Character Keys

Displaying 1801 - 1900 of 3748

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Code titlesort descending biography
2923 Unnamed Father of Jake Montgomery

According to Sheriff Hampton in Intruder in the Dust, Jake Montgomery's "pa" owns a "farm over beyond Glasgow" (113).

2924 Unnamed Father of Joe

The father of the "boy" who goes rabbit hunting with Chick and Aleck in Intruder in the Dust is "one of Edmonds' tenants," i.e. a share cropper on the Edmonds plantation (4).

3015 Unnamed Father of Joe Christmas

Joe's biological father in Light in August is called "a fellow with the circus" who tries to ride off with Milly Hines on a dark rainy night, but is shot and killed by Milly's father (374). He and Milly are together long enough for her to get pregnant. His legacy to his son, who is given the name Joe Christmas in the Memphis orphanage, is the mystery of his own racial identity. Doc Hines is convinced he is a Negro, i.e. in the racist world of segregation, has "nigger blood" (374). Milly apparently tries to tell her parents "the man is a Mexican" (374).

68 Unnamed Father of Luster

In The Sound and the Fury Dilsey refers to someone she calls "pappy" when she threatens Luster: "You just wait till your pappy come home" (59). This is the novel's only reference to the man who is Luster's father. In the account of the Compsons and the Gibsons that Faulkner wrote 16 years after The Sound and the Fury was published - familiarly known as "Appendix Compson" - Faulkner says that Frony "married a pullman porter and went to St Louis to live" (343).

1349 Unnamed Father of Miss Quentin

The unnamed father of Caddy Compson's child is referred to in the "Appendix: Compson" (1946) only as "another man" than the man she married (332). She is "two months pregnant" with his child when she marries that husband. This 'other man' may be Dalton Ames, who is not mentioned in the "Appendix" but is Caddy's first sexual partner in The Sound and the Fury (1929). However, when in that novel Caddy's brother Quentin asks her in the context of her forthcoming marriage how many sexual partners she has had, she replies "I dont know too many" (115).

3078 Unnamed Father of Mrs. Hightower

The father of the woman whom Reverend Hightower marries is also a minister, and a teacher at the seminary where she and Hightower meet.

2339 Unnamed Father of Narrator 1

"Papa," as the narrator of "Uncle Willy" calls his father, is a "lawyer" (236). Although he does not share any of the self-righteousness of the women who want to save Willy from his vices, he does participate in Mrs. Merridew's campaign to force Willy's wife to leave town, and in Job's attempt to keep Willy from flying his airplane. He calls Willy a "lunatic" (239) and blames the old man for the narrator's various forms of truancy; the narrator himself repeatedly rejects both those interpretations.

2881 Unnamed Father of Narrator 2

The father of the Chickasaw Indian who narrates "A Courtship" advises Ikkemotubbe about the best strategy for courting Herman Basket's sister, and helps Owl-by-Night look for Ikkemotubbe's horse. Along with "the young men," he also stokes the fire in the steamboat at the end of the story (380), which leaves open a possibility that the text never develops: perhaps like Ikkemotubbe, the narrator's father "went away" from the plantation (362).

3211 Unnamed Father of Narrator 3

The unnamed twelve-year-old narrator of "Race at Morning" calls his father "pap" (307). He leaves his son behind when he leaves the tenant cabin he lives on at Mister Ernest's place, presumably to search for his wife, who has herself run off with a "durn Vicksburg roadhouse jake" (308). He never returns for his son.

2217 Unnamed Father of Planing Mill Worker

In Light in August, this man is mentioned by one of the workers at the planing mill, who says his "pappy" told him how "folks" in Jefferson felt the Burden place "ought to be burned, with a little human fat meat to start it good" (49).

1773 Unnamed Father of Popeye

In Sanctuary the man who fathered Popeye is a professional strike breaker who marries Popeye's mother when she gets pregnant and then, less than three weeks later, runs off - leaving her and the child with a disease that was probably syphilis.

1772 Unnamed Father of Ruby

In Sanctuary Ruby's father's last name may be "Lamar." Popeye calls Ruby by that name once (10). What we can say for sure about her father is that he "runs his family" very aggressively, cursing his son for wanting to be the one to kill Ruby's boyfriend Frank and then shooting Frank himself (58). He calls his daughter a "whore" for wanting to elope (58).

272 Unnamed Father of Samuel Worsham Beauchamp

In "Go Down, Moses" and again the the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, Samuel Beauchamp's father "deserted him" when he was born and is "now in the state penitentiary for manslaughter" (258, 354). This "father who begot and deserted him" is described as "not only violent but bad"; Gavin Stevens, a white man, believes the "seed" this man planted in his son is the cause of his criminality, though Samuel's black grandmother blames the white landlord Roth Edmonds for her grandson's behavior (258, 354).

2572 Unnamed Father of Vynie Snopes

The father of Vynie Snopes in The Hamlet. He has never approved of her marriage to Ab Snopes. According to Ratliff, one day he "druv up in a wagon and loaded her and the furniture into it and told Ab" if he ever came back into Vynie's life, "he would shoot him" (33-34).

2686 Unnamed Father-in-Law of Buddy McCallum

Neither Buddy's wife nor her parents appear directly in "The Tall Men." Mr. Gombault notes that Buddy's wife isn't buried in the McCallum family graveyard: "Buddy's wife wanted to be buried with her folks. I reckon she would have been right lonesome up here with just McCallums" (60).

2573 Unnamed Father-in-Law of Eck Snopes

The father of Eck Snopes' first wife is unnamed, despite the fact that his "name" figures in The Hamlet. This needs explaining, and the text does try to do that. Eck's (also unnamed) wife dies sometime after the child is born, and her mother, according to Eck, began calling him "after his grandpa" - that is, presumably, her husband (295). But (as Eck 'explains') "he never had no actual name," and we never learn what his grandmother called him (295). (This is the child who eventually gets called "Wallstreet Panic Snopes.")

1960 Unnamed Father-in-Law of German Prisoner

In "Ad Astra" the captured German aviator says his own aristocratic family profoundly disapproved when he told them "I haf married the daughter of a musician who was peasant" (418).

2763 Unnamed Father-in-Law of Ike McCaslin

In Go Down, Moses this "bank president," who tells Ike about the bank account in Ike's name that Cass Edmonds has been paying money into (295), is certainly not Bayard Sartoris, who is also a Jefferson bank president at the time of the novel. This "bank president" is never named, but although the text is not explicit, it seems likely that he is the father of the woman - also never named - whom Ike marries.

2229 Unnamed Father-In-Law of Judge Allison

Judge Allison's father-in-law in "Beyond" was "a Republican" with whose politics the Judge agrees (789). Politically, Allison and his father-in-law are very much in the minority in Yoknapatawpha.

2574 Unnamed Father-in-Law of Mink Snopes

The father of the woman who marries Mink Snopes in The Hamlet is a "roaring man of about fifty"; he's a widower who has a "magnificent quadroon mistress" and the owner of timber land that he harvests using unpaid convict labor that he acquires "through political influence or bribery or whatever" from the state of Mississippi (262).

3488 Unnamed Father-in-Law of Trusty

"The gal's paw" (424) - that is how Ratliff refers in The Mansion to the father of the wife whom the penitentiary trusty had killed. This man has "swore he would kill [the trusty] the first time he crossed the Parchman fence" (424).

3316 Unnamed Father-in-Law of Wallstreet Snopes

Gavin speculates in The Town that this "small though thrifty farmer" (157) finds the money to save his son-in-law's business.

2223 Unnamed Federal Agent

The Federal Bureau of Investigation did not begin investigating bank robberies until the Depression, a decade after the Sartoris bank was robbed. But Faulkner is almost certainly thinking of the F.B.I. in "There Was a Queen" when he has Narcissa identify the man with whom she has sex as "a Federal agent" who came into possession of the letters she is anxious to get back while pursuing "the man who had robbed the bank" (740).

2764 Unnamed Federal Army Provost Marshal 1

An A[rmy] P[rovost] M[arshal] is the head of a unit of military police. This "Federal A.P.M." in Go Down, Moses is one of the Yankee troops who are stationed in Mississippi as part of the post-war Reconstruction (277). He has a black mistress, the sister of Sickymo, which is why he ensures that Sickymo is made a marshal in Jefferson.

3153 Unnamed Federal Army Provost-Marshal 2

In Requiem for a Nun the jail is used as the "provost-marshal's guard-house" during the Union occupation of Jefferson during the Civil War (196); a provost marshal is in charge of a unit of military police.

3154 Unnamed Federal Army Provost-Marshals

The history of Jackson in Requiem for a Nun treats the "Federal provost-marshals" who came to the defeated South charged with protecting the rights of the slaves who were emancipated at the end of the Civil War according to the then-popular pro-Southern accounts of Reconstruction: the elections they preside over are described as corrupted by carpetbaggers (87).

1313 Unnamed Federal Commissioner

Although we never learn the name of the "commissioner" mentioned in "A Point of Law" and again in Go Down, Moses, or much else about him, we know the man who signs the indictments against Lucas and George for moonshining is a federal official - his office is in "the federal courthouse" (216), and moonshining was a federal crime.

3317 Unnamed Federal Drug Inspectors

The federal drug inspectors who audit the narcotics in Uncle Willy's drugstore in The Town criticize him for his poor security of the morphine (163).

3151 Unnamed Federal Land-Agent

This man and "his marshal" are on hand when Mohataha and her people leave Yoknapatawpha for the "Indian Territory" in the "West" - presumably to make the Chickasaws' 'removal' official, though Requiem for a Nun does not specifically mention the Removal (170).

3152 Unnamed Federal Marshal

In Requiem for a Nun this man attends Mohataha and the Chickasaws' removal from Yoknapatawpha along with the "Federal land agent" (170).

2575 Unnamed Federal Officers

These "federal officers" would usually be called 'revenuers' (5). According to The Hamlet, as the Old Frenchman's original plantation falls into decay after the Civil War, the area that becomes known as Frenchman's Bend transforms into an enclosed back country effectively outside the reach of government authorities.

2843 Unnamed Feedstore Customers

These "overalled men" in "Appendix Compson" are customers at the farmers' supply store where Jason IV owns a business buying and selling cotton (334). Although the customers are explicitly male, since the store is a "gloomy cavern which only men ever entered" (333), their race is not so clearly defined; the narrative indicates that the store serves "Mississippi farmers or at least Negro Mississippi farmers" (334), indicating that many, if not most of the customers are African-American.

3805 Unnamed Fellow at De Spain's

Ratliff brings this "fellow" into The Hamlet in his account of how Ab Snopes burned De Spain's barn: according to this account, he bases his description of the rapid "gait" at which De Spain rode his horse from the barn to the cabin where Ab was living on this "fellow who heard him passing in the road" (19). Throughout his account of Ab and De Spain (essentially a re-telling of the short story "Barn Burning"), Ratliff describes events he did not witness firsthand, but this is the only point at which he explains how he 'knew' what happened.

2282 Unnamed Fellows

Ratliff calls the first people he encounters upon returning to Jefferson after his misadventure at the hunting camp in "A Bear Hunt" the "first fellow" and "a fellow" (66). They ask about his facial injuries - one in standard English, one in a country vernacular - and their questions provide Ratliff with a way to begin his story. They don't seem to be the "you" (67), however, to whom he "is telling" the story itself (63).

1674 Unnamed Female Classmate

This is the "she" in The Sound and the Fury whose innocence or honor Quentin tries to protect by fighting the male classmate who is threatening to "put a frog in her desk" (68). She is probably another student, but may be the teacher - in any case, Mr. Compson, who knows his son Quentin, says "Oh. . . . She" when Quentin tells him about the fight (68).

3318 Unnamed Fiance of Miss Wyott

In The Town Miss Vaiden Wyott mentions "her fiance" when she explains to Wall Snopes why she cannot accept his marriage proposal; all the text says about him is that she is sure that, if he and Wall ever met, they "would be friends" (154).

2240 Unnamed Fiancee of Young Man

This young lady was to marry the "young man" whom the Judge meets in Beyond when, on the morning of the wedding, he was killed in a car accident (783).

2341 Unnamed Field Workers 1

These "field hands" at Renfro in "Uncle Willy" "come up out of the fields" to stare up at the spectacle of Secretary trying to teach Willy how to fly the plane (244). Their perspective as they watch a black man teach a white man this skill would presumably depend on their own race, but the story says nothing to indicate what that is.

2495 Unnamed Field Workers 2

The narrator of "Monk" points out that given his rural background, Monk would have seen "the cotton and the corn in the fields, and men working it" - although that doesn't solve the mystery of Monk's last words (52).

1833 Unnamed Filipino Woman

Lee Goodwin has a relationship with this woman while he is stationed in the Philippines. Ruby calls her a "nigger" when telling Temple about how Lee killed another American soldier in a fight over her (59), but since Ruby would be likely to use that term for any non-white person, Negro or Hispanic, it leaves open the question of the woman's racial identity.

1675 Unnamed Financial Advisors

In The Sound and the Fury Jason refers to the people whom he pays to advise him on his cotton speculations in several different ways: "some people who're right there on the ground" in New York (192), "those rich New York jews" (193), and so on. Included in this group, according to him, is "one of the biggest manipulators in New York" (192). The labels he uses say much more about his own antisemitism than they do about Wall Street analysts.

3490 Unnamed Finnish Immigrants

These two Finns in The Mansion are among the more exotic inhabitants of Jefferson. They escaped "from Russia in 1917" and then "from Europe in 1919" (236). The 1917 Russian Revolution produced a lot of refugees and set off a civil war in neighboring Finland, but the text does not provide any details about what these two Finns were doing in Russia or why they had to "escape" from Europe when they did. "In the early twenties" they arrive in Jefferson, where one becomes a cobbler, taking over Nightingale's shop, and the other a tinsmith.

1079 Unnamed Firemen 1

In Sanctuary these firemen arrive at Popeye's mother's boarding house in Florida to discover his grandmother in the attic, "stamping out a fire of excelsior in the center of the floor" (305). The last time they arrive there, the house is engulfed in flames.

559 Unnamed Firemen 2

In Light in August Yoknapatawpha is served by a volunteer fire department, made up of "men and youths" who "desert counters and desks" in town to drive the "fire truck" out to Joanna Burden's (288).

3386 Unnamed Firemen 3

In "Mule in the Yard" and again in The Town a fire engine full of "volunteer fire fighters" arrives too late to save Mrs. Hait's house, although the men are in time to "fling her dishes and furniture up and down the street" in the attempt (258, 252).

560 Unnamed First Aboriginal

In three differents versions of the story of Lion, Old Ben and the hunt, Faulkner evokes a prehistoric context for the ritual. In "Lion" it is Quentin Compson who, waiting on his assigned stand in the bayou, realizes that the scene before him is no different in appearance from what it was when, long ago, the first human explorer of the wilderness in Yoknpatawpha "crept into it and looked around, arrow poised and ready" (192).

2063 Unnamed First Goat Owner

The "first goat owner" whom Suratt visits in "Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard" has already sold all his goats to Flem Snopes (139).

1550 Unnamed First Husband of Joan Heppleton

Mentioned a couple times in Flags in the Dust, briefly, in the history of her "lovers" that Joan Heppleton provides for Horace Benbow, this man (probably not named "Heppleton," but not otherwise named) was in his fifties when she married him at eighteen. Together they went to Hawaii just before or during the First World I; after she left him for another man, they divorced and he "made a settlement on her" (322).

2058 Unnamed First Rider

One of the many people who gather on the Old Frenchman's place in "Lizards in Jamshy'd Courtyard" to watch Henry Armstid digging for treasure is distinguished from the group as "the first rider" (137). That is an unusual locution, but may just mean that he was riding by on a mule - or less likely, a horse - when he became the first person to stop to watch Armstid. He is chased away by Armstid, and then, presumably, spreads the word about what Armstid is doing.

3319 Unnamed Fish-Grabblers

'Fish grabbling' means catching fish underwater with one's bare hands. That's what these men in The Town are doing when they find Mink Snopes' shotgun in the slough where he had thrown it. (See also Unnamed Negro Who Finds Gun in this index.)

1407 Unnamed Five Indians

In "Red Leaves" this is one of the groups of Indians who are waiting to pursue the servant.

2342 Unnamed Folks at Renfro

In "Uncle Willy" these "folks in wagons and walking" on the road in Renfro stop to watch when they reach the pasture where Secretary is trying to teach Willy how to fly the plane (244). Since Secretary is black and Willy is white, the spectators' own race presumably affects the way they see this unusual sight, but the story says nothing to indicate what that is.

2106 Unnamed Folks in Mexico

These "folks" appear in Light in August only at second hand, when the man who tells Nathaniel Burden's family in Missouri about him mentions the trouble he got into in Mexico for killing a man who called him a horse thief. According to the messenger, "folks claim it wasn't the Mexican's horse noways," because, they say, the Mexican "never owned no horse" (244). It's not made clear whether these "folks" are Mexicans too, or as seems more likely are among the "Easterners" who have recently come west (244).

2576 Unnamed Football Coach

The coach of the football team in The Hamlet offers Labove housing and tuition to play on the University team.

2925 Unnamed Football Player

In Intruder in the Dust Chick gets to play in a varsity football game in Mottstown when this "regular player" cannot (121). He may not be able to play due to injury, or academic ineligibility, or an over-protective mother - the narrator offers all three possibilities.

2577 Unnamed Football Players 1

In The Hamlet Labove joins the university's football team; none of his teammates are individualized.

2940 Unnamed Football Players 2

The narrator of Intruder in the Dust calls the Jefferson high school football team that travels to Mottstown "the regular team" (121), which presumably means the varsity. After their victory, three of them return to Jefferson in the car that Chick's mother hired.

2241 Unnamed Footman

According to the mother that the Judge meets in Beyond, the "old gentleman" who gave the toy soldiers to her son "has a footman to carry his umbrella and overcoat and steamer rug" (793). Typically, a 'footman' is a liveried servant - and not usually found in an American, much less a Southern context. Domestic servants in Yoknapatawpha are black, but given the British locutions here - including "umbrella" and "steamer rug" - there's no reason to assume this footman is.

3518 Unnamed Foreign Correspondents

In The Mansion three foreign correspondents for the newspapers are among Linda and Barton's wedding guests; they are the last to leave the party.

2578 Unnamed Foreman

The foreman at the convict camp in The Hamlet gives Mink Snopes a job cutting timber.

2579 Unnamed Former Acquaintances of Houston

After Houston returns to Yoknapatawpha in The Hamlet, he sometimes meets the "contemporaries" who remember him from the "youth" they shared, with whom he still occasionally gets together for "drinks or cards" (237).

2025 Unnamed Former Aviator

This former World War I R.A.F. pilot is described by the narrator of "All the Dead Pilots" as "ack emma, warrant officer pilot, captain and M.C. in turn" (512). This list seems to summarize his rise through the ranks during the War, though not every term is clear. "Ack emma" was a common abbreviation during the War among British troops for "a.m." - morning - though what it means in reference to a young pilot is obscure.

3491 Unnamed Former Prostitute

This woman in The Mansion used to work in a "Catalpa Street house" (305), an address that means she was a prostitute in one of the many brothels in Memphis. According to Albert, "she looks a little like a whore yet," but after her husband died in World War II, she became a member of Goodyhay's eccentric congregation (305).

2828 Unnamed Founder of Museum

The narrator of "Shall Not Perish" mentions "an old lady born and raised in Jefferson who died rich somewhere in the North and left some money to the town to build a museum with" (110). Faulkner likely based this character upon the historical figure Mary Buie, an artist who died in 1937 and left her estate to Oxford. The town opened the Buie Museum in 1939, four years before the publication of "Shall Not Perish."

2107 Unnamed Four Boys

In Light in August these "boys in identical overalls, who live within a three mile radius" of the McEachern farm," are "fourteen and fifteen" years old when, with Joe, they arrange to have sex with a Negro girl in a deserted sawmill shed (156). When Joe's "turn" comes, however, and he begins to beat her instead, the "other four" fight him to make him stop (157). Joe is presumably with the same "four or five" boys later in the novel when one of them describes menstruation (184).

1408 Unnamed Four Indians

In "Red Leaves" this group of Indians meets Doom's West Indian wife and accompanies her from the steamboat to his plantation.

2413 Unnamed Four or Five Boys

This is the group of "four or five other boys of [Quentin's] size and age" in Absalom! who go out to the decaying Sutpen mansion "daring one another to evoke the ghost, since it would have to be haunted" (172). The group includes Luster; the other boys are not described, but all run away when confronted by Clytemnestra among the "rotting piles" of the old slave quarters (173).

3321 Unnamed Fourteen-Year-Old Girl

In The Town this girl is discovered in an "empty cotton house" having sex with "schoolmaster" Snopes (43). (See also the Unnamed Eleven-Year-Old Girl who appears in The Mansion, and may be the same character.)

1409 Unnamed Fourteen-Year-Old Slave

In "Red Leaves" this "lad of fourteen" is "undersized," "mute," and apparently a curiosity to the Indians (328). He is tasked with guarding the slaves' drums, which are hidden in the swamp outside of the plantation.

1410 Unnamed Fowl Dressing Woman

This is the woman in "Red Leaves" who is "dressing a fowl" while listening to the unnamed old man tell the stories of the olden days (323).

3155 Unnamed Freedmen

In Requiem for a Nun the people who were formerly enslaved in Jackson and elsewhere are referred to, tangentially, in the negative characterization of the Federal officials who administered the post-war attempt at Reconstruction: they are the "freed slaves" whose votes those "carpet-baggers" know how to manipulate (87). Presumably this group also includes the students who attend Jackson's three "College[s] for Negroes"; the colleges are mentioned in the text but not the people who attend them (87).

981 Unnamed French Architect

The architect who designs the mansion and grounds at Sutpen's Hundred is identified in Absalom! as "French," but in this novel he comes to Yoknapatawpha from the French Caribbean: "all the way from Martinique" (26). When he is mentioned again in Requiem for a Nun he is identified as the "tame Parisian architect" (30).

2012 Unnamed French Corporal

This soldier with a "raised moustached face" in "All the Dead Pilots" (524) is "drinking from a bottle in a doorway" of the estaminet when Sartoris arrives there in search of Spoomer (522). Sartoris has to fight him in order to leave the place.

1947 Unnamed French Customers in Cloche-Clos

The residents of Amiens who gather in the Cloche-Clos to celebrate the end of the War in "Ad Astra" had to endure great destruction and loss of life. They are "astonished" and "outraged" by the presence of a German aviator, even as a prisoner, in the bistro, and their resentment eventually boils over into violence (411).

1948 Unnamed French Officer

In the bistro in "Ad Astra," a French officer, "tall, with a gaunt, tragic face," implies that Monaghan and the military policeman should remove the German prisoner from the premises (422). The officer has a glass eye, probably as a result of the war; it is described as "motionless, rigid in a face that looked even deader than the spurious eye" (422).

3322 Unnamed French Prostitutes

As Ratliff explains to Charles in The Town, during World War I Montgomery Ward Snopes ran brothels in France. He began in a little town with "a young French lady he happened to know" (120; since Charles is only five at the time, Ratliff resorts to evasive terms), then set up a bigger brothel in Paris, "adding more and more entertaining ladies to that-ere new canteen he set up in Paris" (121). The ladies themselves are not described in any more detail. (Prostitution was legal in France at this time, though it was illegal to run a brothel.)

1949 Unnamed French Sergeant

In "Ad Astra" this sergeant accompanies the French officer when he confronts the aviators about bringing the German prisoner into the cafe.

2017 Unnamed French Soldier Driving Lorry

In "All the Dead Pilots," this soldier, wearing "a peasant's smock" rather than a uniform (519), drives Sartoris back to the squadron after he finds and takes Spoomer's clothes from 'Toinette's room in Amiens.

2018 Unnamed French Soldiers

In "All the Dead Pilots," these are the French soldiers in the Amiens estaminet who witness Sartoris' frustration about Spoomer's affair with Antoinette. Knowing no French, he imagines they are "Laughing at me about a woman. Me knowing that he was up there" in a bedroom with her, but being unable to do anything about it because of Spoomer's superior rank (519-20).

2580 Unnamed Frenchman's Bend Family

In The Hamlet Flem boards with this family, who live "about a mile from the store," after securing his position at Varner's (64).

3156 Unnamed Frenchmen

According to the history of Jackson in Requiem for a Nun, "the Frenchman" alternated with "the Spaniard" for possession and control of the area (81). Historically, this land was claimed and ruled over by France several different times during the 18th century.

2267 Unnamed Friend of Elly

Elly's unnamed friend entertains Paul de Montigny in her home, but is quick to judge Elly for the latter's interest in him. Elly's friend smokes, furtively, in her home, presumably hoping to escape detection by her parents. But if she too is rebellious, it is within very fixed limits. When Elly defends her behavior with Paul by reminding this girl that "you invited him into your house," she replies "I wasn't hid in the cloak closet, kissing him, though" (210). And despite entertaining Paul, she takes the signs of his mixed racial identity as proof of Elly's "queer taste" (209).

2283 Unnamed Friend of Narrator

One of the boys in town who, "on a dare," joins the unnamed narrator of "A Bear Hunt" when he was fifteen to spend a night on the Indian mound (66). During and afterwards, they do not speak about their experience, apparently awed by it; the narrator says even though they were children, "yet we were descendants of people who read books and who were - or should have been - beyond superstition and impervious to mindless fear" (66).

1950 Unnamed Friends and Acquaintances of Monaghan

In "Ad Astra" Monaghan's father's wealth enables his son to attend Yale and to become acquainted with well-to-do people. The senior Monaghan charges his son to remind these "fine friends," these privileged individuals, that "every man is the slave of his own refuse" and that "your old dad," who made his money working with sewers, "is the king of them all" (415)

2518 Unnamed Friends and Associates of Boyd Ballenbaugh

For several years before "Hand upon the Waters" begins, Boyd Ballenbaugh has been hiding at his brother’s place in Yoknapatawpha, though he is hiding "not from the police but from some of his Memphis friends or later business associates" (76). Both the mention of the police and the fact that Boyd is in hiding seems to suggest that, like many of the characters whom Faulkner's fictions locate in Memphis, these men in "Hand upon the Waters" are members of the underworld, and their "business" some kind of criminal activity - but that is not made explicit.

3325 Unnamed Friends of Gavin Stevens

Gavin counts on these friends who live in New York to help Linda during her move to Greenwich Village. Ratliff says, "Lawyer had it all arranged, friends he knowed in Harvard to meet the train at the depot and take care of her, get her settled and ever thing" (367).

3326 Unnamed Friends of Linda Snopes

In The Town after Linda Snopes stops seeing Matt Levitt, she goes to the movies "with another girl or maybe two or three of them" (205).

2994 Unnamed Friends of Mrs. Harris

These are the "five or six girls" in "Knight's Gambit" who "attended the female half of the Academy" with Mrs. Harriss and "who had been the nearest thing she had to friends" (152). These girlhood friends are the women who would receive seasonal cards from Mrs. Harriss "postmarked from Rome or London or Paris or Vienna or Cairo" (166). Maggie Mallison is one of these women, but none of the others are named.

2280 Unnamed Friends of Narrator

These are the friends of the unnamed narrator of "A Bear Hunt" who associate the Indian mound with "secret and violent blood" and a "savage and sudden destruction" (65). As descendants of "literate, town-bred people," their feelings about the "profoundly and darkly enigmatic mound" stem from their romantic ideas about Indians gotten from the "secret dime novels which we passed among ourselves" (65). One of the boys joins the narrator for a night atop the mound.

3731 Unnamed Friends of Paul Rainey

In The Reivers these people from elsewhere would accompany the wealthy businessman and hunter Paul Rainey on his trips to hunt "bear and deer and panther" in Mississippi (163).

2765 Unnamed Friends of Roth Edmonds

Roth Edmonds meets with these unnamed friends after church in "The Fire and the Hearth" chapter of Go Down, Moses; their farm is eight miles from the Edmonds plantation.

3641 Unnamed Friends of Temple and Gowan

Describing her married life in Requiem for a Nun, Temple refers to the "country club younger set" of friends with whom she and Gowan socialize (124). Apparently assuming it is a progressive gesture, these friends "applaud" when Temple hires the black "ex-dope-fiend" Nancy as a nurse for her children (124).

2766 Unnamed Frightened Women and Children

As part of his description in Go Down, Moses of Reconstruction in the South, Ike McCaslin imagines "women crouched with huddled children behind locked doors," seeking shelter from threats that are not named in the text, but are clearly meant to be understood as a consequence of the defeat of the (white) South and the emancipation of the (black) South (277).

2108 Unnamed Furniture Repairer and Dealer

This man "from the eastern part of the state" narrates the last chapter of Light in August, telling his wife the story of his encounter with Lena and Byron during his trip to Tennessee (494). He and his wife are in bed, and both seem comfortable with each other and with sex.

2109 Unnamed Furniture Repairer and Dealer's Wife

Like her husband, this woman is "not old" (494). In Light in August, she listens and asks questions as her husband tells the story of meeting Lena and Byron on the road to Tennessee. Also like her husband, she seems to enjoy their intimacy and the comedy of Byron's attempted intimacies with Lena.

2581 Unnamed Galveston Brothel Madam

This is the woman whom The Hamlet refers to as the "curl-papered landlady" in El Paso who tries to prevent Jack Houston from taking the woman who becomes his common law wife away from her house - but since the woman is a prostitute and the place the landlady runs is a brothel, it seems clear that "landlady" is a euphemism for 'madam' (234).

1411 Unnamed Gamblers and Cutthroats

During his years in New Orleans in "Red Leaves," Doom is introduced by "his patron," De Vitry, into the company of the "gamblers and cutthroats of the river front" (317).

3213 Unnamed Game Wardens

These generic game wardens - the state officers who supervise the start and ending of the deer hunting season in Mississippi - are noted briefly, only once, by the unnamed narrator of "Race at Morning."

561 Unnamed Gang Member

Only one member of Clarence Snopes' gang is mentioned separately in either "By the People" or The Mansion: his "lieutenant," the "second-in-command in the old gang" (89, 330). He is not described in more detail, but when he "tries to take advantage of their old relationship" after Snopes becomes a constable, Snopes' treatment of him is described as "ruthless and savage" (130, 330).

1864 Unnamed Garage Workers 1

Although Sanctuary refers to them at one point as "the garage men" (127), the "white men sitting in titled chairs along the oil-foul wall of the garage across the street" from the jail during the day are associated with only two activities: listening to the convicted murderer sing and chewing, presumably tobacco (115).
