Character Keys

Displaying 1501 - 1600 of 3748

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Code titlesort descending biography
1822 Unnamed College Students

The various college students mentioned in Sanctuary can be assorted into two groups: the ones Temple thinks about and the ones Horace sees. (1) Temple brings her classmates to mind twice during her ordeal at the Frenchman's place: first, while lying in the dark at the Old Frenchman's place, when she thinks of "the slow couples strolling toward the sound of the supper bell" (51); and then, while hiding in the barn from Pap, when she imagines them "leaving the dormitories in their new spring clothes" toward the bells of the churches (87).

3773 Unnamed College Widow

Herbert Head mentions "a little widow over in town" when he is trying to ingratiate himself with Caddy's brother Quentin (110). The "town" is presumably Boston, "over" the river from Harvard. Although it has been suggested that Head is talking about a prostitute, the idea of 'the college widow' as an unmarried woman who dates a succession of students over the years was proverbial in both 1910 (when the conversation takes place) and 1929 (when The Sound and the Fury was published).

1823 Unnamed Committee of Baptists

The "committee" of Jefferson Baptists in Sanctuary who protest against allowing a woman like Ruby to stay in the town's hotel in do not directly appear. The proprietor of the hotel refers to "these church ladies," but it's not clear whether they were the committee - or the group that sent the committee. In either case, the proprietor tells Horace that "once [them ladies] get set on a thing," a man "might just as well give up and do like they say" (180).

2654 Unnamed Companions of Ikkemotubbe

The "two or three companions of [Ikkemotubbe's] bachelor youth" who meet him at the "river" upon his return from New Orleans are briefly mentioned by in "The Old People" (202) and again (as "three or four companions") in Go Down, Moses (157-58).

3479 Unnamed Companions of Mink

In The Mansion Mink has "companions of his age and sex" who go with him to Memphis brothels (36).

532 Unnamed Confederate Captain

In "Retreat," the Confederate officer in command of the unit that is camped on the outskirts of Jefferson talks with Buck McCaslin about Colonel Sartoris. He recurs in "The Unvanquished," when Bayard remembers this earlier scene, and then repeats these two appearances in The Unvanquished.

896 Unnamed Confederate Cavalry 1

This is the raiding party of Confederate cavalrymen in Flags in the Dust, about twenty men whom General J.E.B. Stuart recklessly leads behind Union lines in quest of coffee; they are described in mythic terms as riding "with the thunderous coordination of a single centaur" (14).

1260 Unnamed Confederate Cavalry 2

In Light in August this is the troop of Confederate cavalry under the command of General Van Dorn to which Hightower's grandfather belonged. During the Civil War it rode into Jefferson and destroyed a Union supply depot, after which most of them rode away. (This event that Hightower is obsessed with is adapted by Faulkner from an actual raid that occurred in 1862 in Holly Springs, a Mississippi town near Oxford.)

1261 Unnamed Confederate Cavalry 3

In Light in August this is the smaller party of Confederate soldiers who, after their unit's successful raid on Union supplies in Jefferson, turn back to raid a henhouse; it includes Hightower's grandfather.

1259 Unnamed Confederate Cavalry 4

In "Retreat" and again in The Unvanquished this cavalry unit of indeterminate size stops to talk with Granny and her party on "the third night" of their journey toward Memphis (23, 56).

3798 Unnamed Confederate Cavalry 5

This is the "party of horsemen" mentioned by Lucius in The Reivers that was led by the brother of Nathan Bedford Forrest; they rode their horses "into the lobby" of the Gayoso Hotel in Memphis and, according to Lucius, "almost captured a Yankee general" (94). Lucius does not say more about the cavalrymen, except that they included the Priest family's "remote" kinsman Theophilus McCaslin (94).

1262 Unnamed Confederate Cavalry Officer

In "Retreat" and again in The Unvanquished this is the officer in command of the Confederate cavalrymen who warns Granny that she should turn back because "the roads ahead are full of Yankee patrols" (24, 56). He apologizes for saying "hell" in her presence, and is chivalrous enough to offer her "an escort" when she insists on going on (24, 56).

2814 Unnamed Confederate Chaplain

The "chaplain" who marries Philip and Melisandre in "My Grandmother Millard" is an officer serving in Forrest's troop (699).

3075 Unnamed Confederate Doctors

In Light in August these military physicians tend soldiers wounded in battle during the Civil War. They are often assisted by Reverend Hightower's father, who learns from them to practice medicine.

2386 Unnamed Confederate Generals

Several real Confederate officers are mentioned by name in Absalom!. They have their own entries. This entry represents the larger, anonymous group of men who lead the Confederate Army through the Civil War. Like so many other characters in the novel, they are seen differently from different points of view. In Chapter 1, to Rosa Coldfield, who writes "poems, ode eulogy and epitaph" to many of them, they are "a few figures with the shapes of men but with the names and statures of heroes" (13).

2718 Unnamed Confederate Leaders

In "Delta Autumn" and again in Go Down, Moses, McCaslin refers to the men who led the Confederacy in the Civil War as the "group of men . . . inside" the U.S. who "tried to tear the country in two with a war" (269, 322). He calls these men "better men" than "Hitler" and "Pelley" (in the story, 269) or "Hitler," "Roosevelt or Wilkie" (in the novel, 322), but seems glad that "they failed" (269, 322).

533 Unnamed Confederate Lieutenant

This is "the ragged unshaven lieutenant who leads the broken companies" of the Confederate brigade that has to retreat through Jefferson after losing a battle outside the town in 1864 (49). His appearance catches the eye of the jailer's daughter, who marries him "six months later" (49). When Faulkner retells this story from Intruder in the Dust again in Requiem for a Nun, he expands it quite a bit.

3144 Unnamed Confederate Officer

In Requiem for a Nun a "mustering officer" from Richmond presides over the swearing in ceremony of the Confederate regiment that Sartoris organizes in Yoknapatawpha (36).

2815 Unnamed Confederate Officers 1

These five Confederate cavalry officers accompany General Forrest when he visits the Sartoris plantation in "My Grandmother Millard." Bayard says they are "all officers," adding that "I never saw this much braid before" (691). Granny refers to them as "gentlemen," and the story confirms that when it describes how carefully they avoid "trombling even one flower bed" on the plantation lawn (691).

2816 Unnamed Confederate Officers 2

In "My Grandmother Millard," four officers "in their gray and braid and sabres" accompany Philip and the chaplain to the wedding at Sartoris (699). This group probably includes some of the five officers who came to Sartoris earlier with Forrest, but that is not directly said or suggested in the text.

2442 Unnamed Confederate Orderly 1

Absalom! mentions the (presumably authoritarian) tone of voice in which Sutpen "used to address his orderly or even his house servants" (149). In this context an "orderly" is a soldier who serves a commanding officer as a kind of servant. Sutpen's "house servants," like nearly all the servants in Faulkner's world, are black, and during the Civil War many Confederate officers took slaves with them to the war, but these are called "body servants" in the fictions, and explicitly racialized as black.

2443 Unnamed Confederate Orderly 2

In Absalom! this "orderly" tells Henry that "the colonel wants you in his tent" (279). A military 'orderly' is a kind of personal servant to an officer, but the way this one addresses Henry - "Sutpen" (279) - makes it clear that he is white.

3076 Unnamed Confederate Pickets

From these "Confederate pickets close to the enemy's front" in Light in August it is learned that Pomp has been trying to get behind Yankee lines to find his missing master, whom he believes is a prisoner of war (476).

3301 Unnamed Confederate Provost Man|Picket

Ab Snopes' Civil War wound was never received in battle, or even from a Yankee, but Faulkner provides several different accounts of the Confederate who shot him while he was stealing a horse and left him with a lifelong limp. In "Barn Burning" that man is identified as "a Confederate provost's man" (5). We are assuming this is the same person who shoots him in two other texts, which provide slightly different versions of Ab's wounding.

2817 Unnamed Confederate Provost Marshal

The "provost" who arrests Philip for disobeying orders in "My Grandmother Millard" (692). In the Confederate armies, provost marshals were charged with maintaining discipline - like military police in the modern U.S. armed forces. (The second time the story refers to him, "Provost" is capitalized, 694.)

2453 Unnamed Confederate Provost Marshals

During the Civil War both North and South used provost marshals as a kind of military police force behind the lines. The "Confederate provost marshals' men" from whom Goodhue Coldfield is hiding in Absalom! would have arrested him as a draft dodger or compelled him to serve in the military (6).

1253 Unnamed Confederate Sentry

In Absalom! this sentry guards the tent in the Carolina bivouac where Sutpen and Henry meet.

2818 Unnamed Confederate Soldier 1

In "My Grandmother Millard" Forrest tells Granny that he has placed Philip "in close arrest, with a guard with a bayonet" (694) - this is that guard.

901 Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 1

There are over a dozen different groups of Confederate soldiers referred to in the fictions. This is company of soldiers in both "Retreat" and The Unvanquished who are "bivouacked" just outside of Jefferson; their uniforms are the color of "dead leaves" (20, 46). Since one of them hollers out "Hooraw for Arkansas!" when Bayard and Ringo drive by their camp, it seems likely that they are a unit that was raised from men in that state.

340 Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 2

There are over a dozen different groups of "Confederate Soldiers" referred to in the fictions. In Absalom! they appear in several different ways. First, as the idealized "figures with the shapes of men but with the names and statures of heroes" whom Rosa Coldfield writes poems about (13): "maimed honor's veterans . . . fathers, husbands, sweethearts, brothers, who carried the pride and the hope of peace in honor's vanguard as they did the flags" (120).

895 Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 3

There are over a dozen different groups of "Confederate soldiers" referred to in the fictions. The "Carolina boys" whom Gombault refers to in "The Tall Men" are based on a historical fact: on the night after the first day's fighting at Chancellorsville, while reconnoitering for a possible attack, General Stonewall Jackson was fatally shot by his own troops in the 33rd North Carolina regiment (54).

894 Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 4

In addition to the specific Confederate units who appear in the various stories that make up the novel Go Down, Moses is the abstract representation of these men whom Ike McCaslin imagines he sees when he looks at Lucas Beauchamp (who descends from slaves): "the face of a generation," "the composite tintype face of ten thousand undefeated Confederate soldiers almost indistinguishably caricatured, composed, cold" (104).

902 Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 5

There are over a dozen different groups of "Confederate soldiers" referred to in the fictions. Four different units appear in the short story "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek." This entry represents the group of men "in gray" on horseback whom Philip leads (689). When Bayard sees them in the yard at Sartoris, he says there are "at least fifty of them" (689).

903 Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 6

There are over a dozen different groups of "Confederate soldiers" referred to in the fictions. Four different units appear in the short story "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek." This entry represents the "two soldiers in one of General Forrest's forage wagons" who bring Lucius back to Sartoris (690). As foragers, these men were charged with finding food for the troops in the surrounding countryside - a common practice in the Confederate Army during the Civil War.

534 Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 7

There are over a dozen different groups of "Confederate Soldiers" referred to in the fictions. The "Appendix" to The Sound and the Fury refers briefly to the "brave and gallant men" who served under General Jason Compson II during the Civil War (330).

897 Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 8

There are over a dozen different groups of "Confederate Soldiers" referred to in the fictions. One that appears, with a few differences, in two different texts is the "battered remnant of a Confederate brigade" that retreated through Jefferson after losing a battle in 1864 (Intruder, 49); the "body" of troops who fight Union troops at the Sartoris plantation and retreat through Jefferson, where "a rear-guard action of cavalry" enables the unit to withdraw still further southward (Requiem, 182).

898 Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 9

The Town refers briefly to the unnamed Confederate soldiers who surrendered with Lee in 1865.

1446 Unnamed Confederate Trainmen

In a passage added to "Raid" as a chapter of The Unvanquished, Drusilla tells Ringo about the race between two railroad trains, one driven by Confederates and the other by Union forces, who rushed past Hawkhurst before the track was destroyed by Yankee troops.

503 Unnamed Confederate Veterans 1

In "A Rose for Emily," there are an unspecified number of these "very old men," at least some of whom fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War, at Emily Grierson's funeral (129).

538 Unnamed Confederate Veterans 2

According to the narrator of Light in August, at the end of the Civil War most of the men who fought for the Confederacy "returned home with their eyes stubbornly reverted toward what they refused to believe was dead" (474).

1041 Unnamed Confederate Veterans 3

The Confederate veterans in Absalom! are brought into existence by Shreve, who is a Canadian who has never been to the South. He imagines the "veterans in the neat brushed hand-ironed gray and the spurious bronze medals that never meant anything to begin with," decked out for a "Decoration Day" ceremony "fifty years" after Bon's June visit to Sutpen's Hundred (262).

1039 Unnamed Confederate Veterans 4

In Requiem for a Nun, the ceremony at the unveiling of Jefferson's Confederate monument in 1900 includes the firing of a salute and a somewhat diminished version of the famed 'rebel yell' performed by the town's surviving veterans of the Civil War, "old men in the gray and braided coats" of officers - since they have apparently promoted themselves over the passing years (188).

1040 Unnamed Confederate Veterans 5

In The Town Gavin Stevens refers with both irony and sentimentality to the remaining veterans of the Civil War as the "heroes of our gallant lost irrevocable unreconstructible debacle"; "half a century" after the end of the Civil War these old men are revered by "all" the people of Yoknapatawpha (44). As Charles Mallison explains, the descendants of these men are often "called General or Colonel or Major because their fathers or grandfathers had been generals or colonels or majors or maybe just privates" (10).

3480 Unnamed Congregants at Goodyhay's Church

The congregants in Goodyhay's church in The Mansion are mostly ex-soldiers and their wives or mistresses; one of the men wears a "barracks cap still showing where the officer's badge had been removed" (305), and another refers to the group as "ex-drafted sons of bitches" (300). But the group also includes "the moms and pops of soldiers that got killed" (295) as well as the men who help to build at the two church sites.

2387 Unnamed Congregants at Sutpen's Church

In Absalom! Rosa's description of the way Sutpen used to race with other carriages to church mentions in passing the "women and children [who] scattered and screamed" when the teams thundered up to the church door (17), and two different sets of men: the ones who "catch at the bridles" of the "other team" (17) and the other men who join in the racing, who "aid and abet" Sutpen (16).

1824 Unnamed Congressman

Both times Ruby tells how the lawyer she hired got Lee out of prison in Sanctuary, she says he "got a congressman" (59, 278). Neither time does she go into any more details about the congressman.

2919 Unnamed Consignee

In Intruder in the Dust the person who intends to buy the lumber that the Gowries are harvesting - "the lumber's ultimate consignee," as Gavin Stevens puts it (223) - lives in Memphis.

1043 Unnamed Construction Workers 1

In "Knight's Gambit" there are two different but essentially interchangeable groups of workers who turn the old plantation that Harriss inherits into a conspicuously modern and lavish show place. The text even uses the same word to describe both groups: gangs. First on the scene are the "gangs of strange men with enough machinery to have built a high-way or a reservoir" who build the stables, paddock, and polo field (161).

539 Unnamed Construction Workers 2

In The Mansion, when Watkins Snopes enlarges the de Spain house into "the mansion" for Flem, his construction crew consists of "kinfolks and in-laws" (171).

1042 Unnamed Construction Workers 3

Work "gangs" in Faulkner's fiction are often black, but the one described in The Reivers as "laying a sewer line" in Memphis is presumably white, since Mr. Binford is found working as part of it on one of his self-imposed absences from Miss Reba (112).

2027 Unnamed Contemporary Young People

"Saxophone girls and boys" is the label that the narrator of "All the Dead Pilots" uses for the generation that came of age in the 1920s, and so are too young to have experienced the Great War, as World War I was called (512). These modern young people know only modern aircraft and not the history of the unstable planes, like the Sopwith Camel, that the pilots flew thirteen years earlier in the war.

3727 Unnamed Convict

In The Reivers Nat warns Otis about his behavior by mentioning "a boy like you back there in Jefferson" who is now in "the state penitentiary at Parchman" (139-40). It's not clear whether he is thinking of an actual person, or inventing one to threaten Otis.

2554 Unnamed Convict Laborers

These are the prisoners in The Hamlet who had been sentenced to "south Mississippi convict camp" (244) in The Hamlet. They are hired "from the State for the price of their board and keep" (262). As convicts, they are forced to work without pay. (Convict labor was once a common part of the penal system in the South.)

1405 Unnamed Corn Shelling Woman

This is the woman in "Red Leaves" who is "shelling corn" while listening to the old man tell tales of yore (323).

773 Unnamed Coroner 1

The man who is referred to simply as "the coroner" in Sanctuary man may also be the local undertaker, but all one can say for certain is that he "sits over" Tommy's body as it lays in the funeral parlor trying unsuccessfully to learn the corpse's last name (113).

541 Unnamed Coroner 2

In "Hand upon the Waters," the coroner who contacts Stevens about Lonnie Grinnup’s death and presides over the inquest is described as "an old country doctor" (70). He signs the death certificate without ever suspecting the death might not have been an accident.

342 Unnamed Coroner 3

The role of the coroner who appears in both "Pantaloon in Black" and Go Down, Moses is to pronounce Rider's cause of death and return the body to Rider's relatives. The script he follows is that of the Jim Crow system.

774 Unnamed Coroner 4

In Intruder in the Dust the coroner who is going to perform the autopsy on Jake Montgomery's body is waiting at "the undertaker's back door" when it arrives there (177).

3302 Unnamed Cotillion Guests

The Jefferson couples who receive invitations to the Cotillion Dance in The Town represent the town's social elite. Charles describes their appearance as "crimped and frizzed in scarves and earrings and perfume and long white gloves like Mother or in claw-hammer coats and boiled shirts and white ties and yesterday's haircuts like Father and Uncle Gavin" (75-76).

2920 Unnamed Cotton Gin Worker

The first small mob that spills into the Square on Sunday morning in Intruder in the Dust includes several of the young men whom Chick saw and heard in the barbershop earlier that day, including this "oiler from the cotton gin" (42).

2556 Unnamed Counterman 1

In The Hamlet this man serves customers "at the counter of a small side-street restaurant" in Jefferson (74).

2918 Unnamed Counterman 2

"The counterman" at Jefferson's all-night cafe is mentioned only briefly in Intruder in the Dust, and neither named nor described (207). Because Faulkner makes no mention of his race, we assume he is white.

3079 Unnamed Country Boy in Car

In Light in August this "countryboy" is driving past the Burden place with his girlfriend when sees Joe Christmas, naked and waving a pistol; the gun explains why he stops and allows him into the car (297). He has the presence of mind to plan to carry Joe to his own house, while pretending to be taking a shortcut.

1540 Unnamed Country Children

In Flags in the Dust, these are the two "infant children" - sex not specified - in the "family of country people" that moves into Jefferson during the First World War (72). Since their mother is pregnant again, "infant" presumably means something like "less than three years old."

3303 Unnamed Country Girl

After Linda Snopes stops going out with Matt Levitt in The Town, he replaces her with "a country girl he had found somewhere" (206).

1060 Unnamed Country People 1

Sanctuary describes the various farmers and their wives who come into Jefferson on the weekend. Horace, for example, watches while three of these women get down from a wagon and "don various finery" on the street in front of his house. 'Country people' in this novel can be black or white: "the women on foot, black and white, unmistakable by the unease of their garments," and the men "in slow overalls and khaki" who move in crowds through the town square and stand in throngs "listening" to the music playing on radios and phonographs in record and drug stores (111, 112).

542 Unnamed Country People 2

"Three or four miles" outside the town that "The Hound" refers to only as "the countyseat" (162), the men in the Sheriff's car meet "wagons and cars . . . going home from market day in town" (163). The text does not actually mention any people in either kind of vehicle, but it does say that the "Sheriff greets them with a single gesture of his fat arm," and that "them" must be human (163), or at least potential voters.

1057 Unnamed Country People 3

In "Uncle Willy" two different groups of people patronize Willy's drugstore. They are sharply distinguished by race - and by the kinds of things they buy. This group is the "country people buying patent medicines" (226); they are white.

1058 Unnamed Country People 4

In "The Tall Men" Mr. Pearson, who works for the federal government, lumps all country people together in the phrase "these people" (46). Pearson's work with various relief agencies has taught him to expect the worst from country people, and he assumes that they are all shiftless and untrustworthy. The encounter with the McCallum family and the story of their lives, as Gombault tells it, forces Pearson to revise his assumptions and abandon his prejudices.

1059 Unnamed Country People 5

Among the several kinds of crowds described in Intruder in the Dust are the ones composed of 'country people.' That is, people "from the distant circumambient settlements and crossroads stores and isolate farms," who regularly come in to Jefferson to shop and do other kinds of business. The last chapter opens with Chick watching them from the window of his uncle's office: "people black and white" (231), "men and women and children too then and the old people and the babies and the young couples" (230).

3310 Unnamed Country Wives and Daughters

The day the Grand Jury meets to consider Christmas' case in Light in August is a Saturday, which as always means there are a lot of people from the surrounding county in Jefferson; according to the narrator, while the “countrymen in overalls” join the townsmen standing around the courthouse, their wives and daughters of move “in and out of the stores . . . in clumps, slowly and also aimlessly as cattle or clouds" (416).

1541 Unnamed Countryman 1

In Flags in the Dust this "young man" moves from the country into Jefferson during World War I; he is identified as "steady" and "exemplary," poor but with "a desire to get on" (72). He he is drafted and sent overseas as "a company cook in the S.O.S." - that is, the Supply Service (72). In his absence the Red Cross and Narcissa Benbow take care of his wife and children.

640 Unnamed Countryman 2

Referred to in "Barn Burning" only as the "third man" along with Ab Snopes and the unnamed blacksmith, he "squat[s] on his heels" in rural fashion while taking part in their unnarrated, desultory conversation about "crops and animals" (19).

1447 Unnamed Countrymen 1

These "countrymen" - inhabitants of the countryside around Jefferson rather than town residents - don't appear directly in The Unvanquished, but they have left mark on the "wooden steps scuffed by the heavy bewildered boots" when they come into town to consult Ben Redmond in his law office (248); the fact that they are "bewildered" suggests their class status, and seems also intended to say something about Redmond's practice.

3304 Unnamed Countrymen 2

In The Town, the potential customers asking for directions to the Snopes Hotel are "country men" - men from the countryside outside Jefferson - who "were told simply to walk in that direction until they came to a woman rocking, and that was it" (42). (The woman is I.O. Snopes' wife. Faulkner here spells "country men" as two words, but our name spells it as one word, which Faulkner himself did elsewhere; see Unnamed Countrymen 1, for example, in this index.)

1255 Unnamed Countrywoman 1

In Flags in the Dust this unnamed woman is pregnant again when she moves from the countryside into Jefferson with her husband and two children. When her husband is drafted and shipped overseas, she is helped by the Red Cross and Narcissa Benbow.

1256 Unnamed Countrywoman 2

The narrator of Sanctuary doesn't say how he knows this young woman carrying an infant on the train is a "countrywoman" (170), but he displays sympathy for the fact that she is forced to stand while the college students occupy the seats in the railway car.

3305 Unnamed Countrywomen

In The Town, Gavin refers to the women - groups of "four or five or six ladies in sunbonnets" who live on "back-country roads" (240) - as the customers to whom Ratliff sells sewing machines, and from whom he has learned how to listen. Gavin's use of "ladies" is generous; these are the wives of the poor farmers who inhabit Yoknapatawpha's "back-country" in the fictions.

1558 Unnamed Countrywomen from Frenchman's Bend

The anonymous hillman in Flags in the Dust who moves into Jefferson and builds the house Belle Mitchell lives in came to town with his unnamed and unenumerated "women-folks" (24). In their new lives these women obviously attempt to live like 'ladies': they spend the mornings sitting on the veranda and the afternoons riding about wearing "colored silks" (24). But after two years, they return to Frenchman's Bend and, the narrator speculates, their original 'poor white' identities.

2684 Unnamed County Agricultural Agent

There are several references in "The Tall Men" to "county agents" in general. This is "the county agent's young fellow" who visits the McCallums periodically to explain the new federal programs that regulate agricultural production (57). He works for the federal government as part of the Roosevelt administration's efforts during the Depression to improve farm practices in places like the deep South. To the McCallums, this is the "the Government" that wants to "interfere with how a man farmed his own land" (55).

2760 Unnamed County Clerk

In both "A Point of Law" and Go Down, Moses the signature of this "nameless clerk" appears on the marriage license for George Wilkins and Nat Beauchamp (221, 70).

2073 Unnamed County Health Officer

In "Smoke," this county functionary investigates Anselm Holland’s despoliation of the Mardis Cemetery.

2388 Unnamed County Medical Officer

The "County Medical Officer" in Absalom! tells General Compson that Charles E. S-V. Bon and Judith Sutpen have yellow fever (170).

2450 Unnamed County Officer

In "the justice's court" in Absalom!, General Compson sees Charles E. S-V. Bon "handcuffed to an officer" (163); this officer may be "the sheriff" (164), or one of his deputies.

2557 Unnamed County Officers

According to the narrator of The Hamlet, "county officers do not bother [the people of Frenchman's Bend] at all save in the heel of election years" (5). The reference is to 'peace officers,' i.e. policemen, though in Yoknapatawpha the term 'police' is rarely used to describe the county's sheriffs and deputies or the marshals in the town. The county sheriffs all are elected, which explains the last part of that quotation, but in fact the novel shows them doing their job in Frenchman's Bend, at least when Houston is murdered.

3414 Unnamed County Political Boss

In The Mansion Luther Biglin's mother is the sister of a "rural political boss whose iron hand ruled one of the county divisions" (448). The division is not Frenchman's Bend, because this man's rule is compared to Will Varner's "at Frenchman's Bend," but we cannot say what other part of the county it is (448). This boss helped elect Sheriff Bishop, and so Bishop gives his wife's son (Luther) the job of county jailer.

2389 Unnamed County Recorder

In Absalom! this county recorder records "the deed, patent, to the land" which Sutpen acquires from the Chickasaws (25).

543 Unnamed Courier

In both "A Name for the City" and again in Requiem for a Nun this courier rides to Natchez to inform authorities of the capture of the bandits and to negotiate for the presumed reward for their capture.

1063 Unnamed Court Clerk 1

While the clerk himself does not appear in Flags in the Dust, his office does: on rainy days, the narrator says, the "city fathers," the old men who hold various patronage jobs in the town or county government, "move inside [the courthouse] to the circuit clerk's office" (161).

544 Unnamed Court Clerk 2

In Sanctuary the clerk is mentioned calling Temple's name and when the judge upholds Horace's only objection during her testimony.

1061 Unnamed Court Clerk 3

In "Tomorrow" this clerk reads the county's indictment against Bookwright.

1062 Unnamed Court Clerk 4

In The Town this court clerk reads the indictment at Mink's trial and asks him how he pleads - "'guilty or not guilty?'" (86).

2558 Unnamed Courthouse Janitor

In The Hamlet it is the courthouse janitor who "opens the court-room" for Mink Snopes' trial and, according to the narrator, could have done as good a job defending Mink his court-appointed lawyer (367).

250 Unnamed Cousin of Doom

In Faulkner's first two stories about the Indians who live in Yoknapatawpha when the white settlers begin arriving, neither the chief of the tribe (The Man) nor his son are named. In the patriarchal society Faulkner imagines, this son is heir to the title The Man - and as the son of The Man's sister, his cousin Doom is out of the line of succession. In "Red Leaves" both The Man and his son die mysteriously after Doom returns from a sojourn in New Orleans. In "A Justice" Doom's responsibility for their deaths is made explicit.

2266 Unnamed Cousin of Elly

In the short story names after her, Elly stays in her cousin's room during her visit to her uncle and aunt in Mills City. The cousin herself does not appear, but her bedroom is filled with "the frivolous impedimenta of a young girl" (217).

2561 Unnamed Cousin of Ratliff's Kinsman's Wife

In The Hamlet this distant kinsman's wife's cousin puts Ratliff up for the night and buys a sewing machine from him.

116 Unnamed Cousins of Issetibbeha

At the head of the tribe in "Red Leaves" is a single chief, "the Man." But the narrative notes that the larger political structure includes "a hierarchy of cousins and uncles who ruled the clan," and who meet as a group to discuss tribal issues like "the Negro question" (319). The narrative refers to them in the "conclave" as "one," "a third," "a second," and so on, but does not give them names or individualities or distinguish between the two generations in any way (319).

1828 Unnamed Craps Dealer

In Sanctuary the Grotto employee in charge of the "crap table" (as the narrative calls it, though it is usually referred to as a craps table) is called "the dealer" when he speaks his one line in the novel: "'Eleven,' he said" (240).

1670 Unnamed Crew of Schooner

In The Sound and the Fury these two men operate the schooner Quentin watches going under the drawbridge over the Charles: one is "naked to the waist . . . coiling down a line on the fo'c's'le head" and the other is "in a straw hat without any crown . . . at the wheel" (89).

2486 Unnamed Cronies of the Governor

Although the only examples in "Monk" of the political hacks whom the state's new Governor is elevating to positions of power are the men on the Parole Board, Stevens sees that group as representative of the "battalions and battalions of factory-made colonels" now running the government (63).
