Character Keys
Code![]() |
title | biography | |
2142 | Unnamed Negro College Teachers and Students |
In Light in August Joanna Burden leaves Jefferson several times a year, for "three and four days," during which she visits the various "negro schools and colleges through the south" that she supports (233). There she meets with "the teachers and the students" (234). |
2143 | Unnamed Negro Husband 1 |
This is the man in Light in August who lives in a cabin "on the edge of town immediately behind" Hightower's house, and who seeks help from Hightower when his wife goes into labor (73). The narrative suggests that he is afraid to approach a white woman to ask for help: "Hightower knew that the man would walk all the way to town . . . instead of asking some white woman to telephone for him" (74). |
2144 | Unnamed Negro Husband 2 |
This man never appears in Light in August; he loses his shoes when his wife swaps "her husband's brogans which she was wearing at the time" for the shoes Joe Christmas is wearing (329). |
2145 | Unnamed Negro Letter Writers |
In Light in August Joanna Burden conducts a steady and voluminous correspondence with "the presidents and faculties and trustees" and "young girl students and even alumnae" of various southern Negro schools and colleges. In her replies Joanna sends them "advice, business, financial and religions" and "advice personal and practical" (233). |
2146 | Unnamed Negro Neighbors of Joanna Burden |
Although the white people of Jefferson shun Joanna Burden in Light in August, the people of the local black community have close ties with her, as indicated by the footpaths from their cabins to her big house, paths which "radiate from her house like wheelspokes" (257). She "visits them when they are sick," Byron tells Lena, "like they was white" (53). |
2147 | Unnamed Negro Nursemaids |
According to the narrator of Light in August, "few of the townspeople" take any notice of the sign in front of Hightower's house (58), but "now and then" an "idle and illiterate" "negro nursemaid with her white charges would loiter" and spell out the letters on it (59). |
2148 | Unnamed Negro Planing Mill Workers |
Light in August never explicitly identifies the "fellows" who are shoveling sawdust at the planing mill when Christmas is hired and told to "get a scoop and help them fellows move that sawdust" (33). But the narrator calls the work Joe is doing a "negro's job" (36), and "Joe Brown," who shovels sawdust alongside Christmas, calls it "doing the work of a nigger slave" (96). So that's the logic behind our decision to add this Character to the database: the job is associated with blacks, and so the "fellows" doing it when Christmas starts work are presumably black. |
2149 | Unnamed Stillborn Negro Baby |
Light in August does not identify the sex of the baby that Hightower delivers in the cabin behind his house, saying only that "it was already dead" before it was born (74). |
2150 | Unnamed Negro Who Disappeared |
This character in Light in August is enigmatic. He is mentioned by the "old negro woman" whom Joe Brown asks to take a message to the Sheriff for him (433-34). She refuses, citing the case of this man as her reason: "I done had one nigger that thought he knowed a sheriff well enough to go and visit with him. He aint never come back, neither" (434). |
2151 | Unnamed Negro Woman in Labor |
She and her husband live in a cabin "immediately behind" Hightower's house in Light in August (73). Her husband leaves her to get help in the middle of her labor; when Hightower arrives in response, he finds her "on her hands and knees on the floor, trying to get back into bed, screaming and wailing" (74). With Hightower's help she delivers the baby, but it is "already dead" - "doubtless injured when she left the bed" (74). |
2152 | Unnamed Negro Woman Near Burden Place |
This woman is mentioned by Byron in Light in August, who tells Hightower that there is "a nigger woman, old enough to be sensible, that dont live over two hundred yards away" from the cabin on the Burden place where he has moved Lena (314). He says she can help Lena when she goes into labor. |
2153 | Unnamed Negro Woman Wearing Christmas' Shoes |
This is the woman in Light in August who trades "a pair of her husband's brogans" to Joe Christmas in return for his shoes (329). She is 'captured' anticlimactically when the Sheriff's dogs follow the scent of the shoes to the cabin next to a corn field where she and her family live; when the armed posse kicks open the door she drops the iron skillet she was holding. |
2154 | Unnamed Negro Yardmen 2 |
When McEachern tells him about "work" in Light in August, Joe understands what it means by remembering that "he had seen work going on in the person of men with rakes and shovels about the playground [of the Memphis orphanage] six days each week" (144). Based on the kind of work these men are doing, and the patterns of the Yoknapatawpha fictions as a group, it seems very likely that these men are black. |
2155 | Unnamed Negro Youth in Jefferson |
While walking along a Jefferson street in Light in August, this "negro youth" is so frightened by the "still and baleful" look on Christmas' face as he stares through the barbershop window at Brown that he carefully "edges away" from him (113). |
2156 | Unnamed Negroes in Country Churches |
In Light in August these members of "remote negro churches" "about the county" listen to Doc Hines when he interrupts their services to commandeer the pulpit and preach to them about "the superiority of the white race" (343). The narrator says that they "believed that he was crazy, touched by God," or "perhaps" even "God himself," "since God to them was a white man too and His doings also a little inexplicable" (344). |
2157 | Unnamed Negroes in Freedman Town |
In Light in August these Negroes live in Freedman Town, the specifically black section of Jefferson. Though they are described as "invisible" to Joe, as he walks past their cabins he is very conscious of the way they and their "negro smell" seem to enclose him, "like bodiless voices murmuring talking laughing in a language not his" (114). He is particularly conscious of the murmuring "bodiless fecundmellow voices of [the] negro women" there (115). |
2158 | Unnamed Negroes in Mottstown |
During the thirty years that the Hineses live in Mottstown in Light in August, they depend largely on the charity of the Negroes who live in their neighborhood, despite Doc's racist sermons and overall belligerence. In particular the narrative mentions "the negro women" of Mottstown, who bring dishes of food, possibly from the white kitchens where they cook, to the Hineses at their house (341). |
2159 | Unnamed Negroes Who Flee Christmas |
In a cabin that he enters during his flight in Light in August, Christmas "sees negro dishes, negro food," and feels the presence of "flight and abrupt consternation" (335). From these details we can construct the blacks who live in the cabin, but in fact they never appear except as the "long, limber black hands" that put the food in front of him. And they are only heard in the "wails of terror and distress" that Christmas "hears without hearing them" (335). As he eats, Christmas registers their fear and calls himself "their brother" (335). |
2160 | Unnamed Neighbor of McEachern |
In Light in August this "neighbor" pays Christmas two dollars for chopping wood (197). |
2161 | Burringtons in New Hampshire |
According to Joanna in Light in August, many members of the Burrington family she descends from still live in New Hampshire, although she has only seen these relatives "perhaps three times in her life" (241). |
2162 | Unnamed Negro Woman in the North |
In Light in August Joe Christmas and this woman lives "as man and wife" in Chicago or Detroit (225). According to the narrator, , she resembles "an ebony carving," and as Joe lies in bed with her he "tries to breathe into himself the dark odor, the dark and inscrutable thinking and being of negroes" (225-26). Since she is the only Negro woman whom the narrative mentions Joe living with, it seems likely that she is the woman Joe is remembering when he thinks about the possibility that Joanna might reject him: "No white woman ever did that. |
2163 | Unnamed Negroes in the North |
Part of the time Christmas is on "the street which was to run for fifteen years" in Light in August he spends in Chicago and Detroit, living and eating "with negroes" (225) as a Negro himself. He fights with any of the black men "who call him white" (225). |
2164 | Unnamed Northern Policemen |
In an unidentified northern city or town in Light in August, these "two policemen" subdue Christmas after he nearly beats a prostitute to death (225). |
2165 | Unnamed Northern Prostitute |
This prostitute in Light in August has just had sex with a black patron before Joe's "turn," so she responds with indifference when Christmas tries to provoke her by saying "that he is a negro" (225). In response, he beats her so badly that "at first they thought that the woman was dead" (225). |
2166 | Unnamed Orphanage Workers |
The women who work at the Memphis orphanage where Christmas lives in Light in August include the ones who find him "on that doorstep that Christmas night" and so decide to give him the last name of "Christmas" (383-84). Five years later two young women clean and dress Joe Christmas before he leaves the orphanage with Simon McEachern. |
2167 | Unnamed Orphans |
In Light in August these children in the Memphis orphanage wear "identical and uniform blue denim" (119). Joe seems to live apart from most of them, except a few of the older girls who show him some maternal kindess. According to Hines and the dietitian, at least some of these children call Joe "Nigger" (127). |
2168 | Unnamed Parents of Hightower's Mother |
Light in August never gives Reverend Hightower's mother a first name, much less a maiden one. But it does tell us that "she was one of many children of a genteel couple who had never got ahead and who seemed to find in the church some substitute for that which lacked upon the dinnertable" (472). |
2169 | Unnamed People along Lena's Way |
These are the people in Light in August who, Lena says, "have been right kind" to her during her travels on foot from Alabama to Yoknapatawpha. The narrative implies a difference between the way men and women judge Lena when it describes Mrs. Beard looking at her "once, completely, as strange women had been doing for four weeks now" (85). Nonetheless the narrative does confirm Lena's assertion that everyone is "kind." When she inquires for Lucas Burch, people send her along to the next town, often finding her a ride in the process. |
2170 | Unnamed People at Church Revival |
One story that is told in Light in August about the first Gail Hightower concerns the time he invaded an "al fresco church revival" and "turned it into a week of amateur horse racing" while a "dwindling congregation" listened to the "gaunt, fanaticfaced country preachers" (472) condemn him. |
2171 | Unnamed People at Prayer Meeting |
In Light in August, when Doc Hines disrupts a prayer meeting by "yelling" for "white folks to turn out and kill" all the blacks, the "folks in the church" make him come down from the pulpit (378). When he threatens them with a pistol, they call the law. |
2172 | Unnamed People at the Dance |
The country people at what Bobbie calls "the clodhopper dance" in Light in August (218) are described as "girls in stiff offcolors and mailorder stockings and heels" and "young men in illcut and boardlike garments" (206). Among this group are the two men who restrain Bobbie after Joe strikes McEachern down. |
2173 | Unnamed People in Mottstown 2 |
During the first "five or six years" that the Hineses live in Mottstown in Light in August, "people" hire Doc "to do various odd jobs which they considered within his strength" (341). These "people" are distinguished by the narrative from "the town," which wonders how the Hineses will live once Doc stops doing these jobs (341). They are also not "the people of Mottstown" who have their own entry, and who as an entity play a different and much larger role in the novel. |
2174 | Unnamed People in Mottstown Station |
When the Hineses are waiting for the northbound train from Mottstown to Jefferson in Light in August, they are joined by "drummers and loafers and such" who buy tickets for the southbound train (359). 'Drummer' was a well-known term for traveling salesman at the time the novel was published. |
2175 | Unnamed People in Wagon |
On the last day of his flight in Light in August Christmas wakes up beside a quiet country road just in time to see a wagon speeding away, "its occupants looking back at him over their shoulders" and its driver urging the horses or mules onward with a whip (337). |
2176 | Unnamed People of Railroad Division Point |
The first time we see the town that the narrator of Light in August describes as a "railroad division point," the town's "whole air" is "masculine, transient" (173). On Christmas' last trip the narrator describes "the small, random, new, terrible little houses in which people who came yesterday from nowhere and tomorrow will be gone wherenot" live (211). In between the narrative refers specifically to only a few of these people, including some salesmen and the lawyer McEachern consults. |
2177 | Unnamed People of Mottstown |
Like the "people of Jefferson" in Light in August, the collective "people of Mottstown," where Christmas' grandparents live for thirty years and where he himself is finally captured, play two roles in the novel: audience and narrator. As spectators, they are suspicious of newcomers - again like the people of Jefferson. When the Hineses first move to Mottstown, "the town" wonders about them but eventually comes to take their presence for granted (341). |
2178 | Unnamed People of South Alabama |
In Light in August, the narrator's vision of Doane's Mill in the future includes the "hookwormridden" people in that area who, without knowing anything about the hamlet, would pull down the mill buildings to "burn in cookstoves and winter grates" (5). |
2179 | Unnamed Person Who Shot Hightower's Grandfather |
Cinthy, the former slave in Light in August from whom Hightower hears the story of his grandfather's death that he in turn tells his wife, says that it was never known who fired the shot that killed him. Hightower, however, speculates that the shooter "may have been a woman, likely enough the wife of a Confederate soldier" (485). While Hightower says "I like to think so. It's fine so," the uncertainties about his grandfather's death challenge his recurrent heroic image of the man. |
2180 | Unnamed Photographers |
Along with the "Memphis reporters taking pictures" who swarm around Hightower and his church the day after his wife's death (67), Light in August mentions "some photographers" who set up their cameras in front of the church (68), including one "cameraman" who catches Hightower grimacing behind his hymn book "as though he were smiling" (69). It's not clear if the "reporters taking pictures" and the "photographers" are two different sets of people. |
2181 | Unnamed Workers at Planing Mill |
As a group the men who work at the planing mill in Light in August observe and comment on the appearance and behavior of Joe Christmas and Joe Brown during and after the nearly three years these two outsiders work there too. On the Saturday Lena arrives in Jefferson, they see the smoke of the fire and joke about it - and about the Burdens, who they see as outsiders too. |
2182 | Unnamed Poor Whites in Crowd |
When describing the people who gather to stare at Joanna's murdered body and her burning house, the narrator of Light in August refers, briefly but very specifically, to three categories of people who are not just from the county or the "immediate neighborhood" or from town (287): one of these categories consists of "poor whites" who, like "the casual Yankees" and "the southerners who had lived for a while in the north," identify the crime as the work of "Negro" and actually "hope" that Joanna had been "ravished" as well as murdered (288). |
2183 | Unnamed Priests |
In Light in August the Catholic priests at the monastery in California teach Calvin Burden I to read the bible in Spanish and to sign his name; Nathaniel mentions other priests in the country where he and Juana met (presumably Old Mexico). |
2184 | Unnamed Inmates 1 |
These are the "other prisoners" in the jail in Light in August at the same time that Lucas Burch (Joe Brown) is there (303). They are only referred to by Buck Conner when he orders Burch to stop talking. |
2185 | Unnamed College Professor |
In Light in August this "college professor" from "the neighboring State University" north of Jefferson arrives in town to spend a "few days" of the summer vacation with Gavin Stevens, his friend and former schoolmate at Harvard (444). He arrives just after Christmas is killed, and listens silently while Gavin provides his explanation of Christmas' behavior. |
2186 | Unnamed Prostitutes in Max's Restaurant |
While spending time with Bobbie in Light in August, Joe sometimes meets "another woman or two" who, like Bobbie, work for Max and Mame as both waitresses and prostitutes. The narrative says they are "sometimes from the town," but are "usually strangers who would come in from Memphis and stay a week or a month" (199). |
2187 | Unnamed Relatives of Mrs. Hightower |
Hightower's wife in Light in August is the only child of "one of the ministers, the teachers" in the seminary he attends (479), but this icon represents the imaginary "family" that Hightower invents to explain his wife's periodical absences in Memphis. He tells the congregation she has gone to visit them "downstate somewhere" (63). |
2188 | Unnamed Residents of Doane's Mill |
The people of Doane's Mill in Light in August only there temporarily. A few of them, including Lucas Burch, are "young bachelors" (6), but there are also "perhaps five families" living there and working "in the mill or for it" when Lena comes to live with McKinley and his family (4). One of these people is the "foreman" who serves as Lucas Burch's pretext for abandoning Lena Grove in Doane's Mill; another may be this foreman's "cousin," or he may be a figment of Burch's imagination (19). |
2189 | Unnamed Saloon Keeper |
According to the story Joanna tells about her family in Light in August, when her father married his first wife, Juana, this saloon keeper lent some mosquito netting to Nathaniel's sisters to use for making a wedding veil. |
2190 | Unnamed Minister in Santa Fe |
In Light in August, this is 'the white minister in Santa Fe" - in other words, he's a Protestant from the U.S. rather than a Catholic priest from Mexico - whom Nathaniel Burden hears about. Nathaniel and Juana hope he will marry them, but as they arrive in Santa Fe they see "the dust of the stage" that was carrying him away (247). The fact that he had been there inspires them to live in Santa Fe "a couple more years," hoping he will return (247). He never does. |
2191 | Unnamed Members of Posse 1 |
In his hunt for Joe Christmas across the Yoknapatawpha countryside in Light in August Sheriff Kennedy is joined by a large posse. There are "thirty or forty" white men waiting for the bloodhounds who arrive on the train the day after Joanna's body is discovered (296), and the narrative suggests this same group remains on the trail through the following week. |
2192 | Unnamed Slaves at Burden Place |
When he returns to the Burden place after Lena's baby is born in Light in August, Hightower has a brief vision of the antebellum plantation that it once was, and in particular of "the rich fecund black life of the quarters," the "fecund [enslaved] women" and their "prolific naked children" (407). |
2193 | Unnamed Son of Lena Grove |
This boy is born in Joe Christmas' cabin on Joanna Burden's property on the same day that Christmas is lynched in Jefferson in Light in August. When Hightower asks his name, Lena says "I aint named him yet" (410). Joe's grandmother, who is there at his birth, calls him "Joey," confusing him with the child who was born to her daughter Milly, whom she has not seen since he was a baby over thirty-six years ago (397). Lena's baby's father has abandoned him, but at the end of the novel Lena is taking him with her as she resumes her travels. |
2194 | Unnamed Southern Prostitutes and Madams |
During his fifteen years on the road, Joe has sex with many prostitutes. In what the narrative calls "the (comparatively speaking) south," whenever he doesn't have money to pay them, he tells them afterward that he is "a negro" - a kind of race card that apparently puts the transaction so far outside the bounds that all Joe risks by asserting it is a cursing from "the woman and the matron of the house" (224). |
2195 | Unnamed Southerners Who Lived in North |
When describing the people who gather to stare at Joanna's murdered body and her burning house, the narrator of Light in August refers, briefly but very specifically, to three categories of people who are not just from the county or the "immediate neighborhood" or from town (287): one of these categories consists of "southerners who had lived for a while in the north" who, like "the poor whites" and "the casual Yankees," identify the crime as the work of "Negro" and actually "hope" that Joanna had been "ravished" as well as murdered (288). |
2196 | Unnamed Staff of Little Rock Orphanage |
In Light in August the staff at the orphanage in Little Rock call the police when Doc Hines tries to have Joe admitted. |
2197 | Unnamed Station Agent 2 |
In Light in August the railroad agent in Mottstown tries to talk Mrs. Hines into renting a car rather than waiting for the "two oclock in the morning" train to Jefferson (360). |
2198 | Unnamed Store Proprietor 1 |
The man who owns the "odorous and cluttered store" where Hightower shops in Light in August claims to have known "all the time" that Joe Christmas "wasn't a white man" (308) - but he does not say how he knew. |
2199 | Unnamed Store Proprietor 2 |
"The proprietor" of the "small tight neatly-cluttered store" where Mink buys his first food after leaving prison in The Mansion takes advantage of Mink's ignorance about prices (286-86). |
2200 | Unnamed Stranger 1 |
This "stranger" in Light in August is a hypothetical figure, offered by the narrator as an example of the type of person who might pay attention to the sign in front of Hightower's house, which over the years the townspeople have come to ignore, and then mention it to "some acquaintance in the town" (59). |
2201 | Unnamed Stranger 2 |
Over the course of several pages in one of the chapters he narrates in The Mansion, Ratliff imagines how the unconventionally triangular relationship among Charles Mallison as an adolescent, Gavin Stevens and Linda Snopes might look to "a stranger that never happened to be living in Jefferson or Yoknapatawpha County ten or twelve years ago" (123). |
2202 | Unnamed Negro Children 3 |
These "two negro children" who approach Joe Christmas near the end of his flight across Yoknapatawpha in Light in August "look at him with white-rolling eyes" when he asks what day it is; when he tells them to "go on," he stares at the spot "where they had stood" as they run away (336). The narrative does not say if they are male, female or one of each. |
2203 | Unnamed Texans |
One of Nathaniel Burden's adventures in the West in Light in August involves "some folks" in Texas who have a "deputy treed in a dance hall" (247). |
2204 | Unnamed Texas Deputy |
This lawman appears in the account of Nathaniel Burden's adventures on the frontier before the Civil War in Light in August. Some men have him "treed in a dance hall" in Texas (247). |
2205 | Unnamed Texas Rangers |
One of Nathaniel Burden's adventures in the West in Light in August involves "helping some Rangers" clean up "some kind of a mess" with "some folks" and a deputy who is "treed in a dance hall" (247). The law enforcement group commonly referred to as the "Texas Rangers" has been in existence since well before Texas became a state in 1845. |
2206 | Unnamed Truck Driver 1 |
In Light in August the driver of the truck that arrives at the planing mill "loaded with logs" tells the men working there the latest news from the fire at the Burden place (49). |
2207 | Unnamed Truck Driver 2 |
In Intruder in the Dust one of the "long-haul" truck drivers who patronize the all-night cafe in Jefferson can, at least hypothetically, let the the town's night marshal know whenever his phone is ringing (206). |
2208 | Unnamed Two Men 1 |
In Light in August Reverend Hightower's father returns home from the Civil War in a wagon; when it stops in front of his house, these "two men lift him down and carry him into the house" and to his bed (468). |
2209 | Unnamed Two Men 2 |
After Doc Hines tries to incite the people of Mottstown to kill Christmas in Light in August, these "two men" bring him "home in a car"; one drives while the other "holds Hines up in the back seat" (345). At his house they "lift him" from the car and "carry him through the gate" (345). They would have carried him into the house, but after they tell Mrs. Hines about the capture of Christmas, she insists on taking her husband inside herself. |
2210 | Unnamed Two Men 3 |
At the country dance in Light in August, these two men restrain Bobbie from physically attacking the fallen McEachern. |
2211 | Unnamed Undercover Revenue Agent |
One of the hypothetical characters in Light in August, this "undercover man" does not actually appear in Jefferson, but he is fairly vividly conjured up in the imagination of "the town," which is "just waiting" this man to arrest Brown for selling moonshine whiskey (46). At the time the novel takes place, Prohibition made it illegal to sell alcohol anywhere in the U.S. But Yoknapatawpha is 'dry' throughout its imaginative history, meaning that it was always illegal to sell alcohol there. The federal agents who enforced this law were colloquially called 'revenuers.' |
2212 | Unnamed Wedding Guests |
When Nathaniel and Juana get married in Kansas, Joanna tells Christmas in Light in August, "everybody they could get word to or that heard about it, came" (250). |
2213 | Unnamed Jefferson Children 2 |
The "town" of Jefferson plays a prominent and pervasive role in Light in August, but the only time the narrative refers to the town's children is when it describes the occasional "negro nursemaid" who would pass Hightower's "with her white charges" (59). |
2214 | Unnamed White People 2 |
Most of the time if Faulkner's narrative does not specify someone's race, it is safe to assume they are 'white,' and the majority of the characters in Light in August are 'white' too. But the "white people" this entry specifically refers to are the residents of Jefferson who live in the neighborhood next to the town's black district, whom Christmas sees during his walk on Friday evening. |
2215 | Unnamed Woman at Farm House |
In Light in August this "gaunt, leatherhard woman" recognizes Joe Christmas when he comes to her door for food; when he asks "what day this is," she tells him it is Tuesday, and threatens to call her man if he doesn't go away (332). |
2216 | Unnamed Negro Woman on Mourner's Bench |
When Christmas disrupts the revival meeting in the black church in Light in August, this woman, "already in a semihysterical state" from the service, calls him "the devil!" and "Satan himself!" before running straight at him (322). He knocks her down. (A regular feature at revival meetings, the 'mourner's bench' is set in front of the pulpit for repentant sinners to occupy.) |
2217 | Unnamed Father of Planing Mill Worker |
In Light in August, this man is mentioned by one of the workers at the planing mill, who says his "pappy" told him how "folks" in Jefferson felt the Burden place "ought to be burned, with a little human fat meat to start it good" (49). |
2218 | Unnamed Employees at Sheriff's Office |
In Light in August Sheriff Kennedy's office apparently includes other deputies or employees besides Buford, though their identities never come into focus. When Bryon goes to that office to talk to Kennedy, "they" tell him that Kennedy is busy with "the special Grand Jury" (415). When Mrs. Hines goes there, the Sheriff sends her to see Christmas at the jail "with a deputy" (447). When Grimm goes there, "they" tell him that the sheriff is at home, eating; in this third case, "they" even have lines of dialogue, including a joke about Kennedy's weight (454). |
2219 | Unnamed Wounded Civil War Soldiers |
In Light in August Reverend Hightower's father learns how to practice medicine during the Civil War by helping the Confederate doctors work on the "bodies of friends and foe alike" (473). |
2220 | Unnamed Union Officer 2 |
According to the report that reaches the Hightower's house during the Civil War in Light in August, this "Yankee officer" shoots and kills Pomp, Gail Hightower's father's personal slave, "to protect his own life" when Pomp attacks him "with a shovel" (477). |
2221 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 4 |
Although Yankee soldiers do not appear directly in Light in August, according to the account of Van Dorn's cavalry raid that Hightower tells his wife Jefferson was "a garrisoned town," meaning that Union soldiers were stationed there, and to attack it the troop with which his grandfather rode had to travel "for a hundred miles through a country where every grove and hamlet had its Yankee bivouac" (483). |
2222 | Unnamed Yankees in Crowd |
When describing the people who gather to stare at Joanna's murdered body and her burning house, the narrator of Light in August refers, briefly but very specifically, to three categories of people who are not just from the county or the "immediate neighborhood" or from town (287): one of these categories consists of "casual Yankees" who, like "the poor whites" and "the southerners who had lived for a while in the north," identify the crime as the work of "Negro" and actually "hope" that Joanna had been "ravished" as well as murdered (288). |
2223 | Unnamed Federal Agent |
The Federal Bureau of Investigation did not begin investigating bank robberies until the Depression, a decade after the Sartoris bank was robbed. But Faulkner is almost certainly thinking of the F.B.I. in "There Was a Queen" when he has Narcissa identify the man with whom she has sex as "a Federal agent" who came into possession of the letters she is anxious to get back while pursuing "the man who had robbed the bank" (740). |
2224 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 5 |
According to "There Was a Queen," both Miss Jenny's father and her husband were killed during the Civil War, by the men whom she refers to as "them goddamn Yankees" (733). |
2225 | Howard Allison II |
Judge Howard Allison's only son and namesake in "Beyond" is, as the Judge puts it, "the last of my name and race" (789). Young Howard loved riding his pony: "they were inseparable," the Judge says, and he carries a picture of the two of them (790). They boy was killed at the age of ten, found "dragging from the stirrup" of the pony (789). Although he does not appear in the story, one of the inhabitants of Beyond reports seeing him ride by on his pony "every day" (794). |
2226 | Judge Howard Allison |
Judge Allison, the central character of "Beyond," is the child of a sickly woman; he describes his life this way: "She died when I was fourteen; I was twenty-eight before I asserted myself and took the wife of my choice; I was thirty-seven when my son was born" (790). He is a Federal judge, "a Republican office-holder in a Democratic stronghold" who shares the political leanings of his wife's father and a "great reader" whose "life is a solitary one" (789). He is a lifelong religious skeptic whose doubts have only intensified since his son's death eighteen years ago. |
2227 | Mrs. Howard Allison |
The wife of Judge Allison in "Beyond" is a rather vague character; the only things we know about her are that the Judge was twenty-eight when they married and she bore a son in 1903. |
2228 | Sophia Allison |
The mother of Judge Allison in "Beyond," Sophia, was a sickly woman and highly overprotective of her son. Howard's aunts ran the house, patronizing Sophia and keeping Howard under control; Sophia herself is also very controlling of her son. On those occasions when she allowed him to go barefoot outside, for example, "I would know that for every grain of dust which pleasured my feet, she would pay with a second of her life" (790). |
2229 | Unnamed Father-In-Law of Judge Allison |
Judge Allison's father-in-law in "Beyond" was "a Republican" with whose politics the Judge agrees (789). Politically, Allison and his father-in-law are very much in the minority in Yoknapatawpha. |
2230 | Chlory |
Chlory cooks and keeps house for Judge Allison in "Beyond"; the keening she does when he dies is described as "slow billows of soprano sound as mellow as high-register organ tones and wall-shattering as a steamer siren" (782). |
2231 | Robert Ingersoll |
Historically, Robert Ingersoll was a late 19th-century orator and philosopher nicknamed "The Great Agnostic," whose rejection of Christianity was widely discussed in his day and in Faulkner's. In "Beyond," Faulkner locates Ingersoll in the story's version of heaven, and gives him the role of interlocutor to the protagonist's doubts about God and the afterlife; Ingersoll listens to what Judge Allison says about his life and ideas, but he doesn't offer any solutions or answers. |
2232 | Mothershed |
In "Beyond" Allison meets Mothershed: a self-proclaimed nihilist in life, who is in Beyond after committing suicide. Of him the Judge says, "for the last fifteen years my one intellectual companion has been a rabid atheist, almost an illiterate, who not only scorns all logic and science, but who has a distinct body odor as well" (789). The Judge's characterization of Mothershed is odd, since they spent their afternoons discussing thinkers like Ingersoll, Voltaire, and Paine (786, 787). |
2233 | Unnamed Aunts of Judge Allison |
In "Beyond" these two women live with Howard Allison and his mother during Howard's boyhood; they run the house, rigidly control Howard's life, and patronize his mother. |
2234 | Unnamed Child in Road |
This is the child who "ran into the road," forcing the "young man" whom the Judge meets in "Beyond" to swerve his car; as he tells the Judge, he missed the child but died himself (784). |
2235 | Unnamed Child With Scars |
The hands and feet of this child whom the Judge meets in "Beyond" have been scarred by "the other children . . . one day when they were playing" (794). He likes to play with his toy soldiers, one of which is named Pilate, given to him by "an old gentleman who has lived here a long time" (793). A querulous little boy, he seems at the moment mostly "tired of his toys" (793). Like his mother, he evokes the story of Christ, with which the judge has struggled during his adult life. |
2236 | Unnamed Christians |
These are the "preachers" and the "Jesus shouters" in "Beyond" whom Mothershed rails against; he blames them for the fact that he found himself in Beyond after committing suicide (786). |
2237 | Unnamed Crowd at Entrance to Beyond |
When the Judge enters and again when he leaves Beyond, he encounters a "throng" of people "clotting" through the "narrow entrance" to the place (783, 795). He doesn't like crowds, so the fact that he is in one is "definitely unpleasant," "quite unpleasant" (783, 795). However, in both instances the crowd itself seems quite orderly and calm. |
2238 | Unnamed Eulogist |
When the Judge returns home in "Beyond" he hears "the drone of a voice" in another room as he slips back into "his clothes," "recently pressed" for his funeral (797). The voice and the smell of flowers in the air indicate that the Judge's funeral is being held in his home; the speaker could be a minister (the Judge says that he still occasionally attends church) or another political or civic figure. |
2239 | Unnamed Extra Groom |
In "Beyond" Judge Allison mentions the "extra groom" who went with the Allison family when they rode to church in order to tend his son's pony while they were in services (790). "Groom" here means a person employed to take care of horses. |
2240 | Unnamed Fiancee of Young Man |
This young lady was to marry the "young man" whom the Judge meets in Beyond when, on the morning of the wedding, he was killed in a car accident (783). |
2241 | Unnamed Footman |
According to the mother that the Judge meets in Beyond, the "old gentleman" who gave the toy soldiers to her son "has a footman to carry his umbrella and overcoat and steamer rug" (793). Typically, a 'footman' is a liveried servant - and not usually found in an American, much less a Southern context. Domestic servants in Yoknapatawpha are black, but given the British locutions here - including "umbrella" and "steamer rug" - there's no reason to assume this footman is. |