Character Keys
Code![]() |
title | biography | |
1438 | John Sevier |
The John Sevier mentioned by Aunt Jenny in The Unvanquished was a frontiersmen whose adventures made him a hero "to small boys or fool young women" (244). |
1439 | Mr. Habersham |
In The Unvanquished Mr. Habersham works in a "little dim hole" in a bank (220). He obeys his wife's command and signs John Sartoris' peace bond. (The Habersham family figures in Faulkner's fiction among the founders of Yoknapatawpha, but the married couple in this novel are not specifically associated with that larger narrative.) |
1440 | Hilliard |
The "Hilliard at the livery stable" in The Unvanquished Oxford is presumably the owner who lets Ringo talk him out of a good horse for his long ride (217). |
1441 | Missy Lena |
In The Unvanquished - in a passage added to the original story "Raid" - Ringo sleeps in "Missy Lena's cabin" at Hawkhurst; she is undoubtedly a slave on the plantation, but does not appear in the novel herself (99). If her name was given her by the whites who owned her, as was probably the case, Missy Lena is likely a corruption of "Messalina," the wife of the Roman emperor Claudius; in Faulkner's fiction as in southern history, slave names were often a mock-heroic version of classical ones. |
1442 | Unc Few Mitchell |
In "Retreat" and again in The Unvanquished, Louvinia mentions "Unc Few Mitchell" to help Bayard and Ringo appreciate the performance Colonel Sartoris puts on for the Union troops who had ridden up to the plantation in search of him. According to her, he was "born loony" (34, 73). From the way she talks about him, it seems very likely that he is another enslaved person on the Sartoris plantation, but that is not explicitly said. |
1443 | General John Hunt Morgan |
John Hunt Morgan commanded a cavalry regiment in the western theater of the Civil War, and, like Nathan Bedford Forrest, was known for his raids behind Yankee lines. His 1863 raid into southern Indiana and Ohio was the furthest Confederate penetration of the North. In The Unvanquished, among "the names" that Bayard and Ringo hear John Sartoris mention as he talks about the war is "Morgan" (15). |
1444 | Unnamed Union Auditor |
In "The Unvanquished" and then in the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished, this auditor is mentioned by the Union lieutenant whose men take down a mule pen fence while re-taking stolen Union livestock. The lieutenant gives Rosa a voucher worth $10 to pay for the damaged fence, then asks her not to forge a higher amount because, as he says, "if in about four months the auditor should find a warrant in the records for a thousand dollars to Mrs Rosa Millard, I would have to make it good" (91, 147). |
1445 | Unnamed Charlestonians |
In The Unvanquished this is the group that Aunt Jenny refers to "us" and "we": her fellow Charlestonians during the War who, like herself, admired the efforts of the English blockade runner to break through the Union naval blockade, and so helped alleviate their sufferings during under the constrained wartime conditions, the time when "we had all forgot what money was, what you could do with it" (244). |
1446 | Unnamed Confederate Trainmen |
In a passage added to "Raid" as a chapter of The Unvanquished, Drusilla tells Ringo about the race between two railroad trains, one driven by Confederates and the other by Union forces, who rushed past Hawkhurst before the track was destroyed by Yankee troops. |
1447 | Unnamed Countrymen 1 |
These "countrymen" - inhabitants of the countryside around Jefferson rather than town residents - don't appear directly in The Unvanquished, but they have left mark on the "wooden steps scuffed by the heavy bewildered boots" when they come into town to consult Ben Redmond in his law office (248); the fact that they are "bewildered" suggests their class status, and seems also intended to say something about Redmond's practice. |
1448 | Unnamed Dirt Farmers |
In a passage added to the "Retreat" chapter of The Unvanquished, Bayard describes these poor whites as "the people whom the niggers called 'white trash'" - though he himself refers to them several times as "white trash" too (48-49). Their low status is defined in part by the fact that they "owned no slaves" (49). They farm "little patches of poor hill land" near the McCaslin place and in some cases "live worse than the slaves on the big plantation" (49). According to Bayard, they "look on Uncle Buck and Buddy like Deity Himself" (49). |
1449 | Unnamed English Blockade Runner |
Aunt Jenny tells Bayard about this "Englishman" among the blockade runners she knew in Charleston during the Civil War: "He must have been a gentleman once or associated with gentlemen" (244). For most of the Civil War the Union Navy blockaded the ports of the Confederate states, including Charleston, South Carolina. "Blockade runners" were sailors who snuck their ships past the Union ships to bring supplies to the South. This unnamed English seaman was presumably an officer. His smuggling, although motivated by money, made him a hero to Aunt Jenny and her peers. |
1450 | Unnamed Children of Hill Man |
In The Unvanquished these are the children of the "hill man" whom Colonel Sartoris shoots after the War; they live with their mother in "a dirt-floored cabin in the hills" (221). |
1451 | Unnamed Hill Man 2 |
In The Unvanquished this man lives with his family in a "dirt-floored cabin in the hills" outside Jefferson (221). He served under John Sartoris in his first regiment. After the war Sartoris shoots and kills him, because he thinks (perhaps wrongly) that the man plans to rob him. |
1452 | Unnamed Widow of Hill Man |
In The Unvanquished this woman - even though she is dirt poor (literally, as she lives in a "dirt-floored cabin in the hills") - maintains her pride by throwing back the money John Sartoris offers her after he shot her husband (221). |
1453 | Unnamed People on the Road to Memphis |
In "Retreat" and again in The Unvanquished these are the people who live in the various "houses on the road" to Memphis; "at least once a day" Granny, Bayard and Ringo stop to eat with them (23, 55). |
1454 | Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 11 |
In "Retreat" as both a story and as a chapter in The Unvanquished, these townspeople "stop along the walk, like they always did," to listen to Uncle Buck shouting his praise for Colonel Sartoris (21, 51). In the novel version, Faulkner adds a phrase that may signal a change in the way we are meant to regard Buck: "not smiling so he could see it" (51). And in the novel, the people in Jefferson appear again in "An Odor of Verbena" to watch as Bayard makes his way to Redmond's office, following him with their "remote still eyes" (247). |
1455 | Unnamed Spectators at Train Race |
These are the various "watchers - the black and the white, the old men, the children, the women who would not know for months yet if they were widows or childless or not" (96) - who assemble near Hawkhurst to witness the contest between a Confederate and a Union locomotive described by Drusilla Hawk. Drusilla implies that many of these spectators were part of a "grapevine" of oppressed and deprived people who knew of the raid before it happened (97). |
1456 | Unnamed Men at Holston House |
In The Unvanquished these men are originally depicted as the "row of feet" that Bayard sees propped on the porch railing when he arrives at Holston House to confront Redmond (245). Afterward, when Bayard leaves the hotel, this same group "raises their hats" out of respect for him (251). |
1457 | Unnamed Band Members 3 |
This is the "band" that plays in The Unvanquished when Colonel Sartoris drives the first train on the newly finished track into Jefferson (226). |
1458 | Unnamed Patroller |
In The Unvanquished Bayard describes "the Patroller (sitting in one of the straight hard chairs and smoking one of Father's cigars too but with his hat off)" having caught some of the Satoris slaves away from the plantation (16). In the antebellum South patrollers watched at night to capture any slaves who were out of their quarters without authorization from their owners, and pursued fugitive slaves. |
1459 | Unnamed Union Quartermaster |
In "The Unvanquished" and again in the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished the Yankee lieutenant whose men have damaged the mule pen fence while re-possessing the livestock Rosa stole gives her a voucher worth $10 drawn "on the quartermaster at Memphis" (91, 145). A military quartermaster is in charge of providing supplies to the forces. |
1460 | Unnamed Northern Businessmen 1 |
In The Unvanquished, the "some northern people" - presumably bankers or businessmen - sell John Sartoris a locomotive on credit (225). |
1461 | Unnamed Railroad Workmen |
In The Unvanquished Bayard twice mentions the "workmen" (225) who build Colonel Sartoris' railroad line to Jefferson. He pays them on "Saturdays" (220). |
1462 | Unnamed Slaves of McCaslins 1 |
In a passage Faulkner added to "Retreat" when the story was published as a chapter in The Unvanquished, Bayard describes the unconventional way Buck and Buddy treat the large number of enslaved people they inherited from their father. The two white slave-owners move out of the "big colonial house which their father had built" (46), and use it instead to house the slaves; as long as they do so surreptitiously, these slaves are allowed to leave every night. |
1463 | Son of Professor and Mrs. Wilkins |
In The Unvanquished the son of Professor and Mrs. Wilkins' was killed in "almost the last battle" of the Civil War, which would have been sometime in 1865 (214). When he died, he was about the same age as Bayard is in "An Odor of Verbena." |
1464 | Unnamed Third Partner in Railroad |
In The Unvanquished just enough is said about the third partner in the railroad owned by John Sartoris and Ben Redmond to make him mysterious: "he and his name both had vanished," Bayard says, "in the fury of the conflict" between the other two partners (224). |
1465 | Unnamed Union Trainmen |
In an event added to "Raid" in the novel The Unvanquished, Drusilla Hawk recounts a dramatic contest, "like a meeting between two iron knights of the old time," between two trains, one manned by Confederates and the other in pursuit, manned by these Union forces (98). Drusilla labels the train itself "the Yankee one," does not describe the men who are driving it (96). |
1466 | Unnamed Watchman |
In The Unvanquished Bayard assumes this "watchman" or "picquet" must have been watching to report his arrival at Sartoris to the other veterans of "Father's old troop" (232); he does not actually appear in the novel. |
1467 | Unnamed Women in Jefferson 2 |
In The Unvanquished, when Bayard first rides into town on his way to confront Redmond, these "women" are the only people he sees on the street, he assumes because it was "long past breakfast and not yet noon" (245). These women recognize Bayard and "stopped sudden and dead" when they realize his potentially fatal errand (245). |
1468 | Unnamed Writers |
In The Unvanquished Bayard evokes "the men who have written" of the kind of woman he identifies Drusilla with at this point in the story: the "woman of thirty" (228). Although no writers are named, Balzac was one of Faulkner's favorite writers, and he may be be thinking of the character Julie in Honoré de Balzac's 1842 novel La femme de trente ans (A Woman of Thirty). |
1469 | Jed White |
In The Unvanquished Jed White is a Civil War veteran, a member of Colonel Sartoris' troop who declares his willingness to serve the new Sartoris - Bayard - in a quest to restore his family's honor after the Colonel's murder. |
1470 | Mrs. Wilkins |
In The Unvanquished Mrs. Wilkins and her husband give Bayard a home while he is pursuing a law degree in Oxford, Mississippi. She is a "small" woman whose little gestures ("she just put her hands on my shoulders") reveal her big compassion for Bayard (215). |
1471 | Professor Wilkins |
In The Unvanquished Professor Wilkins is teaching and boarding Bayard Sartoris while Bayard pursues a law degree. He seems to have grown fond of Bayard and calls him "my son" when he has to deliver the sad news about Bayard's father's murder (212). Professor and student have had conversations about the principles of the Bible and the Ten Commandments, particularly "Thou shalt not kill." He is afraid that Bayard is contemplating breaking it as he "believed he was touching [Bayard's] flesh which might not be alive tomorrow" (216). Bayard refers to him as "Judge Wilkins" (212). |
1472 | Abe |
At the Sartoris Thanksgiving dinner in Flags in the Dust, Dr. Peabody mentions Abe as one of the gillies who help the gentlemen who come to fish his pond. ("Gilly" is a Scottish term for a servant who assists a fisherman.) When asked "how many [other black retainers] have you got," Peabody says "six or seven" adults, and an unspecified number of "scrubs" (i.e. children), but they are not named (303). |
1473 | Allan |
According to Aunt Jenny's story in Flags in the Dust, Allan is the Confederate officer who reminds General J.E.B. Stuart of his duty to the army in order to keep him from following Carolina Bayard on his reckless quest for anchovies. |
1474 | Uncle Bird |
Uncle Bird is one of the delegation from the Second Baptist Church that calls on Old Bayard Sartoris to recover the $67.40 that Simon embezzled from the building fund. |
1475 | Dr. Brandt |
In Flags in the Dust Doctor Brandt is the Memphis medical specialist to whom Dr. Alford refers Old Bayard. When Bayard's wen falls off, thanks to Will Falls' folk remedy, in Brandt's waiting room, the doctor sends him a bill for $50. |
1476 | Mister Joe Butler |
"Mister Joe Butler" is one of the two characters whom Byron Snopes invents in Flags in the Dust in his attempt to deceive Virgil Beard about the nature of the anonymous letters he is sending Narcissa (108). He is supposed to live in St. Louis. |
1477 | Hal Wagner |
"Hal Wagner" is one of the two characters whom Byron Snopes invents in Flags in the Dust in his attempt to deceive Virgil Beard about the nature of the anonymous letters he is sending Narcissa (109). |
1479 | James Vardaman |
"Vardaman" is mentioned twice in Flags in the Dust, once by Aunt Jenny and once by Deacon Rogers (62, 122). Both of them express admiration for his character and politics. Known as "The Great White Chief," James K. Vardaman served one term as Governor of Mississippi (1904-1908) and one term in the United States Senate (1913-1919). A militant segregationist, he vowed to lynch every African American in the state if that ever became necessary. He opposed U.S. |
1480 | Eunice 1 |
In Flags in the Dust Eunice is the Benbows' cook. She expresses a sort of maternal concern about Horace's welfare. Narcissa tells her that "Nobody can make chocolate pies like yours" (309). |
1481 | Will Falls |
Flags in the Dust begins with "old man Falls" (3). During the Civil War, Will Falls served with Colonel John Sartoris' irregular outfit. The stories he tells Old Bayard about that past serve to fetch "the spirit of the dead man" into the novel's post World War I present (3), and the old Choctaw salve with which he successfully treats Bayard's wen reinforces the role he plays as a connection to the old South. He lives frugally in the county poor farm, regularly walks the three miles into town, and his "faded overalls" give off a "clean dusty smell" (3). |
1482 | Zeb Fothergill |
In Flags in the Dust Fothergill is a member of Colonel John Sartoris' irregular unit, with a special ability to get behind Union lines and come back with at least one horse. He and the Colonel are horse racing when Sartoris surprises and captures the company of Yankee cavalry. |
1483 | Frankie |
In Flags in the Dust Frankie is the youngest guest at Belle Mitchell's tennis party, and the first woman in Jefferson who has bobbed her hair. |
1484 | Mr. Gratton |
In Flags in the Dust Gratton is a short-tempered veteran of World War I, introduced by Eustace Graham as a man who was "up on the British front last spring" (125). The narrator refers to him as "the stranger," meaning that he is not from Yoknapatawpha (125).. |
1485 | Meloney Harris |
First described by the narrator of Flags in the Dust as a "young light negress" (27), Meloney is later referred to by Jenny Du Pre as a "mulatto girl" (394). She is Belle Mitchell's servant when the novel begins, but soon goes into business for herself as a beautician with the money that Simon embezzles from the Second Baptist Church. At the end of the novel Simon is found murdered in her cabin. |
1486 | Unc Henry |
In Flags in the Dust he is one of the blacks who sharecrops on the Sartoris estate; he does not appear in the novel, but the possum hunt that Bayard and Narcissa go on with Caspey and Isom begins behind his cabin. |
1487 | Joan Heppleton |
In Flags in the Dust, Joan is Belle Mitchell's younger sister who comes to Jefferson while Belle is away getting a divorce, to see what Horace Benbow is like; during the week she spends in town she and Horace have an affair. By the time she gets to Jefferson she has had a wide experience, both of the world (having lived in Hawaii, Australia and India, among other unnamed "random points half the world apart," 322) and of men (having been married a least twice and lived with at least one other man). |
1488 | Hub |
In Flags in the Dust Hub is the young farmer who provides the illegal moonshine that fuels the road trip Young Bayard takes to Oxford. He is married, and has a sister or a daughter named Sue, but his character seems summed up when he tells Suratt that he "dont give a damn" if anyone tells where the whiskey came from (138). He is clearly a different character from any of the "Hub Hampton"s who are county sheriffs. |
1489 | Unnamed Wife of Hub |
She stands in the doorway of her small farm house and watches Hub, Suratt and Young Bayard as they leave to go to town in Flags in the Dust. There is apparently reproach in her look, but in her "flat country voice," she speaks only one word, "Hub" (138). |
1490 | John Henry |
Pappy's son, the "younger" of the two Negroes who help Young Bayard after his car goes off the bridge in Flags in the Dust; he treats Bayard's broken body with great gentleness. |
1491 | Dr Jones |
"Dr" (as Faulkner wrote it, without the period) is a nickname. "Dr Jones" is the bank's janitor, about as old as Bayard (whom he calls "General"), and described only as "black and stooped with querulousness and age" (105). |
1492 | Mandy 1 |
Mandy is the only woman who lives at the MacCallum place in Flags in the Dust. She cooks for the white family, although the narrator describes Henry MacCallum as "a better cook now than Mandy" (335). Her size and shape are indicated by the narrator's description of the way her "homely calico expanse" fills the doorway between the house and the kitchen (336). |
1493 | Mrs. Marders |
A gossipy friend of Belle Mitchell's in Flags in the Dust. It is she who tells Narcissa that her brother and Belle are having an affair. The narrator tells us that "her eyes were like the eyes of an old turkey, predatory and unwinking; a little obscene" (184). |
1494 | Mitch |
One of the two "young" white men (the other is Hub) in Flags in the Dust who spend an evening with Young Bayard, along with Reno and two other young black men, drinking, driving and serenading ladies out of and in Jefferson. Mitch sings "Goodnight, Ladies" in a "true, oversweet tenor" voice (143). He is a "freight agent" (140), and may be the same character as Mitch Ewing in "Hair." |
1495 | Brother Moore |
In Flags in the Dust Moore is the member of the delegation from the Second Baptist Church who formally, and reluctantly, reads out to Old Bayard the amount of money Simon owes the church building fund. He is described as "a small ebon negro in sombre, over-large black" (284). |
1496 | Pappy |
In Flags in the Dust "Pappy" is the "older negro" (213) of the two who rescue Young Bayard after his car goes off the bridge and carry him home; he is suspicious both of meddling with a white man and of the automobile. The "younger negro" is his son, John Henry (213). |
1497 | Dr. Lucius Peabody, Jr. |
"Young Loosh," as the narrator calls the only child of Dr. Lucius Peabody, practices medicine as a surgeon in New York City, but at least once a year returns to spend a day with his father (400). The description of him in Flags in the Dust is unusually detailed and enthusiastic. It begins: "His face was big-boned and roughly molded. He had a thatch of straight, stiff black hair and his eyes were steady and brown and his mouth was large; and in all his ugly face there was reliability and gentleness and humor . . ." (400). |
1498 | Mrs. Lucius Peabody |
Loosh Peabody married a woman he "courted for fourteen years before he was able to marry her" (400). She lived somewhere "forty miles" away from Jefferson, outside Yoknapatawpha, and the demands of his patients meant that Peabody could not even see her as often as once a year. We can infer she is patient and loyal, but all the narrator of Flags in the Dust says is that her "only child" is Lucius Peabody, Jr. (400). |
1499 | Ploeckner |
According to what Bayard tells his family in Flags in the Dust, the German pilot who shot down Johnny Sartoris in combat was named Ploeckner; "one of the best they had," Bayard says (43), adding that he is one of the proteges of Manfred von Richthofen, the pilot known as the "Red Baron." Ploeckner in turn shot down by Bayard. |
1500 | General John Pope |
During the Civil War, General Pope was the general in command of the Union Army at the Second Battle of Bull Run in September, 1862. The story Jenny tells in Flags in the Dust about her brother Bayard accompanying General J.E.B. Stuart's raiding party to Pope's headquarters in Virginia in April, 1862, forms a mythic part of the Sartoris inheritance. In April 1862, however, Pope was in fact in Mississippi. It was his success there that led Lincoln soon afterwards to bring Pope east and put him in command of the North's Army of Virginia. |
1501 | Sis Rachel |
Physically described as "mountainous" (26) and identified as one of Jefferson's best cooks in Flags in the Dust, Rachel works for Belle and Harry Mitchell, and makes no effort to disguise her preference for Harry over his wife. |
1502 | Res |
"A rotund man with bristling hair and lapping jowls like a Berkshire hog" (102), Res is the cashier at Old Bayard's bank in Flags in the Dust. |
1503 | Reno |
The only named one among the three black musicians who accompany Young Bayard, Hub and Mitch on their trip to the neighboring college town to serenade young women in Flags in the Dust, Reno plays the clarinet. He loses his hat when Bayard steps on the gas of his roadster. |
1504 | Richard |
This is the named man among the "two negro men" and the boy in the MacCallum kitchen in Flags in the Dust (336). Mandy calls him "Richud" (337). Buddy calls him "Dick" (338). So it seems likely that his full name is Richard, though neither that nor his role in the household or on the family's land is spelled out. |
1505 | Deacon Rogers |
Deacon Rogers owns the store and restaurant on the Square in Flags in the Dust and The Sound and the Fury. His physical description in the first novel is striking: "His head was like an inverted egg; his hair curled meticulously away from the part in the center into two careful reddish-brown wings, like a toupee, and his eyes were a melting passionate brown" (120). His demeanor is ingratiating. In the second novel, only his cafe is mentioned, not him. |
1506 | Sibleigh |
In Flags in the Dust Sibleigh serves in France with the Sartoris twins in the Royal Air Force during World War I. He agrees to serve as flying bait to lure Ploeckner into Bayard's sights. (He also appears in the non-Yoknapatawpha fiction "With Honor and Dispatch.") |
1507 | Mrs. Smith |
In Flags in the Dust, Mrs. Smith is characterized by her "impregnable affability" as the receptionist and switchboard operator at Dr. Brandt's office in Memphis(246). |
1508 | Sol |
In Flags in the Dust Sol is the porter who helps Horace with his luggage when he returns to Jefferson from France. |
1509 | Dr. Straud |
In Flags in the Dust Dr. Straud is New York surgeon and medical researcher with whom Dr. Peabody's son, Lucius Jr., works. The novel says his "name is a household word" (400), and Lucius says the doctor has "been experimenting with electricity" (401). |
1510 | General J.E.B. Stuart |
James Ewell Brown "Jeb" Stuart was one of the most famous and flamboyant Confederate officers, in command of Lee's cavalry for most of the Civil War. In Flags in the Dust he and "Carolina" Bayard Sartoris, Stuart's friend and aide-de-camp, embody the spirit of chivalry and romantic daring that the narrative identifies with pre-Modern life. Aunt Jenny, who tells the highly-colored story about him and Bayard as mythic heroes, says she danced with Stuart once, before the war, in Baltimore. |
1511 | Sue |
Either Hub's daughter or, less likely, his sister. She does not appear in Flags in the Dust, but Hub tells his wife that Sue will "have to milk" the cow because he is going to town with Bayard and Suratt (138). |
1512 | Richthofen |
Manfred von Richthofen, better known as "The Red Baron," shot down more planes than any other aviator in World War I. Young Bayard tells his grandfather and great-great-aunt that the German pilot who shot down Johnny was a "pupil of Richthofen's" (43). |
1513 | Watts 1 |
In Flags in the Dust Watts is referred to as the owner of Jefferson's hardware store. (As the Jefferson story continues to grow across the course of Faulkner's career, identifying the owner of this store becomes more and more confusing to data enterers like us; Watts is only mentioned in this first text.) |
1514 | Mrs. Winterbottom |
In Flags in the Dust the woman who owns the boarding house in Jefferson where the two carpetbaggers are staying is named Mrs. Winterbottom. According to Will Falls' story about the event, she stands "gapin' after him with her mouth open" when Colonel Sartoris goes up to their room and shoots them both (243). (The third time Faulkner tells this story, in "Skirmish at Satoris" and again in The Unvanquished, the hotel is owned by Mrs. Holston.) |
1515 | Aunt Sally Wyatt |
Though the narrator of Flags in the Dust and both Benbows call her "Aunt Sally," there is no sign of any nieces or nephews (168). She is the neighbor and old family friend who stays with Narcissa while Horace is in France. The narrator calls her "a good old soul, but she lived much in the past, shutting her intelligence with a bland finality to anything which had occurred since 1901" (168). |
1516 | Captain Wyatt |
One of the Confederate officers who rides with J.E.B. Stuart in Flags in the Dust; it is on his horse that the captured Union Major is carried. (He does not seem to be related in any way to the Wyatt sisters who live next door to the Benbows in Jefferson.) |
1517 | Miss Wyatt |
The youngest of the three unmarried Wyatt sisters who live next door to the Benbows in Flags in the Dust. She is not named, nor does she appear directly in the narrative. |
1518 | Sophia Wyatt |
Sally Wyatt's older sister is named Sophia in Flags in the Dust; she runs the household in which the three elderly Wyatt sisters live "in a capable shrewish fashion" (175). |
1519 | Unnamed Allied Aviators |
These are the pilots whom Young Bayard evokes in Flags in the Dust when he talks to Rafe MacCallum "about the war"; the narrator describes them as "young men like fallen angels, and of a meteoric violence like that of fallen angels" (123). |
1520 | Unnamed American Infantryman 1 |
The "fellow recruit" in Flags in the Dust who calls Buddy MacCallum "Virge" during their training at a camp in Arkansas; in response Buddy fights him "without anger" for "seven minutes" (355). |
1521 | Unnamed American Infantryman 2 |
The fellow soldier in Flags in the Dust who calls Buddy MacCallum "Virge" at the New Jersey port from which they are shipping out for the War. As he had done once before, in Arkansas, Buddy responds by fighting him "steadily and thoroughly and without anger" (355). |
1522 | Unnamed American Students at Oxford |
In its brief account of Horace's term as a Rhodes Scholar in England, Flags in the Dust mentions the "fellow-countrymen" with whom he occasionally travels on the "Continent" (177). |
1523 | Unnamed Army Officers |
In Flags in the Dust, these are the "white officers" in charge of the African American "labor battalion" that Caspey Strother serves in during World War I (57). |
1524 | Unnamed Assistant Provost Marshal |
This very peripheral character is mentioned in Flags in the Dust in one of Monaghan's anecdotes about his experiences with Bayard Sartoris in World War I as the "A.P.M." whose whistle Comyn took and used to start a melee in an Amiens night club called the Cloche-Clos (387). The Provost Marshals ran the army's military police. |
1525 | Unnamed Australian Captain |
He is mentioned in Flags in the Dust by Monaghan, who says that during the Great War Young Bayard "knocked two teeth" out of this "Australian captain" in a fight over a girl in a "London joint" (385). This officer's role closely resembles that of the unnamed Australian officer Bayard tells Rafe MacCallum about much earlier in the novel, but that officer was a major, and the nightclub was in Leicester. |
1526 | Unnamed Australian Major |
In Flags in the Dust Young Bayard mentions this major during his talk with Rafe MacCallum "about the war"; the memory features a fight in "the Leicester lounge" in which "the Anzac lost two teeth" and Bayard himself "got a black eye" (124). The fight may have been over "two ladies," and may have been between Bayard and the Major, but none of that is made clear. Faulkner may have meant this character to be the same as the Australian captain whose teeth Bayard knocks out in a bar in London (cf. |
1527 | Unnamed Aviator 1 |
In Flags in the Dust this is the fellow aviator at the Dayton airfield who, after trying to talk Bayard out of flying the experimental plane, loans him a helmet and goggles, and offers him a woman's garter for luck. |
1528 | Unnamed Railroad Baggage Clerk 1 |
In Flags in the Dust this is the employee inside the train's baggage car. His race is not specified, and his reply to Horace's concern about the fragility of his glass blowing equipment makes it hard to determine it. Linguistically he sounds 'black': "All right, colonel. . . . we ain't hurt her none, I reckon. If we have, all you got to do is sue us" (157). But his unsubmissive attitude toward the white Horace suggests he is 'white' himself. |
1529 | Unnamed Bank Director |
In Flags in the Dust he is an undescribed man who has a Coca-Cola with Res and Byron inside the bank. |
1530 | Unnamed Blind Negro Musician |
In Flags in the Dust this man sits in front of Rogers' restaurant, "a man of at least forty" who is wearing a motley collection of uniforms and playing a guitar and harmonica (which the narrative calls a "mouthorgan," 118). The narrative describes what he plays as "a plaintive reiteration of rich monotonous chords, rhythymic as a mathematical formula but without music" (118). The tin cup at his feet contains "a dime and three pennies" (118). |
1531 | Unnamed Boys and Girls |
These are the anonymous "boys and girls" in Flags in the Dust who "lingered on spring and summer nights" among the birds and bushes in the lot on which the unnamed "hillman" later built his home (25). |
1532 | Unnamed Jefferson Businessmen |
In Flags in the Dust the men who own businesses or have offices or work in stores on the Square appear several times, specifically separated out from the larger population of Jefferson. They most frequently are associated with either Old Bayard or Jenny Du Pre. |
1533 | Unnamed Businessmen in Horace's New Town |
These are the various businessmen in the town where Horace lives at the end of Flags in the Dust. On his walk to the train station he sees and greets "merchants, another lawyer, his barber" and "a young man who was trying to sell him a car" (374). |
1534 | Unnamed Carnival Balloonist |
In Flags in the Dust this carnival employee is mentioned in Narcissa's account of the time Johnny Sartoris flew over Yoknapatawpha in a balloon. John does that when ptomaine poisoning makes the man to ill to fly the balloon himself. |
1535 | Unnamed Carnival Man |
In Flags in the Dust this is the "carnival man" who explains how to fly a hot air balloon to Johnny Sartoris - or at least tries to (67). |
1536 | Unnamed Choctaw Woman |
The only native American character mentioned in Flags in the Dust, this "Choctaw woman" gave Will Falls' grandmother the recipe for an ointment "nigh a hundred and thutty years ago" (227). That would be around 1790, at which time the Choctaw was one of the major tribes living in the southeastern U.S, including Mississippi. They inhabit Yoknapatawpha in Faulkner's earliest fictions. However, historically the tribe that lived in the area of Yoknapatawpha was the Chickasaw, and in his later fictions Faulkner uses that name instead. |
1537 | Unnamed Clients of Horace Benbow |
From the little that is said about them in Flags in the Dust, it seems that the law practice that Horace Benbow inherits from his father Will serves mainly if not exclusively the aristocracy of Yoknapatawpha. He meets "conferees" "across pleasant dinner tables or upon golf links or . . . upon tennis courts"; he conserves the will's of "testators" who spend their lives "in black silk and lace caps" (179). |
1538 | Unnamed College Professors 1 |
These are Bayard's teachers at the University of Virginia, and Johnny's at Princeton, who in Flags in the Dust are informed about the kinds of trouble that the twins get into in New York City. |