Orchard at McCaslin-Edmonds Place (Location Key)


Because of the flooding described in Go Down, Moses, Zack Edmonds has to bury his wife Louisa in "the orchard" at his plantation (45). Many of Yoknapatawpha's big plantations, and even some of the bigger farms, have 'family graveyards' on their property, but apparently (like the Sartorises) the McCaslin-Edmonds place does not.

Cemetery Label: 
Louisa Edmonds' Grave
Cemetery Description: 

Because flooding has made it impossible to get from the McCaslin place across "the valley to the churchyard," when Louisa Edmonds dies in childbirth she has to be "buried in the orchard" near the family house (Go Down, Moses, 45-46). The McCaslin-Edmondses are the kind of Yoknapatawpha family - with a lot of land and a long history in the county, living a considerable distance from Jefferson - you might expect to have their own family graveyard. But it seems Louisa is the only member of the family buried on the plantation.

Occupant: Louisa Edmonds.

Authority : 
Context (text, as interpreted)
Cemetery X: 
Cemetery Y: 
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Display Name: 
Orchard at McCaslin-Edmonds Place
Sort Name: 
Orchard at McCaslin-Edmonds Place
