
Term IDsort descending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
4740 Aesthetics Ambiguity And detective plot
4741 Themes and Motifs Determinism And an animal
4742 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Creating an Other
4743 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Smoking habit
4744 Cultural Issues Entertainment Polo
4745 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity Outlander
4746 Themes and Motifs Death Spousal
4747 Themes and Motifs Death Ambiguous circumstances
4748 Themes and Motifs Community Taboos
4749 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Detective fiction
4750 Cultural Issues Law Probate
4751 Actions Agricultural Incompetent farming
4752 Themes and Motifs Character Unknowable
4753 Cultural Issues Religion Lay preacher
4754 Cultural Issues Land-Use Erosion
4755 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Entropy
4756 Cultural Issues Race Negro reporting white behavior
4757 Cultural Issues Law Investigation
4758 Themes and Motifs Objects European in U.S.
4759 Actions Economic Shopping
4760 Cultural Issues Clothes And identity
4761 Actions Bodily Confessing without words
4762 Cultural Issues Race Using a Negro as messenger
4763 Cultural Issues War Desertion
4764 Actions Military Patrol
4765 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Mottstown
4766 Actions Military Reconnaissance
4767 Themes and Motifs Objects Map
4768 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Madison, Mississippi
4769 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Caledonia, Mississippi
4770 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Hickahala bottom
4771 Cultural Issues Religion Providence
4772 Cultural Issues War Retreat
4773 Environment Domestic Space Livestock pen
4774 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Grenada, Mississippi
4775 Themes and Motifs Animals Ducks
4776 Cultural Issues War Rules of engagement
4777 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Shiloh
4778 Cultural Issues Slavery Humiliation
4779 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Missouri
4780 Cultural Issues Crime Voter fraud
4781 Cultural Issues Food Soda
4782 Environment Time of Year Indian Summer
4783 Themes and Motifs Community Upliftment

Whenever a member of the community takes it upon him or herself to "uplift" the rest of the members of the community, whether they want to be uplifted or not. The specific example is John Sartoris in The Unvanquished who has grand plans for the people of Jefferson (223).

4784 Cultural Issues War Military service

Whenever a character did or did not serve in the military during war. In this case, it is Redmond in The Unvanquished (225), but another example is Percy Grimm. JHB

4785 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Fort Moultrie, South Carolina
4786 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Tennessee Junction, Tennessee
4787 Environment Time of Day Eleven o'clock
4788 Cultural Issues Violence Cyclical
4789 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Montgomery, Alabama
4790 Themes and Motifs Death Moving a dead body
4791 Cultural Issues Crime Interruption
4792 Environment Natural Quicksand
4793 Actions Movement Traffic
4794 Environment Place Hovel
4795 Cultural Issues Hunting and Fishing Trotline
4796 Cultural Issues Law Inquest
4797 Themes and Motifs Values Selflessness
4798 Cultural Issues Economy Sharing the land
4799 Themes and Motifs Texts Death certificate
4800 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Red necks
4801 Themes and Motifs Appearance Red necks
4802 Themes and Motifs Animals Turtles
4803 Relationships Interspecies Animals preying on humans
4804 Environment Place Dirt lane
4805 Cultural Issues Ritual Cemetery decorations
4806 Environment Auditory Moving wagon
4807 Environment Auditory Car|truck movement
4808 Environment Time of Day Sunday
4809 Relationships Familial Fratricide
4810 Relationships Interracial Companions
4811 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Chickamauga
4812 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Lookout Mountain
4813 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Vicksburg
4814 Cultural Issues Slavery Segregation of space
4815 Themes and Motifs Texts Cook book
4816 Cultural Issues Race Behaving "white"
4817 Cultural Issues Race Segregated space
4818 Themes and Motifs Texts Bible
4819 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity Trans-regional
4820 Cultural Issues Religion Forgiveness
4821 Aesthetics Symbolism Impermanence
4822 Themes and Motifs Objects Salt
4823 Cultural Issues War Campaign
4824 Cultural Issues War Irregular troop
4825 Environment Atmospheric Dangerous
4826 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Cockrum
4827 Actions Perceptual Interpreting tracks
4828 Cultural Issues War Violence against civilians
4829 Actions Military Capturing prisoners
4830 Cultural Issues Region Hapless Yankees
4831 Themes and Motifs Home Attacked
4832 Actions Movement Wrong direction
4833 Cultural Issues Gender Lady's accoutrements
4834 Environment Place Campsite
4835 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Order
4836 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Racial
4837 Relationships Familial Mother-infant
4838 Environment Place Stable
4839 Themes and Motifs Animals Tending to animal
