Character Keys

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3772 Unnamed Spanish Loyalists

In The Mansion Linda and Kohl fight alongside the "Loyalists" in the Spanish Civil War. The Loyalists included many volunteers from other countries as well as Spanish men and women, fighting for the Republic against Francisco Franco and his fascist supporters.

3198 Unnamed Spanish-American War Soldiers

Describing the unveiling of Jefferson's Confederate monument in 1900, Requiem for a Nun notes that "sons" of the "old men in gray" who attend the ceremony "had already died in blue coats in Cuba" - i.e. were young men from Yoknapatawpha who died serving in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War (189).

2047 Unnamed Spectators at Air Show

The people in the "good crowd" (198) watching the barnstorming show in "Death Drag" react variously to what happens, especially at its aborted climax: some express disbelief and shock; some of the women faint. Children are also present, and there's a mix of town and country people. One "countrywoman" is repeatedly and vocally skeptical about the authenticity of the show: "You can't tell me" this or that, she says, but is last heard demanding to be taken "right home this minute" when the show's final stunt goes wrong (199-200).

674 Unnamed Spectators at First Trial

In attendance at Ab Snopes' trial for burning a barn are a group of men from the neighborhood. The narrative only describes them (three times in two pages) as a set of "grim faces," but their hostility to Snopes is unmistakable (4-5).

2784 Unnamed Spectators at Indian Mound

In Go Down, Moses these "men women and children come at some time during the day and look quietly on" as the archaeologists investigate the Indian mound (37).

675 Unnamed Spectators at Second Trial

As at Ab Snopes' first (criminal) trial, at the second (civil) trial in "Barn Burning," in a second country store, there is again a crowd of men in attendance. Their faces this time are described as "quiet, watching" (17).

1455 Unnamed Spectators at Train Race

These are the various "watchers - the black and the white, the old men, the children, the women who would not know for months yet if they were widows or childless or not" (96) - who assemble near Hawkhurst to witness the contest between a Confederate and a Union locomotive described by Drusilla Hawk. Drusilla implies that many of these spectators were part of a "grapevine" of oppressed and deprived people who knew of the raid before it happened (97).

1903 Unnamed Spectators in Courtroom 1

Sanctuary describes the people who watch Lee Goodwin's trial from Horace's perspective as he enters the courtroom. From this point of view they are a collection of "heads": "bald heads, gray heads, shaggy heads and heads trimmed to recent feather-edge above sun-baked necks, oiled heads above urban collars and here and there a sunbonnet or a flowered hat" (281). The details suggest that the crowd is mostly male, but drawn from almost all the local social classes. There is, however, no suggestion that any of these people aren't white.

2464 Unnamed Spectators in Courtroom 2

"The justice's court" in which Charles E. S-V. Bon is arraigned in Absalom! is described as "crowded" (163); "every face in the room" looks at the prisoner at the moment when the justice himself asks him "What are you?" (165).

3306 Unnamed Spectators in Courtroom 3

A large crowd comes to watch Mink Snopes' trial for murder in The Town; people are "still crowding in long after they had run out of anything to set on" (86).

3508 Unnamed Spies 1

In The Mansion Ratliff speculates that Flem has "spies" that watch Montgomery Ward's business. He imagines them as children, moreover, "since any little child hired with a ice cream cone" would suit Flem's needs (62).

3509 Unnamed Spies 2

According to Gavin's musings in The Mansion, Jason's behavior might make one "almost believe" that he had spies in both "the Japanese Diet" and "the U.S. Cabinet too," as he seems to have advance knowledge of the coming war and the air training field that would be built in Jefferson (356). ("Diet" in this context is the name of the legislative branch of the Japanese government.)

2960 Unnamed Spinster

This "old lady, dead now" is called a "spinster" by the narrator of Intruder in the Dust. She was "a neighbor" of Chick Mallison, who baked treats for "all the children on the street" and taught them to play a card game that she made sure she won (58).

3760 Unnamed Spinster Aunts

In an aside in The Reivers to his grandson about "that Cause" - i.e. the Civil War - Lucius refers to "your spinster aunts," and differentiates his idea about the War from theirs (228). Elsewhere in the Yoknapatawpha fictions, such women are identified with a refusal to surrender the 'Lost Cause,' to admit either defeat or the flaws of the Old South, but what these aunts stand for here is not clear.

2798 Unnamed Spinster Aunts and Uncles

In his conversation with Cass about human, and specifically Southern history in Go Down, Moses, Ike generalizes about a number of different kinds of people who, according to him, brought about the Civil War. This entry refers to what he calls "the Boston-bred (even when not born in Boston) spinster descendants of long lines of similarly-bred and likewise spinster aunts and uncles whose hands knew no callus except that of the indicting pen" - by which he means northern abolitionist writers (273).

1607 Unnamed Spirits of the Old South

These 'characters' are the ghostly presences that, according to the narrator of Flags in the Dust, still haunt the darkened and seldom-used parlor at the Sartoris plantation house: "figures in crinoline and hooped muslin and silk," and "in gray too, with crimson sashes and sabres" (56). They seem to be conjured up by Narcissa Benbow's piano playing.

1688 Unnamed Squad of Soldiers

In one of the fantasies he has while driving to Mottson Jason in The Sound and the Fury imagines leading "a file of soldiers" to capture the sheriff who would not help him (306). While Jason's grandfather was a General in the Confederate Army, he himself never led troops, or served in any army.

2196 Unnamed Staff of Little Rock Orphanage

In Light in August the staff at the orphanage in Little Rock call the police when Doc Hines tries to have Joe admitted.

1347 Unnamed State Agents

Very little can be said definitively about the two men in As I Lay Dying who apprehend Darl (which help from Jewel and Dewey Dell) and then, the next morning, take him in custody on the train to the state mental hospital in Jackson. Though they never speak, they are presumably state employees. They both carry guns, and have new, crisp haircuts.

1608 Unnamed Station Agent 1

In Flags in the Dust, he greets Horace Benbow warmly upon his return to Jefferson from World War I.

2197 Unnamed Station Agent 2

In Light in August the railroad agent in Mottstown tries to talk Mrs. Hines into renting a car rather than waiting for the "two oclock in the morning" train to Jefferson (360).

3309 Unnamed Station Agent 3

In The Town Ratliff claims it was "the depot agent" who sent I.O. Snopes a printed train schedule - though he may have done that himself. (In "Mule in the Yard" the local man who sends I.O. the schedule is identified as the "town wag.") It is definitely an agent at the station, and so presumably the same man, who takes Flem Snopes' payment for freight charges on Eula's medallion.

3199 Unnamed Steamboat Captain

The history of Jackson in Requiem for a Nun includes a mention of "the captain" of a riverboat who puts a "gambler" off his ship (83). Steamboats began traveling on the Mississippi River and its tributaries around 1811.

2465 Unnamed Steamboat Passengers

Absalom!'s third-person narrator identifies the passengers who travel on the Mississippi riverboats as "gamblers and cotton- and slavedealers" (26). Rosa refers to them as "drunken fools covered with diamonds and bent on throwing away their cotton and slaves before the boat reached New Orleans" (11).

254 Unnamed Step-Father of Had-Two-Fathers

In both the 1940 magazine version of "The Old People" and the revised version of it that Faulkner published in Go Down, Moses, the step-father of Had-Two-Fathers is "one of the slaves which [Doom] inherited" from Moketubbe (the story, 203). After impregnating a slave woman from New Orleans, Doom "pronounces a marriage" between her and "one of the slave men he has just inherited" upon becoming "The Man" (the novel, 158). But this man's place on the family tree is ambiguous.

2149 Unnamed Stillborn Negro Baby

Light in August does not identify the sex of the baby that Hightower delivers in the cabin behind his house, saying only that "it was already dead" before it was born (74).

3171 Unnamed Stonemasons 1

In Requiem for a Nun the "masons who erect" the Confederate statue in Courthouse Square are mentioned, but not described (189). They should not be confused with the "Masons" - the members of the secret society who are mentioned in The Town.

3284 Unnamed Stonemasons 2

In The Town Gavin hires these "masons" to attach the medallion of Eula to her tombstone (370). These artisans should not be confused with the "Masons" - the members of the fraternal society who are also mentioned in the novel.

1905 Unnamed Store Clerks

In Sanctuary, in order to try to find out where Narcissa went after he sees her in "disappear into a door" in town, Horace asks all the clerks "within the radius of where she must have turned" if they've seen her (261).

2198 Unnamed Store Proprietor 1

The man who owns the "odorous and cluttered store" where Hightower shops in Light in August claims to have known "all the time" that Joe Christmas "wasn't a white man" (308) - but he does not say how he knew.

2199 Unnamed Store Proprietor 2

"The proprietor" of the "small tight neatly-cluttered store" where Mink buys his first food after leaving prison in The Mansion takes advantage of Mink's ignorance about prices (286-86).

2200 Unnamed Stranger 1

This "stranger" in Light in August is a hypothetical figure, offered by the narrator as an example of the type of person who might pay attention to the sign in front of Hightower's house, which over the years the townspeople have come to ignore, and then mention it to "some acquaintance in the town" (59).

2201 Unnamed Stranger 2

Over the course of several pages in one of the chapters he narrates in The Mansion, Ratliff imagines how the unconventionally triangular relationship among Charles Mallison as an adolescent, Gavin Stevens and Linda Snopes might look to "a stranger that never happened to be living in Jefferson or Yoknapatawpha County ten or twelve years ago" (123).

2961 Unnamed Strangers

In the last chapter of Intruder in the Dust we learn that "for weeks" after the story ends, these "strangers" would ask the people of Yoknapatawpha how a man in jail could get hold of a gun to shoot himself with (232). Apparently they don't have any other questions about what has happened in the novel.

2466 Unnamed Strangers Passing through Yoknapatawpha

During the last winter of the Civil War, Rosa says in Absalom!, "stragglers" frequently passed by the Sutpen plantation where she, Judith and Clytemnestra lived. Some she says were "tramps, ruffians," but others were "soldiers beginning to come back" from the war, "men who had risked and lost everything" (126). Right after the passage mentions the "wife or mistress" of such men "who in [their] absence has been raped," Rosa adds: "We were afraid," but "we fed them" (126).

3761 Unnamed Streetcar Conductor

In The Reivers the "street car" conductor the travelers see as they enter Memphis is turning the "front trolley" around at the end of the line with the help of the motorman (93).

3762 Unnamed Streetcar Motorman

In The Reivers the motorman the travelers see as they enter Memphis is turning the "front trolley" around at the end of the line with the help of the conductor (93).

1802 Unnamed Student Barber

This fellow student at the barber school with Fonzo and Virgil is presumably the person in Sanctuary who, twelve days after they have started sleeping at Miss Reba's, tells Fonzo about the existence in Memphis of a house of prostitution. At any rate, he accompanies them to "that house" after Fonzo convinces Virgil to go (196).

2633 Unnamed Student in Frenchman's Bend

In The Hamlet this Frenchman's Bend boy chants a "playground doggerel" insult at Jack Houston (230).

2634 Unnamed Students in Frenchman's Bend

This entry represents the children of Frenchman's Bend in The Hamlet who attend the local school at various times, from Reconstruction to the novel's present day. According to the narrator, these boys and girls walk "back and forth in all weathers" (108) to the community schoolhouse. Many of these schoolchildren have no use for the institution at all, especially for their alcoholic professor. When Labove takes over the school, he instills discipline among the students and has a number of the "older boys" (124) build a basketball court.

1970 Unnamed Subadar

At the time of the story, 'subadar' was a rank roughly equivalent to captain, given to Indian nationals who led Indian troops as part of the British armed forces. The subadar in "Ad Astra" identifies himself as a "prince" in India, "my country" (408). Before the War, Bland saw him deliver a speech in Oxford, England, a time when the subadar himself says "I was a white man also for that moment" (409). In France he is attached to a battalion of Indian soldiers who serve the British military, probably by relaying British orders to them.

3791 Unnamed Suitor of Eula Varner

In The Mansion V.K. Ratliff refers to "some foreigner from four or six miles away" from Frenchman's Bend who tried to court Eula Varner, but was "bushwhacked" by the local young men who put aside their rivalry long enough to drive away this outsider (131-32). Ratliff may be citing a specific case, or something that has happened more than once before McCarron - another outsider - comes courting.

2273 Unnamed Suitors of Elly

In "Elly" the various men whom the title character kisses in the shadows on her veranda are described as "youths and young men of the town at first, but later . . . almost anyone, any transient in the small town whom she met by either convention or by chance, provided his appearance was decent" (208).

1993 Unnamed Suitors of Eula Varner

The young men of Frenchman's Bend who "swarm around Eula like bees around a honey pot" (166) appear in four different texts, beginning with "Spotted Horses," the text in which that quotation occurs. Their role in The Hamlet is the largest of the four. They court her for several years, "week and week and Sunday and Sunday" (148), during which time they are jealous rivals of each other until an outsider, an itinerant salesman, appears, and then they band together to drive him away.

3379 Unnamed Suitors of Linda Snopes

These are the "young men" in The Town who do or someday might court Linda Snopes (297). They exist both in fact - "half the football and baseball teams escort her home from school in the afternoon and squire her in gangs to the picture show during her junior and senior high school years" (299) - and in Flem's mind, as the threat to his control over his daughter and her potential inheritance.

1906 Unnamed Suitors of Little Belle

In Sanctuary Horace refers to the various young men who have been calling on his step-daughter Little Belle as "Louis or Paul or Whoever" (13). Horace seems to believe there have been many such suitors, "alert and a little impatient," sharing the hammock in the grape arbor with her in ways he finds very disconcerting (13-14), but Horace's ideas about Belle's sexuality are hardly reliable.

3596 Unnamed Supplier

In The Mansion this man provides "the beer and the laundry" for Miss Reba's brothel, but continuously tries to cheat her (81).

2799 Unnamed Swamper Who Shoots at Old Ben

In Go Down, Moses this "swamper" is described as having "a gaunt face, the small black orifice of his yelling studded with rotten teeth" (226).

3799 Unnamed Swiss

Gavin Stevens mentions "the Swiss" in passing during his lengthy monologue about race in Chapter 7 of Intruder in the Dust: after telling his nephew that the white South, "alone in the United States," is "a homogeneous people," he compares them to the "the Swiss" - they too are homogeneous, but there are not "enough" of them to matter, adding that they "are not a people so much as a neat clean quite solvent business" (150).

1812 Unnamed Taxi Driver 1

In Sanctuary this cab driver outside Miss Reba's slows down to see if Temple is looking for a ride.

1825 Unnamed Taxi Driver 2

Sanctuary provides the "old" Kinston man who drives Horace home from the train with a fairly intricate story. "In the old days" he was at the head of local society, "a planter, a landholder, son of one of the first settlers." But when the town "boomed" into sudden prosperity, he lost his property "through greed and gullibility" and for the last several decades has made a living as a taxi driver. With his "gray moustache with waxed ends" and his "suit of grey striped with red," however, he still gives off an air of gentility (297-98).

1826 Unnamed Taxi Driver 3

The taxi driver in "Death Drag" unsuccessfully tries to get Ginsfarb to tell him who jumps off the airplane in the barnstorming show.

3637 Unnamed Taxi Drivers in Memphis

In "Knight's Gambit" Gavin Stevens learns that Max Harriss is "well known" to the "taxi-drivers" in the area of Memphis around the Greenbury Hotel (208).

3597 Unnamed Teenage Girls

There are a "considerable" number of "fourteen- and fifteen-year-old girls" in The Mansion who admire Skeets Magowan as he makes sodas at the drugstore (208).

933 Unnamed Telegram Delivery Boy 1

In The Sound and the Fury this telegram delivery boy brings Jason news of about his investment on the commodities market.

483 Unnamed Telegram Delivery Boy 2

In Light in August Percy Grimm commandeers the bicycle of a "hulking youth in the uniform of the Western Union" (459).

3099 Unnamed Telegram Delivery Boy 3

This "boy" delivers Markey's telegram to Gavin Stevens in "Knight's Gambit" (208). Most delivery boys and men in the fictions are black, which would give additional possible meaning to the term "boy," but since Faulkner does not specify this character's race - and based on the character who delivers telegrams to Jason Compson in The Sound and the Fury - we assume this one is white.

3510 Unnamed Telegram Delivery Boy 4

Ratliff speculates in The Mansion that Stevens sits around and waits for this imagined telegraph boy to bring him news of Linda Snopes.

1609 Unnamed Telegraph Operator 1

This is the diffident "young man" (according to Miss Jenny, at least) works as the Jefferson telegraph operator in Flags in the Dust (392). Because he knows, as Jenny does not, that Bayard has died, he doesn't know what to do after she hands him a telegram to send to Bayard.

1610 Unnamed Telegraph Operator 2

Jefferson's telegraph operator in The Sound and the Fury not only dispenses telegrams but provides updates on the cotton market. Jason Compson berates him several times for not providing him with information quickly enough - though of course it is Jason's fault.

1910 Unnamed Telegraph Operator 3

In The Mansion the night telegraph operator lets Mink sleep in the station's waiting room.

1911 Unnamed Telegraph Operator 4

One of the two judges at the horse race in The Reivers is named "Ed" (260). We are assuming he is the judge who is first referred to only as "the night telegraph operator at the depot" (229), but it's just as possible that the first name of Mr. McDiarmid, the other judge, is Ed.

1907 Unnamed Telephone Operator 1

This telephone operator is heard in Sanctuary as "a detached Delsarte-ish voice" that informs Horace his call to Miss Reba has ended (268). (Francois Delsarte was a Frenchman whose instructions for proper pronunciation became famous at the end of the 19th century.)

1908 Unnamed Telephone Operator 2

One of the three people in Alabama who testify against Popeye at his trial for a murder he did not commit in Sanctuary is "a telephone girl" (311). We learn nothing about her or her testimony, or whether she is sincerely mistaken.

1909 Unnamed Telephone Operator 3

The central office telephone operator - hence called "Central" in The Mansion, at one time a familiar way of referring to telephone operators (413) - who connects Ratliff's long-distance call from Parchman to Gavin Stevens in Jefferson.

1912 Unnamed Temporary Deputies

In Sanctuary there are "two temporary deputies" at the "entrance to the square" just before Lee is lynched, but although the implication is that they have been deputized to help keep order, they are nowhere to be seen when the lynching occurs (293).

2884 Unnamed Ten-Year-Old Chickasaw Boy

In "A Courtship," before Ikkemotubbe and David Hogganbeck's eating contest begins, this "ten-year-old boy" runs around the race-track once, to give the contestants a chance to recover their breath (372).

3381 Unnamed Tenant Farmer

In his reconstruction of Flem moving his money to the Bank of Jefferson in The Town, Gavin imagines him being "stopped on the street one day" by this share cropper, "one still in the overalls and the tieless shirt . . . attached irrevocably by the lean umbilicus of bare livelihood . . . to the worn-out tenant farm" (281). He looks at Flem "with envy and respect (ay, and hatred too)" for having "wrenched himself free" of "the overalls and the grinding landlord" that define the costume and the world of a tenant farmer.

2083 Unnamed Tenant Farmers 1

In "Smoke," Old Anse is known to be "a ruthless man" in part because of the "tales told about him by both white and negro tenants" (3). These "tenants" are share-croppers who farm parcels of land on the Mardis-Holland property for a portion of the money when the crop is sold.

1316 Unnamed Tenant Farmers 2

The crowd outside the courthouse in "A Point of Law" includes "other tenants" from the McCaslin-Edmonds place (221). When Faulkner included this scene in Go Down, Moses, he revised the description to read "other people" rather than "tenants" (69). In both texts these poor Negroes are contrasted with the powerful white men on the scene.

1077 Unnamed Tenant Farmers 3

After the Civil War slave labor on Yoknapatawpha's large plantations was often replaced by tenant labor. Two generations of sharecroppers are mentioned in Requiem for a Nun: the "men and women, Negro and white both, who were born to and who passed all their lives in denim overalls and calico," and their "sons and daughters," who wear "the installment-plan garments" advertised in national magazines (192). According to the novel's exaggerated account, the first group, "an entire generation of farmers," has vanished (193).

1078 Unnamed Tenant Farmers 4

in The Town the class of "nameless tenants and croppers" is referred to by Gavin Stevens in his account of Flem Snopes' desire to undermine Manfred de Spain. Although the context is a long way from their actual lives, these people who farm land they do not own are described as "unfutured, barely-solvent one-bale tenant farmers [who] pervaded, covered thinly the whole county and on [whom] in fact the entire cotton economy of the county was founded and supported" (293).

2647 Unnamed Tenant of Will Varner

Many if not most of the farmers in Frenchman's Bend are tenants of Will Varner, working land he owns as sharecroppers. This particular cropper only appears in The Hamlet in the phrase describing the woman with whom Will Varner is having an affair as the "wife of one of his own tenants" (156).

2963 Unnamed Tennessee Police

The "Tennessee police" who close Jake Montgomery's roadhouse and "run him back across the Mississippi line" in Intruder in the Dust are presumably state police officers (113).

2822 Unnamed Tennessee Unionists

Describing his family history in "My Grandmother Millard," Philip Backhouse refers to the group that prevented his uncle from being elected Governor of Tennessee as "a corrupt and traitorous cabal of tavern-keepers and Republican Abolitionists" (682). Although Tennessee did secede from the Union and join the Confederacy (the last state to do so), it was deeply divided between secessionists and Unionists.

2203 Unnamed Texans

One of Nathaniel Burden's adventures in the West in Light in August involves "some folks" in Texas who have a "deputy treed in a dance hall" (247).

2204 Unnamed Texas Deputy

This lawman appears in the account of Nathaniel Burden's adventures on the frontier before the Civil War in Light in August. Some men have him "treed in a dance hall" in Texas (247).

1611 Unnamed Texas Journalist

As part of the biographical sketch in Flags in the Dust of the "son of a carpenter" whom Belle Mitchell "makes a poet" (181), we learn that he got his job "on a Texas newspaper" when the "besotted young man" who held the position resigned it to "enlist in the Marine Corps early in '17" - i.e. 1917, when the U.S. entered the First World War (182).

2347 Unnamed Texas Millionaire

All the narrator of "Uncle Willy" says about the Texan whom Willy's sister married is that he is "an oil millionaire" (225).

2205 Unnamed Texas Rangers

One of Nathaniel Burden's adventures in the West in Light in August involves "helping some Rangers" clean up "some kind of a mess" with "some folks" and a deputy who is "treed in a dance hall" (247). The law enforcement group commonly referred to as the "Texas Rangers" has been in existence since well before Texas became a state in 1845.

2067 Unnamed Third Goat Owner

Suratt does not bother going to see the third man who he heard owns goats, because he assumes this man too - whom "Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard" calls "the other goat owner" - has already sold his goats to Flem Snopes as well (140).

3059 Unnamed Third Man

In Light in August, when Sheriff Kennedy and Deputy Buford go into the cabin at the Burden place to interrogate the black man that Buford and "two or three others" have seized (291), this "third man" is there too (293). The interrogation consists mainly of Buford whipping the Negro until he tells Kennedy what he wanted to know: who had been living there before.

1464 Unnamed Third Partner in Railroad

In The Unvanquished just enough is said about the third partner in the railroad owned by John Sartoris and Ben Redmond to make him mysterious: "he and his name both had vanished," Bayard says, "in the fury of the conflict" between the other two partners (224).

3598 Unnamed Threatened Judge

This figure in The Mansion is a hypothetical character, the stereotypical 'judge' whom condemned men threaten to take revenge against.

3599 Unnamed Threatened Prosecutor

This figure in The Mansion is a hypothetical character: the stereotypical prosecuting attorney whom a convicted criminal is going to get even with whenever he's released from prison.

3600 Unnamed Threatened Witness

This hypothetical character in The Mansion is the stereotypical witness who testified against a criminal who was convicted - and who that criminal is going to get even with at some point.

3200 Unnamed Three Frenchmen

One of the "three Frenchmen" mentioned in Requiem for a Nun traveling down the Mississippi River in "a Chippeway canoe" is almost certainly René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, the 17th-century French explorer credited with discovering the river and claiming it and all the territory it drained for France (81). But it's not clear why Faulkner associates him specifically with two other Frenchmen. The actual party of Frenchmen and French-Canadians who, along with a group of Canadian Indians, traveled downriver to the Gulf of Mexico in 1682-1683 was much larger.

1342 Unnamed Three Negroes 1

As the Bundrens enter Jefferson from the south in As I Lay Dying, they pass "negro cabins" along the road (229). As the wagon passes a group of "three negroes" walking on the road, they react with "that expression of shock and instinctive outrage" that has accompanied the Bundrens along their route (229). When one of the men in this group exclaims "Great God . . . what they got in that wagon?" Jewel is incensed (229).

1343 Unnamed Three Negroes 2

In Go Down, Moses, these three men help Tennie's Jim hold the "Texas paint pony" still for Ike and Boon (220).

2871 Unnamed Three Northern Men

In "An Error in Chemistry" these three men from an unidentified place in the North want to buy Wesley Pritchel's farm in order to use the clay from the clay-pit to "manufacture some kind of road material" (119).

2711 Unnamed Ticket Seller 1

In "Two Soldiers" the ticket salesman in the Jefferson bus depot gives the Grier boy "a ticket out of my own pocket," considering the gesture something of a civic matter (92). He seems understandably anxious to get rid of the boy, who pulls a knife on him earlier. The boy notes that "he could move quicker than any grown man I ever see" (90).

3601 Unnamed Ticket Seller 2

The man who sells tickets to the movie at Jefferson's Airdome in The Mansion appears only as "a voice" that speaks to Mink "from the ticket window" (37).

3776 Unnamed Tidewater Planter

In Absalom!, after moving to Virginia Sutpen's father works for this planter, whom the "thirteen or fourteen"-year-old Thomas (185) thinks of as "the man who owned all the land and the niggers and apparently the white men who superintended the work" on the plantation (184). Thomas spies on him as he spends his afternoons lying in a hammock being waiting on by a slave. Later Thomas will re-enact this scene in the arbor in Yoknapatawpha with Wash Jones as his servant.

2475 Unnamed Tidewater Planters

According to Absalom!, in the Tidewater area of Virginia these "certain few men" own the fields and the slaves who work in them, and hire the overseers who watch the slaves; they "have the power of life and death and barter and sale over others" (179).

3764 Unnamed Tinsmith

Grandfather Priest hires this tinsmith in The Reivers to make both a toolbox and a "smell-tight" gasoline can for his new automobile (65).

3765 Unnamed Tipster

This is the "man on the streetcar" in The Reivers who gives Mr. Binford the (bad) tip about "which horse and buggy" to bet on at the race track (108).

3365 Unnamed Tourists from the North

In The Town these undescribed Northern tourists admire Jefferson's Episcopal church and photograph it. Charles wonders at their attitude toward the church, "since they themselves had burned it and blown it up with dynamite in 1863" (321). As a Southerner, he's using a generic idea of 'Yankees' - whether Union troops in the Civil War or Northern tourists in the mid-20th century.

1741 Unnamed Town "Squirt"

In one of his memories in The Sound and the Fury Quentin berates Caddy for "letting it be some darn town squirt" who kissed her (134). A "town squirt" is presumably a young man from a lower class than the Compsons - that same implication is there in Quentin's reference to "the town squirts that Father was always teasing her about" (174) - but it's not clear if Quentin is thinking of any one particular boy here, or remembering one particular event.

1789 Unnamed Town Boy 1

In Sanctuary only one of the three town boys - young men from Oxford instead of the university - who spend time with Gowan is named. This entry represents the one whom the narrative refers to as "the first," because he speaks first. He wants to know who "that son bitch" driving Temple away from the dance is (30). We hear the class resentments in that voice he tells his friend Doc things like "you're not good enough to go to a college dance" (30).

1790 Unnamed Town Boy 2

In Sanctuary only one of the three town boys - young men from Oxford instead of the university - who spend time with Gowan is named. This entry represents the one whom the narrative refers to as "the third" (30). Of the three, he seems the least affected either by all they drink or by the way Gowan boasts about his status as a "gentleman" (34).
