"Vendee", 107 (Event)

"Vendee", 106 (Event)

"Vendee", 103 (Event)

"Vendee", 102 (Event)

"Vendee", 101 (Event)

Countryside around Jefferson in "Vendee"|The Unvanquished in "Vendee" (Location)

Accompanied most of the time by Buck McCaslin, Bayard and Ringo spend over fifty days riding in pursuit of Grumby. They get as far south and west as "down toward Grenada" (101) and as far east as Alabama (114), though on the whole the chase seems to stay close to if not within Yoknapatawpha. Bayard says "You could have put a silver dollar down on the geography page with the center of it at Jefferson and we would have never ridden out from under it" (102).

Countryside in and around Yoknapatawpha

In "Vendee" and The Unvanquished, Bayard and Ringo spend over fifty days riding in pursuit of Grumby. Accompanied most of the time by Buck McCaslin, they get as far south and west as "down toward Grenada" (101, 162) and as far east as Alabama (114, 181), though on the whole the chase seems to stay close to and within Yoknapatawpha. Bayard says "You could have put a silver dollar down on the geography page with the center of it at Jefferson and we would have never ridden out from under it" (102, 164).

"Vendee", 101 (Event)

"Vendee", 99 (Event)

Unnamed Father of Mrs. Snopes

In this story Flem's father-in-law is referred to merely as a "store owner" (149). Elsewhere he is identified as Will Varner, the largest property owner in Frenchman's Bend.


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