Character Keys
Code | title | biography | |
1337 | Unnamed Drugstore Owner 1 |
The drugstore in Jefferson appears in many of the Yoknapatawpha fictions, but it is not identified with an owner with any consistency. So in As I Lay Dying the pharmacist who is at lunch when Dewey Dell walks into the drugstore, the employer whom MacGowan refers to as "the old man" and "the old bastard," has to remain unnamed (242, 247). He clearly does not know about MacGowan's unethical behavior. |
1338 | Unnamed Drugstore Owner 2 |
In As I Lay Dying this man owned a drugstore in Jefferson and was also the "pre-1865 owner" of the enslaved man called "Uncle Pete" Gombault (191). |
1339 | Unnamed Man outside Mottson |
The man lives at the place outside Mottson where the Bundren’s stop to mix cement for Cash's leg in As I Lay Dying. He loans them a bucket, but after smelling the corpse they are carrying retreats to watch them from his porch. |
1340 | Unnamed Mottson Marshal |
In As I Lay Dying, the marshal of Mottson argues with Anse to get him to move the stinking coffin out of town. |
1341 | Unnamed Negroes in Jefferson 1 |
The Negroes who live in the "negro cabins" at the southern edge of town appear in As I Lay Dying mainly as the "faces" that "come suddenly to the doors, white-eyed," as the Bundrens pass by with their malodorous burden (229). |
1342 | Unnamed Three Negroes 1 |
As the Bundrens enter Jefferson from the south in As I Lay Dying, they pass "negro cabins" along the road (229). As the wagon passes a group of "three negroes" walking on the road, they react with "that expression of shock and instinctive outrage" that has accompanied the Bundrens along their route (229). When one of the men in this group exclaims "Great God . . . what they got in that wagon?" Jewel is incensed (229). |
1343 | Unnamed Three Negroes 2 |
In Go Down, Moses, these three men help Tennie's Jim hold the "Texas paint pony" still for Ike and Boon (220). |
1344 | Unnamed Neighbors at Addie's Funeral |
When Vernon Tull arrives at the Bundren house the day after Addie’s death in As I Lay Dying, he finds "about a dozen wagons was already there" (85). These belong to the group of neighbors who attend Addie’s funeral. Before the service they divide themselves into female and male groups: the "womenfolks" wait inside the house while "the men stop on the porch, talking some, not looking at one another" or "sit and squat" a "little piece from the house" (87). When "the women begin to sing," the men move into the house (91). |
1345 | Unnamed People in Mottstown 1 |
In As I Lay Dying, according to Albert's report, the people of Mottson who react to the smell from the Bundrens' wagon include "ladies" rushing away "with handkerchiefs to their noses, and a "crowd of hard-nosed men and boys standing around the wagon" (203). |
1346 | Unnamed Circus Performer |
In As I Lay Dying, Vardaman imagines that he can jump from the porch to the barn "like the pink lady in the circus" (54) - an acrobat he has presumably seen at a show in town in the past. |
1347 | Unnamed State Agents |
Very little can be said definitively about the two men in As I Lay Dying who apprehend Darl (which help from Jewel and Dewey Dell) and then, the next morning, take him in custody on the train to the state mental hospital in Jackson. Though they never speak, they are presumably state employees. They both carry guns, and have new, crisp haircuts. |
1348 | Unnamed White Man 1 |
This man, identified in As I Lay Dying only as "the white man" (229), nearly gets into a fight with Jewel after Jewel, mistakenly believing he was the person who commented on the smell of Addie’s coffin, swears and throws a wild punch. In response, the man pulls out "an open knife" - but Darl gets him to put it up after Jewel "takes back" what he said (230). |
1349 | Unnamed Father of Miss Quentin |
The unnamed father of Caddy Compson's child is referred to in the "Appendix: Compson" (1946) only as "another man" than the man she married (332). She is "two months pregnant" with his child when she marries that husband. This 'other man' may be Dalton Ames, who is not mentioned in the "Appendix" but is Caddy's first sexual partner in The Sound and the Fury (1929). However, when in that novel Caddy's brother Quentin asks her in the context of her forthcoming marriage how many sexual partners she has had, she replies "I dont know too many" (115). |
1350 | Unnamed Father of Fonsiba's Husband |
The father of the unnamed Negro who marries Fonsiba is only mentioned in passing in Go Down, Moses, but occupies a significant place in the Yoknapatawpha fiction as an African American who served in the Union army. There were in historical fact almost 180,000 'Colored troops' during the Civil War, serving in both non-combat and combat roles, but until recently these men were largely invisible in American representations of that war. This man is the only black "Yankee" soldier in Faulkner's work (261). |
1351 | Unnamed Children of Byron Snopes |
In The Mansion Byron's "four half-Snopes half-Apache Indian children" are sent back to Jefferson and end up wreaking havoc (327). That story is told in detail in The Town, where they are somewhat more clearly individualized: one, probably the oldest, is a girl, two are boys, while no one is sure about the sex of the youngest. (See the entries for Byron Snopes' Daughter, Bryron Snopes' Son(1), Byron Snopes' Son(2) and Byron Snopes' Youngest Child in this index.) |
1352 | Unnamed Negro Aunt in Vicksburg |
In the magazine version of "Delta Autumn," this woman lives in Vicksburg with her family, and was willing to take in her niece after her father's death. When this niece tells Ike McCaslin that her aunt "took in washing," he suddenly realizes the racial nature of the "effluvium" her niece brings with her (278, 277). In the Yoknapatawpha fictions, the women who wash clothes are always Negroes. |
1353 | Unnamed Negro Family of Vicksburg Aunt |
The young woman in "Delta Autumn" identifies the man in the boat that takes her to the hunting camp as her "cousin," but beyond that the story provides no details about the aunt's "family" in Vicksburg with whom she has been staying (278). (In the revised version of the story that Faulkner published in Go Down, Moses, this family is part of the extended McCaslin-Beauchamp-Edmonds family.) |
1354 | Unnamed Negro Son of Vicksburg Aunt |
Just before the young woman enters the tent at the end of "Delta Autumn," Ike McCaslin sees, "sitting in the stern" of the boat that brought her to the camp, "a Negro man" (277). The boat is his, and he is the woman's "cousin," though unlike his, her race is not immediately apparent (278). (When Faulkner revised the story for Go Down, Moses, he made the young woman the granddaughter of James Beauchamp, and so made this cousin part of the extended McCaslin-Beauchamp-Edmonds family. For that reason we have a separate entry for him in the database. |
1355 | Unnamed Negro Cousin of Roth's Mistress |
In the revised version of "Delta Autumn" that Faulkner published in Go Down, Moses, Ike McCaslin sees this "Negro man" "sitting in the stern" of the boat that brought the young woman to the camp (277). The boat is his, and he is the woman's "cousin," though unlike hers, his race is immediately apparent (278). When Ike learns that the young woman is descended from James Beauchamp, he might have realized that this cousin of hers is also a relative of his - part of the extended McCaslin-Beauchamp-Edmonds family - but that is not made explicit in the chapter. |
1356 | Cliff Odum |
In The Hamlet Cliff Odum helps Mrs. Snopes get the milk separator in Jefferson. |
1357 | Unnamed Jailer 4 |
In addition to the present day jailer, Mr. Tubbs, Intruder in the Dust mentions but doesn't name the man who was the county jailer during the Civil War. Like Tubbs, he lived with his family in the jail. (According to the "Corrected Texts" that Noel Polk edited for Vintage International, Faulkner spelled "jailer" with an 'e' in "That Evening Sun," Intruder in the Dust and "An Error in Chemistry" but with an 'o' in "Monk," Requiem for a Nun and The Reivers. |
1358 | Unnamed Jailer's Daughter |
Intruder in the Dust includes a romantic vignette about the daughter of the man who was the county jailer in 1864. Struck by the appearance of a "ragged unshaven lieutenant" who is leading a defeated Confederate unit past the jail, this "young girl of that time" writes her name with a diamond in "one of the panes of the fanlight beside the door"; "six months later" they are married (49). (This story is told more fully, and shifted to the beginning of the Civil War, in Requiem for a Nun, 1951. There the daughter is named Cecelia Farmer.) |
1359 | Unnamed Hardwick Jailer's Wife |
When Boon and Butch are taken to jail in Hardwich in The Reivers, Reba and Corrie stay in "the jailor's wife's room" (270). The phrasing suggests that, like the jailer in Jefferson in other fictions, this couple lives in the building that holds the jail. |
1360 | Unnamed Hardwick Jailer |
Although he is not specifically mentioned in The Reivers, the "jailor" in the county sheriff's office in Hardwick can be inferred from the number of times the cells are locked and unlocked while Boon is there (270). The "jailor's wife," on the other hand, is mentioned, though not named (270). (According to the "Corrected Texts" that Noel Polk edited for Vintage International, Faulkner spelled "jailer" with an 'e' in "That Evening Sun," Intruder in the Dust, "An Error in Chemistry" and Requiem for a Nun but with an 'o' in "Monk" and The Reivers. |
1361 | Unnamed Justice of the Peace 8 |
The Justice of the Peace in Whiteleaf who presides over the trials Armstid vs. Snopes and Tull vs. Snopes in The Hamlet is a "neat, small, plump old man resembling a tender caricature of all grandfathers who ever breathed" (357). With "neat, faintly curling white hair," he wears "steel-framed spectacles" overtop of "lens-distorted and irisless" eyes (357-8). |
1362 | Unnamed Justice of the Peace 11 |
In the fantasies that Ratliff has in The Mansion about how Gavin could be freed from his obsession with Eula's daughter, he speculates that "maybe" Kohl could catch Linda "unawares" and be married to her by a "j.p." (J.P, short for Justice of the Peace, is usually capitalized.) |
1363 | Unnamed Memphis Policeman 2 |
In The Mansion this police officer makes Mink move from the bench at Court Square, but also gives him fifty cents so he can "find a bed" (316). |
1364 | Unnamed Memphis Policeman 3 |
In The Mansion this is the policeman who drives Mink out of the train station in Memphis; he is "not in uniform," and much more aggressive than the policeman who drove Mink out of the park (318). |
1365 | Wilbur Provine |
According to Ratliff in The Town, Wilbur Provine "was really a Snopes" - which is another way of casting aspersions on his character. Provine runs "a still in the creek bottom by a spring about a mile and a half from his house" (177). The judge at his trial for moonshining gives him a five-year sentence for making whiskey - and for making his wife walk so far to fetch water for their home. |
1366 | Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 20 |
For most of Intruder in the Dust the town streets are thronged with people, mostly men, who anticipate the lynching as a kind of drama. It's not clear how many of the men in this mob are residents of Jefferson, rather than country people who've driven into town. At one point, however, the narrator describes the newer residents of Jefferson as a group. They are "prosperous young married couples" with "two children each" and "an automobile" and "memberships in the country club and the bridge clubs and the junior rotary" (118). |
1367 | Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 14 |
The various townspeople whom Pap and his son encounter during their brief visit to Jefferson in "Fool about a Horse" will probably remember the pair vividly. A group of pedestrians on the street has to "scatter" when the runaway mules come "swurging" into town (128), and another group in the alley behind the hardware store is treated to the sight of those same two mules apparently trying to hang themselves by their reins, like people "in one of these here suicide packs" (129). This second crowd is also described "all watching" as Pap and his son get ready to leave (129). |
1368 | Unnamed Husband of Caddy Compson(2) |
When Faulkner returned to the Compson story in the "Appendix" he wrote in 1946, he has Caddy marry again a decade after the collapse of her first marriage. All we know about the unnamed man she marries in Hollywood in 1920 is that he is a "minor movingpicture magnate"; she gets a divorce from him in Mexico in 1925 (332). |
1369 | Unnamed Negro Train Passengers 1 |
In Sanctuary during his train trip to Oxford, Horace rides on three different "whites only" cars, but on the first of these he takes a look into "the jim crow car" coupled to it (168). What he sees are "hatted cannonballs [the heads of the black passengers] swaying in unison" amid the "gusts of talk and laughter" (168). (Under the South's Jim Crow laws, as the phrase is usually written, train passengers were racially segregated.) |
1370 | Unnamed Negro Waiter 1 |
In Flags in the Dust "a negro lad" serves a car that pulls up to the curb outside the drugstore (274). Presumably he fetches something from the soda fountain inside the store, but that is not specified. |
1371 | Unnamed Negro Waiter 4 |
The "Negro waiter" in The Reivers who waits on the few guests at the Parsham hotel is described as "temporary" (190, 193). |
1372 | Unnamed Boarders at Beard Hotel |
These are the men in Flags in the Dust who stay at the Beard Hotel; they come to Jefferson for various reasons: traveling salesmen, jurors from out of town, weather-stranded countrymen, even two "town young bloods" who keep a room as a place for gambling. Besides Byron Snopes, some - bachelors identified as "clerks, mechanics and such" - live there more permanently (104). |
1373 | Unnamed Carpetbaggers 2 |
In "Shall Not Perish" the narrator recalls, briefly, how Rosa Millard bravely "stood off the Yankees and carpetbaggers too for the whole four years of the war" (112). Usually, carpetbaggers are associated with the post-Civil War Reconstruction Era, while in The Unvanquished Rosa dies before the end of the war. |
1374 | Unnamed Negro Cook 2 |
The first of the two Negroes who cook for Hightower in Light in August is a woman who is described as a "high brown" (72). She quits after Mrs. Hightower's suicide, when her presence as a woman in his house makes her and Reverend Hightower vulnerable to gossip and vigilante violence (72). |
1375 | Unnamed Negro Cook 3 |
The second of the Negroes whom Hightower hires to cook for him is a man. Although there are white households with only one servant in the fictions, where the servant is a male, this is the only instance in the fictions when a male servant is specifically identified as a domestic cook. It is the result of an exceptional circumstance. After Hightower's wife commits suicide, "masked men" scare off the light-skinned Negro woman who cooks for him (71). |
1376 | Unnamed Farmers 4 |
In Go Down, Moses a growing number of local men join the hunters at Major de Spain’s camp to see Lion hunt down Old Ben. The men have a stake in the hunt: they “had fed Old Ben corn and shoats and even calves for ten years” (224). They are described as “in their own hats and hunting coats and overalls which any town negro would have thrown away or burned and only the rubber boots strong and sound, and the worn and blueless guns and some even without guns” (224). |
1377 | Unnamed Messenger 1 |
In Light in August someone called the "word-of-mouth messenger" brings news of Nathaniel from Colorado to the Burdens living at that time somewhere west of St. Louis (243). |
1378 | Unnamed Messenger 2 |
In Light in August a second "word-of-mouth messenger" brings news of Nathaniel Burden from Old Mexico to the Burdens living somewhere west of St. Louis in 1863. The messenger himself is "going east to Indianny for a spell" (245), so presumably that is where he is from. |
1379 | Unnamed Negro Family 1 |
In The Hamlet the fancy buggy that was once used to court Eula Varner ends up as the property of "a negro farm-hand" who eventually marries and "gets a family" (165). |
1380 | Unnamed Negro Janitor 3 |
In The Mansion, the first man inside the Baptist church every Sunday morning is "the Negro that fired the furnace" (63). |
1381 | Unnamed Negro Maids |
In Sanctuary Ruby mentions the various black maids to whom she used to give nightdresses "after one night" wearing them in her work as a prostitute (75). |
1382 | Unnamed Slaves of Indians 5 |
These are the six slaves won by Doom in "A Justice" during the steamboat trip back from New Orleans. Two of them, a wife and a husband, play major roles in the story and have their own character entries. |
1383 | Unnamed Slaves of Indians 1 |
The Negro slaves owned by the Indian tribe in "Red Leaves" are described almost exclusively as a group: "a single octopus. They were like the roots of huge tree uncovered, the earth momentarily upon . . . its lightless and outraged life" (315). They adhere to their African customs, and keep ceremonial artifacts in the central cabin. The narrative characterizes them chiefly by their "fear" and "smell" (315), and the various rituals, including drumming and dancing, they practice. |
1384 | Unnamed Slaves of Indians 2 |
In "Red Leaves" these are the forty slaves who are sold by Issetibbeha to a Memphis trader. He uses the money to go to Europe. |
1385 | Unnamed Wagon Driver 3 |
In The Hamlet this man passes by Varner's store on his wagon and greets the men there. |
1386 | Unnamed Wagon Driver 1 |
In Light in August this good-natured man gives Lena Grove a ride from Varner's Store to Jefferson; on the outskirts of the town, they see the smoke from Joanna Burden's burning house. |
1387 | Unnamed Wagon Driver 2 |
This is the man in Light in August whom Byron meets on the road coming from Jefferson. Complaining about his "luck" because the "excitement" kept him in town longer than he wanted, he tells Byron that that "'they killed'" Christmas (442). |
1388 | Unnamed Wagon Drivers |
This generic 'wagon driver' is mentioned in the summary description of the fifteen years Joe Christmas spends on "the street" (223) in Light in August. Joe's long strange trip is epitomized by all the rides that he begs on "country wagons" with the "driver of the wagon not knowing who or what the passenger was and not daring to ask" (224). |
1389 | Unnamed Negroes 3 |
In "A Justice" Sam Fathers lives among Negroes in the quarters on the Compson farm. They apparently work the Compson land on shares as tenant farmers, and they distinguish themselves from Sam by calling him "a blue-gum" (343), or "Uncle Blue-Gum" (344). |
1390 | Unnamed Negroes 9 |
In "The Old People" these Negroes live and work on the narrator's family farm, probably as tenant farmers. The cabins they live in may once have been part of the slave quarters. The racial and economic realities of Yoknapatawpha require them to put on the semblance of "servility," to have "recourse to that impenetrable wall of ready and easy mirth . . . to sustain [a buffer] between themselves and white men" on whom they depend for their subsistence (203). |
1391 | Unnamed Negroes 8 |
In Absalom! these "negroes" who live in Jefferson report Charles E. S-V. Bon when he gets "either blind or violently drunk in the negro store district" in town; they "seem to fear either him or Clytie or Judith" (170). |
1392 | Unnamed Negroes 11 |
In "Knight's Gambit" the Negroes who live along the railroad tracks in Jefferson are identified only by their "alien yet inviolably durable" homes, the "Negro cabins" Charles sees out the window of the train bringing him home (252-53). |
1393 | Unnamed Old Indian |
Shortly after Issetibbeha dies in "Red Leaves," this unnamed man speaks with two Indian women about the old days, before "the world" was "ruined by white men" and slavery (323). |
1394 | Unnamed Old Man 2 |
Sanctuary's final scene "in the Luxembourg Gardens" in Paris includes a brief reference to "an old man in a shabby brown overcoat" sailing a toy boat beside the children (316). |
1395 | Unnamed Slaves of Grenier|Old Frenchman |
The narrators of "A Name for the City" and Requiem for a Nun note that the first slaves brought into Yoknapatawpha belonged to Grenier, a man better known as the Old Frenchman. The slaves who worked on his huge plantation before the Civil War appear, though tangentially, in "Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard" and again in The Hamlet. |
1396 | Louis Berry |
In "Red Leaves" Louis Berry is one of the Indians who leads the search for Issetibbeha's servant - a task which includes reminding Moketubbe, the new chief, about his traditional duty to make sure that the tribal custom of burying the chief's servant along with the chief is maintained. Louis is described as "squat," "burgher-like; paunchy" - and more metaphorically, as well as more exotically, as having a "certain blurred serenity like [a] carved head on a ruined wall in Siam or Sumatra" (313). |
1397 | Francisco Luis Héctor de Carondelet |
The historical Baron de Carondelet who is mentioned in "Red Leaves" served the Spanish empire as Governor of Louisiana between 1791 and 1797. In the story, he and de Vitry are "said" to be friends in New Orleans, which at that time belonged to Spain (318). |
1398 | Madame de Pompadour |
The historical Madame de Pompadour who is mentioned in "Red Leaves" was the primary mistress of Louis XV, an 18th century King of France. Issetibbeha returns home from France with some furniture reputedly owned by Louis XV. |
1399 | Unnamed Yoknapatawpha Indians |
The tribe of Indians in "Red Leaves" is not given a name. In his later fictions Faulkner identifies the Indians who live in Yoknapatawpha first as "Choctaw," then as "Chickasaw." Historically, they were part of the Chickasaw nation, but Faulkner's Indians are not particularly historical. For example, in this story they are associated several times with cannibalism (314, 319). |
1400 | Had-Two-Fathers 2 |
In "Red Leaves" the character named Had-Two-Fathers appears only once, briefly, as one of the men who tell Moketubbe he should take off the red slippers (336). He is not the character Faulkner created later, also named Had-Two-Fathers but better known as Sam Fathers; this later character will play important roles in seven of the Yoknapatawpha fictions. |
1401 | Louis XV |
The French monarch Louis XV, mentioned in "Red Leaves," ruled from 1 September 1715 until he died in 1774. During his visit to France, Issetibbeha acquires some furniture and red slippers that allegedly belonged to the monarch. |
1402 | Three Basket |
In "Red Leaves" Three Basket is about sixty years old and, like Louis Berry, described as "squat," "burgher-like; paunchy" - and more metaphorically, as well as more exotically, as having a "certain blurred serenity like [a] carved head on a ruined wall in Siam or Sumatra" (313). He wears "an enameled snuffbox" as an earring (313). Apparently he is a kind of overseer on the Indian plantation. Along with Louis Berry, he spends six days tracking down a Issetibbeha's servant, often remembering Doom's death, which was the last time a runaway slave had to be captured and killed. |
1403 | Unnamed Indian Youths |
Although the Indian children in "Red Leaves" stay home with the tribe's women and old men, these "big boys" are sent out with the men of the tribe to hunt down and capture the servant (334). |
1404 | Unnamed Indian Women |
In "Red Leaves" the tribe's women stay on the plantation with the old men and children rather than participate in the chase after the servant. |
1405 | Unnamed Corn Shelling Woman |
This is the woman in "Red Leaves" who is "shelling corn" while listening to the old man tell tales of yore (323). |
1406 | Unnamed Indian Couriers and Runners |
In "Red Leaves" these runners and couriers provide information to Moketubbe during the hunt for the servant. |
1407 | Unnamed Five Indians |
In "Red Leaves" this is one of the groups of Indians who are waiting to pursue the servant. |
1408 | Unnamed Four Indians |
In "Red Leaves" this group of Indians meets Doom's West Indian wife and accompanies her from the steamboat to his plantation. |
1409 | Unnamed Fourteen-Year-Old Slave |
In "Red Leaves" this "lad of fourteen" is "undersized," "mute," and apparently a curiosity to the Indians (328). He is tasked with guarding the slaves' drums, which are hidden in the swamp outside of the plantation. |
1410 | Unnamed Fowl Dressing Woman |
This is the woman in "Red Leaves" who is "dressing a fowl" while listening to the unnamed old man tell the stories of the olden days (323). |
1411 | Unnamed Gamblers and Cutthroats |
During his years in New Orleans in "Red Leaves," Doom is introduced by "his patron," De Vitry, into the company of the "gamblers and cutthroats of the river front" (317). |
1412 | Unnamed Indians at Funeral |
The funeral ceremonies for Issetibbeha in "Red Leaves" include "almost a hundred guests" who travel in wagons and on foot to the plantation from elsewhere (331) - when the food runs out "the guests returned home and came back the next day with more food" (336), which may mean they are Indians from other tribes or clans. They are "decorous, quiet, patient" (331), and the descriptions of them repeatedly mention the "stiff European finery" and the "bright, stiff, hard finery" they wear for the occasion (331, 339). |
1413 | Unnamed Negro Headman |
The "headman" among the slaves in "Red Leaves" tells the servant Issetibbeha is still alive, and offers him food (332). |
1414 | Unnamed Indian |
During his flight in "Red Leaves," the servant comes face to face with this Indian on "a footlog across a slough" (334). The Indian's appearance is explicitly contrasted with the servant's: the black man is "gaunt, lean, hard, tireless and desperate," the Indian is "thick, soft-looking, the apparent embodiment of the ultimate and the supreme reluctance and inertia" (334). He "makes no move" while the servant rushes away (334). |
1415 | Unnamed Indian Doctor |
The Indian "doctor" who treats Issetibbeha in his last illness in "Red Leaves" weats a "skunk skin vest" (321) or "waistcoat" (329). He "burns sticks" in an unsuccessful attempt to cure his patient (322). |
1416 | Unnamed Itinerant Minister and Slave Trader |
This white man is described in "Red Leaves" as an "itinerant minister and slave trader" (318). While passing through the Indians' plantation "on a mule" that also carries "a cotton umbrella and a three-gallon demijohn of whisky," he marries Doom and his West Indian wife (318). |
1417 | Unnamed Negro Mothers |
While hiding in the stable, the servant in "Red Leaves" imagines the scene of the other slaves drumming and dancing three miles away at the river. Included in the scene are the "women with nursing children," feeding them from "their heavy sluggish breasts"; they are described as "contemplative" and "oblivious of the drumming" (329). |
1418 | Unnamed Ship Captain 2 |
The captain of the slave ship that carries the servant "to America" in "Red Leaves" is described as "drunken" and from "New England" (330). During the voyage, he reads the Bible to the slaves he is transporting. |
1419 | Unnamed Negro Infants |
While hiding in the stable loft, the servant in "Red Leaves" imagines the scene of the other slaves drumming "three miles away" (329). In his mind he sees "men children" being nursed by the women around the drum circle (329). |
1420 | Unnamed Slave of Doom |
In "Red Leaves" Doom had a slave as a personal servant. At his death many years earlier, this unnamed slave also ran away to avoid being killed and buried with his master - but he too was pursued and captured. |
1421 | Unnamed Slave Trader |
In "Red Leaves," Issetibbeha sells forty slaves to "a Memphis trader" to get money to go to Europe (320). It's not clear if this trader travels to Yoknapatawpha or if Issetibbeha travels to Memphis. |
1422 | Unnamed Indian Stripling |
In "Red Leaves" this stripling attends to Moketubbe on his litter; his pert manner of speaking annoys the older men Three Basket and Louis Berry. |
1423 | Unnamed Unitarian Trader |
This "trader" may be the American who buys the protagonist of "Red Leaves" after he reaches America, though that isn't specifically said (330). The narrative identifies him as "a deacon in the Unitarian church" (330). Historically there were no deacons in the Unitarian church. |
1424 | Unnamed Slaves of Indians 3 |
When Issetibbeha takes over the tribe in "Red Leaves" he puts the "young Negroes" in the cabins to "mate" (320) and produce children whom he can sell. |
1425 | General James Wilkinson |
This historical personage James Wilkinson, mentioned in both "Red Leaves" and "Appendix Compson," was a very controversial figure - while he fought for the young American nation as a General between 1796 and 1812, he was also secretly a paid agent of the Spanish crown. In "Red Leaves," "General Wilkinson" appears as an "intimate" friend of De Vitry in New Orleans (318); historically, he lived in that city at several different times between 1787 and 1807. In "Appendix Compson," he is an acquaintance of Charles Stuart Compson. |
1426 | Unnamed Union Soldier 3 |
This is the unnamed Union soldier who annoys his superior officer by laughing at Ringo's evasion of the Union lieutenant's questioning in both "The Unvanquished" and again in the chapter in The Unvanquished titled "Riposte in Tertio." |
1427 | Unnamed Enslaved Males |
In "Wash" these enslaved black men laugh at Wash for remaining in Yoknapatawpha during the Civil War. They would make fun of him with the question "Why ain't you at de war, white man?" (537). "Most" of Sutpen's slaves leave to follow the Union army toward freedom after "Sherman passes through the plantation" (537). |
1428 | Unnamed Railroad Brakeman 2 |
This is the train brakeman in "Monk" who sees an accomplice help Bill Terrel carry a body through the bushes and "fling it under the train" (59). Although he's clearly observant, the brakeman could not tell if the victim was dead or alive at the time. |
1429 | Unnamed Negro Inmates 2 |
In The Hamlet the black prisoners in the Jefferson jail that holds Mink Snopes are described as "the negro victims of a thousand petty white man's misdemeanors" (285). At night they "eat and sleep together" in the jail's "common room"; during the day they work outside on a chain gang, once a familiar feature of the southern penal system. They are described from Mink's point of view, as "a disorderly clump of heads in battered hats and caps and bodies in battered overalls and broken shoes" (285). |
1430 | Unnamed Negro Inmates 4 |
The five other black men in the county jail where Lucas is held in Intruder in the Dust are described by the narrative as the "crap-shooters and whiskey-peddlers and razor-throwers" who are kept in a single large room on the second floor (30). Some of these Negro prisoners are assigned to what the narrative calls the "street gang" that works outside the jail maintaining town property (54). |
1432 | Unnamed Parchman Chain Gang |
The specific chain gang that Mink works on while at Parchman's in The Mansion consists of eleven men altogether, who go to and from the "mess hall to eat" and the cotton field where they are forced to work "shackled to the same chain" (105). The three who are named - Mink himself, Stillwell and Barron - are all white, and they live inside the penitentiary in "a detached wire-and-canvas-and-plank hut," so it seems safe to assume that in the segregrated South, all eleven are white, but that is an assumption. The gang tries to kill Mink after he objects to their plan to escape. |
1433 | Unnamed Union Officer 1 |
The commander of the Union troop that comes to Sartoris hoping to capture Colonel John Sartoris appears first in Will Falls' account of the event in Flags in the Dust, and then again in Louvinia's slightly different account of the same event in both "Retreat" and The Unvanquished. |
1434 | Tennant |
All we know about this Confederate brigade commander mentioned in The Unvanquished is that when John Sartoris returns to Mississippi after being demoted by his troops, "Uncle Buddy" McCaslin apparently stays behind as a sergeant "in Tennant's brigade in Virginia" (51). |
1435 | Unnamed Borneo Headhunters |
This anomalous 'character' does not appear in either the magazine or book versions of "Vendee." But in the typescript for the story Faulkner included a passing reference to the techniques used by "headhunters" in Borneo that Bayard read about and that he and Ringo apparently employ in skinning Grumby after they succeed in killing him (115). In his edition of the story for Uncollected Stories, Joseph Blotner restores this passage to the text, and so the "headhunters" become an entry in our database. |
1436 | General William Barksdale |
The historical figure William Barksdale, mentioned in The Unvanquished, was born in Tennessee but was serving as Congressman from Mississippi at the start of the Civil War. He resigned that office to fight for the Confederacy. He participated in many battles in Virginia and was mortally wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg in July 1863. |
1437 | David Crockett |
The "David Crockett" whom Aunt Jenny mentions in The Unvanquished is much better known as Davy (244). He was a frontiersman, U.S. Congressman and soldier. His death among the Americans at the Alamo in 1836 ensured him a spot in the annals of American lore. |