Return Trip to Sartoris from Tennessee

The location represents the events in "Retreat" and again in The Unvanquished after John Sartoris, Bayard, Ringo and the troop discover that Granny and the wagon have vanished. These events take place on one side or the other of the border between Tennessee and Mississippi. The most dramatic of these events occurs after a day and a night spent dodging Yankee troops: riding ahead of his men, John Sartoris rides into sixty Yankees eating beside a creek and captures them single-handed. This occurs a days' ride from the Sartoris place.

Granny's Retreat to Memphis in "Retreat" (Location)

This location represents the events that occur as Granny and her party slowly move across northern Mississippi and southwestern Tennessee toward Memphis. The four days of this journey - the nights spent sleeping in the wagon in the woods along the road, the meals taken in houses they pass - are mainly summarized, and the most memorable detail of the landscape is the one burned house they see. But the location also includes the crossroads where, on the fourth day of their trip, they are attacked by a band of marauders while passing a deserted house with a stable behind it.

Tennessee Road to Memphis

In The Reivers the Tennessee road that Lucius calls a "broad highway" is not paved, but it is "graded and smoothed" and "heavily marked with wheel prints," many from other automobiles (91). It passes through towns at frequent intervals.

Cockrum, Mississippi

Cockrum, where John Sartoris has been recently seen and where a calvary officer tells Granny a fight occurred "yesterday" ("Retreat," 24; The Unvanquished, 57), is a real town in northwest Mississippi, about halfway between Jefferson and Memphis.

Spring on the Road to Memphis in "Retreat"|The Unvanquished in "Retreat" (Location)

This spring is located several miles north of Jefferson. It takes Granny's mule train several hours to get here after they crest the last hill out of town. It is also the place where they water Mrs. Compson's flowers.

Spring on the Road to Memphis

This spring is located several miles northwest of Jefferson. In "Retreat" it takes Granny's wagon several hours to get here after they crest the last hill out of town on their trip to Memphis. They soak the roots of the rose cuttings from Mrs. Compson in the spring at this spot before continuing on their way.

Washington D.C. in "Retreat" (Location)

According to Uncle Buck McCaslin, Sartoris gets "within spitting distance" (21) of the nation's capital while fighting for the Confederacy in Virginia.

Virginia in the Civil War in "Retreat" (Location)

John Sartoris fights for the Confederacy in Virginia during the first year of the Civil War.

General Store in "Retreat"|The Unvanquished in "Retreat" (Location)

The store where the boys stop to buy a bag of salt is on the Square in Jefferson, since Buck McCaslin comes "hobbling across the square" (20) to address the boys.

General Store in Jefferson

The store in "Retreat" where Bayard and Ringo stop to buy a bag of salt is on the Square in Jefferson, since Buck McCaslin comes "hobbling across the square" to address the boys (20, 46). It's fun to speculate whether Faulkner imagined that this is the store in town that belongs to Goodhue Coldfield in Absalom! - the story and the novel were written at the same point in Faulkner's career; Coldfield opened his store in 1828, so it would have been 'there' in 1863 when the story takes place.


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