Term ID | Vocabulary | Parent |
Term![]() |
Description |
3834 | Actions | Emotional | Tragic / tragedy | |
4793 | Actions | Movement | Traffic | |
290 | Cultural Issues | Slavery | Traditions |
For instances of the patterns that became a recurring aspect of the social interactions between slaves and masters, as in the description of the young slaves approaching Sutpen's big house on Christmas morning in expectation of a gift. SR |
4096 | Cultural Issues | Alcohol | Traditional southern drink | |
3422 | Cultural Issues | Entertainment | Traditional music | |
539 | Themes and Motifs | Community | Tradition | |
1195 | Actions | Economic | Trading | |
5113 | Cultural Issues | Education | Trade school | |
3206 | Cultural Issues | Agriculture | Tractors | |
5627 | Cultural Issues | Progress | Tractor | |
1618 | Actions | Hunting | Tracking | |
3588 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Toys | |
798 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Toys | |
3919 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Toy bear / teddybear | |
4137 | Cultural Issues | Class | Town v. country/farm | |
1038 | Environment | Public | Town Square | |
4043 | Environment | Public | Town hall | |
2527 | Themes and Motifs | Time | Town clock | |
3365 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Towel | |
2832 | Cultural Issues | Hunting and Fishing | Tourism |
Tourism generated by annual hunting and fishing seasons. JB |
2976 | Actions | Physical | Touching | |
2609 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Touch | |
1592 | Cultural Issues | Religion | Totem | |
4356 | Cultural Issues | Violence | Torture | |
1937 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Tornado | |
5594 | Environment | Atmospheric | Torch-light | |
2908 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Toothpick | |
5151 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Toothpaste | |
415 | Aesthetics | (First level term) | Tone | |
1259 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Tomorrow and tomorrow | |
5665 | Aesthetics | Recurring Episodes | Tommy's murder | |
2594 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Tombstone | |
1547 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Tomb | |
5109 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Tom Jones | |
2437 | Actions | Emotional | Tolerance | |
1543 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Toilet set | |
3799 | Cultural Issues | Alcohol | Toddy | |
3238 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Tobruk | |
768 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Tobacco | |
3396 | Environment | Olfactory | Tobacco | |
4687 | Actions | Work | To pay for education | |
4132 | Themes and Motifs | Texts | Title | |
2720 | Actions | Verbal | Tirade | |
3346 | Themes and Motifs | Time | Timelessness | |
340 | Environment | (First level term) | Time of Year | |
339 | Environment | (First level term) | Time of Day | |
394 | Themes and Motifs | (First level term) | Time | |
5625 | Aesthetics | Symbolism | Time | |
1840 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Tigers | |
2443 | Cultural Issues | Clothes | Tie | |
3736 | Environment | Natural | Tide flat / marsh | |
2922 | Actions | Perceptual | Tickling | |
3163 | Environment | Time of Year | Thursday | |
2345 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Thunderclap | |
1943 | Environment | Atmospheric | Thunder | |
3749 | Actions | Violent | Throwing downstairs | |
1861 | Actions | Physical | Throwing | |
4040 | Themes and Motifs | Body | Throat | |
1948 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Threshold | |
3425 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Three score and ten | |
5194 | Environment | Time of Day | Three o'clock a.m. | |
1750 | Actions | Violent | Threatening | |
563 | Actions | Verbal | Threat | |
3874 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Threads | |
3309 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Thompson's Restaurant in Boston, Massachusetts | |
1597 | Actions | Bodily | Thirsting | |
653 | Themes and Motifs | Body | Thinness | |
3539 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Thinking of home | |
2973 | Actions | Mental | Thinking | |
2110 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Thimble | |
3952 | Themes and Motifs | Body | Thighs | |
2851 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Thessaloniki | |
3120 | Aesthetics | Interpretation | Theodicy | |
592 | Cultural Issues | Crime | Theft|Robbery | |
2006 | Actions | Emotional | Theatricality | |
3055 | Aesthetics | Metafictional | Theatrical setting | |
2982 | Aesthetics | Narrative | Theatrical effect | |
2981 | Aesthetics | Symbolism | Theatrical | |
1574 | Cultural Issues | Region | The West | |
3781 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | The Tempest | |
1155 | Cultural Issues | Region | The South |
When a narrator or character explicitly foregrounds the region as distinctive, problematic, or otherwise noteworthy. JW |
3210 | Environment | Time of Year | Thanksgiving | |
5680 | Actions | Verbal | Thanking | |
5420 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Thackeray | |
393 | Themes and Motifs | (First level term) | Texts | |
5037 | Aesthetics | Recurring Episodes | Texas horses auctioned | |
3474 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Texas | |
574 | Cultural Issues | Law | Testimony | |
5652 | Actions | Legal | Testifying | |
3157 | Themes and Motifs | Body | Testicles | |
1292 | Actions | Emotional | Terror | |
1404 | Themes and Motifs | Psychological | Terror | |
4602 | Cultural Issues | Law | Territory | |
2570 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Termites | |
4897 | Environment | Place | Tent | |
4421 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | tent | |
5586 | Actions | Bodily | Tension | |
5192 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Tennyson, Alfred | |
4203 | Cultural Issues | Clothes | Tennis shoes | |
3469 | Actions | Play | Tennis |