What defines a Location?


Hello everyone,

Stephen and I have been working on rounding up our "Spotted Horses" and our collaboration is going quite well. As we have been exchanging lists of characters, locations and events we have been running into some questions that all of us will probably need to discuss. One question that has come up is what defines a Location. Do we only want to input Locations that have Events attached to them? Or is there good reason to include, for example, Sampson's Bridge because the narrator alludes to one of the minor characters as having gone there (without anything "happening" there)? Another major question is how we define "Events" and how we determine when one begins and one ends?

All of this is to say that we have several questions that we need to discuss as a group. The question is what would be the best way to have these discussions. Besides email one possibility is to use the blog on the data entry site, but another possibility that I thought about this week is to set up a closed Facebook group in which we could discuss some of the more general issues we encounter. There are no doubt at least a few of us that already spend a considerable amount of time on there and this can be a user friendly forum for collaborating in a more dynamic way. I have online classes and graduate theory reading groups for which I do this and it works well because we don't have to "Friend" everyone in the group and yet we can still share a virtual space for collaboration and conversation. I just wanted to put that question out there to see what everyone thought so that we might begin to tackle some of these more global questions as we work in our smaller groups.

