"Shall Not Perish", 111 (Event)

"Shall Not Perish", 111 (Event)

"Shall Not Perish", 110 (Event)

Unnamed Museum Visitors

The men and women who visit the museum in Jefferson "without charge" (111). The narrator says they are "people like us from Frenchman's Bend," by which he seems to mean poor farmers and their families, from "our county or beyond our state too" (111).

"Shall Not Perish", 110 (Event)

Sartoris Plantation in "Shall Not Perish" (Location)

Although only mentioned indirectly in this story as the place where Mrs. Rosa Millard "stood off the Yankees" during the Civil War (112), the Sartoris plantation is one of the major sites in the Yoknapatawpha fictions.

"Shall Not Perish", 110 (Event)


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