Jefferson Livery Stable (Location Key)


At least according to Absalom, Absalom!, Jefferson already has "a blacksmith and livery stable" in 1833 (24). In a number of fictions the livery stable provides the town with horse-drawn taxi and freight delivery services, and for occasions like funerals or courtships one can rent carriages there. It has a number of different owners over the course of the 9 texts it appears in, including Manfred de Spain, who in The Town inherits the livery stable from his father, "sells the horses," "tears out the stalls and cribs and tack-rooms and establishes the first garage and automobile agency in Jefferson" (14). This would have been early in the 20th century, though in Faulkner's last book, The Reivers, set in 1905, it is "Maury Priest's livery stable" and still doing a very thriving business (11). That text gives us the clearest idea of who works there: the day and night foremen are white, but otherwise the staff - drivers, hostlers, blacksmith and stall cleaners - are mostly black.

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Jefferson Livery Stable
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Jefferson Livery Stable
