who let Young Bayard sleep in their barn and share their Christmas dinner; of the gender of this child the narrative says only, and strangely, "The second one might have been either or anything" (364).

1573 Unnamed Negro Child 1

In Flags in the Dust this is the "small negro child clutching a stick of striped candy" that Bayard has to jump the stallion over as it bolts away from the livery stable (129-30).

1171 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 7

The black man who works for Colonel Linscomb as both "chauffeur" (269) and "houseman" (277) in The Reivers is also McWillie's father.

1173 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 6

In The Mansion, Ratliff notes that as the "new third president" of the bank Flem Snopes acquires "a black automobile" (though not a Packard) and "a Negro too" - though unlike the Negro who drove De Spain, Flem's driver "never had no white coat and showfer's cap" (174).

1172 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 5

As Ratliff puts it in The Mansion, the "Negro" whom Manfred de Spain hires to drive him as President of the bank wears a "white coat and a showfer's cap" (174).

1169 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 4

In Requiem for a Nun this chauffeur works for the madam of the Memphis bordello where Popeye puts Temple, and occasionally drives her and the "madam" around the city "in a closed car the size of an undertaker's wagon" (113).

609 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 3

The Harriss' chauffeur in "Knight's Gambit" is described as "a strange Negro in a uniform who did nothing but drive and wash and polish" the automobile (158). "Strange" in this context means 'not native to Yoknapatawpha.'

1170 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 2

In Sanctuary this driver gives Popeye's grandmother "half a dollar" after he interprets her demand for it as a new system for paying for groceries (306).

1168 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 1

The Negro chauffeur in Flags in the Dust who offers to fetch Miss Jenny's driver Simon from the kitchen at the Mitchell house is "clad in army o.d. and a pair of linoleum putties" (30). ("O.d." is a military way of saying 'olive drab.')
