Unnamed Old Woman(1)

This woman runs and probably owns the "estaminet, a 'bit of a pub,'" in a back street of Amiens where 'Toinette works (516). She and the girl are not related to one another, which raises the question of the exact nature of their business arrangement; she apparently knows of 'Toinette's affairs with Sartoris and Spoomer but does not object to them.


Sartoris calls the woman who leaves him for Spoomer "'Toinette," which we assume is a contracted form of Antoinette. She is a barmaid in a lower-class bar in Amiens and the second woman who has left Sartoris for Spoomer.

Unnamed Strangers

In the novel's last chapter we learn that "for weeks" after the story ends, these "strangers" would ask the people of Yoknapatawpha how a man in jail could get hold of a gun to shoot himself with (232). Apparently they don't have any other questions about what has happened in the novel.


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