
Term IDsort descending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
1224 Themes and Motifs Character Honesty
1225 Actions Emotional Love
1226 Themes and Motifs Character Responsibility
1227 Themes and Motifs Character Trust
1228 Actions Economic Ascent
1229 Environment Time of Year February
1230 Actions Movement Riding
1231 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Unspecified sickness
1232 Cultural Issues Law Legal document
1233 Relationships Marital Desertion
1234 Actions Mental Speculation
1235 Themes and Motifs Character Pride
1236 Actions Domestic Feeding
1237 Actions Bodily Childbirth
1238 Actions Legal Marriage
1239 Actions Bodily Dying
1240 Actions Physical Burial
1241 Actions Work Quitting job
1242 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Departure
1243 Themes and Motifs Appearance Complexion
1244 Cultural Issues Law Custody
1245 Themes and Motifs Morals Injustice
1246 Actions Movement Carriage
1247 Themes and Motifs Objects Ax
1248 Actions Violent Assault
1249 Cultural Issues Law Legal authority
1250 Actions Physical Hitting
1251 Actions Physical Apprehending
1252 Themes and Motifs Money Filthy lucre

When money elicits moral contempt: as tainted, corrupting, compromised, beneath one. JW

1253 Actions Violent Shooting
1254 Cultural Issues Alcohol Drunkenness
1255 Environment Public Highway
1256 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Going fast
1257 Cultural Issues Nationality American
1258 Cultural Issues Class Status, low
1259 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Tomorrow and tomorrow
1260 Themes and Motifs Animals Bugs
1261 Themes and Motifs Body Flesh
1262 Cultural Issues Education Mentorship
1263 Relationships Social Mentorship
1264 Relationships Familial Mentorship
1265 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical France
1266 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Gulliver's Travels
1267 Aesthetics Style Unfinished sentence
1268 Themes and Motifs Objects Candle
1269 Actions Verbal Warning
1270 Environment Place Tavern
1271 Relationships Familial Mother-daughter passim
1272 Cultural Issues Gender Masculine woman
1273 Actions Verbal Complaining
1274 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Coleridge, Samuel
1275 Cultural Issues Violence Implied shooting
1276 Environment Place Seedy parts of town
1277 Actions Emotional Vengeful
1278 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Fate
1279 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Vestal
1280 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Return home
1281 Actions Emotional Satisfaction
1282 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Money|Wealth
1283 Themes and Motifs Home Home as prison
1284 Cultural Issues Sexuality Appearance of
1285 Cultural Issues Entertainment Movies
1286 Cultural Issues Mass Media Magazines
1287 Cultural Issues Mass Media Movies
1288 Cultural Issues Age Childhood
1289 Actions Play School recess
1290 Environment Place Playground
1291 Cultural Issues Violence Child abuse
1292 Actions Emotional Terror
1293 Actions Bodily Vomiting
1294 Actions Emotional Shame
1295 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Anemia
1296 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Medical advice
1297 Themes and Motifs Money Recovery
1298 Relationships Friendship Childhood friends
1299 Actions Perceptual Investigating
1300 Actions Perceptual Surveillance
1301 Themes and Motifs Psychological Paranoia
1302 Actions Perceptual Strip searching
1303 Themes and Motifs Past Parental
1304 Actions Verbal Family history
1305 Themes and Motifs Home Estranged
1306 Cultural Issues Age Maturing
1308 Aesthetics Typography/Orthography Dots

This is for the occasions when Faulkner uses a series of dots as a feature of his prose - i.e. ". . ." or ". . . . . ." We can't call these dots ellipses, because they do not represent anything being left out of the text. The most disconcerting use of this technique is in "Miss Zilphia Gant." SR

1309 Cultural Issues Progress Country to city

To capture the movement of people from the countryside to more urban areas, including moving from Frenchman's Bend to Jefferson, as Zilphia Gant's mother and so many Snopeses do. SR

1310 Themes and Motifs Psychological Madness
1311 Actions Emotional Attraction
1312 Actions Economic Buying a house
1313 Cultural Issues Economy Buying a house
1314 Actions Mental Dreaming
1315 Aesthetics Symbolism Freudian
1316 Actions Physical Searching
1317 Actions Interaction, Private Courting
1318 Actions Bodily Fainting
1319 Actions Verbal Promising
1320 Themes and Motifs Morals Chivalry
1321 Relationships Marital Civil marriage
1322 Themes and Motifs Past Past in present
1323 Aesthetics Symbolism Shadows
1324 Themes and Motifs Animals Metaphorical elephant
