
Term ID Vocabularysort ascending Parent Term Description
1874 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Mississippi Reports
3551 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Mississippi River
4779 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Missouri
3754 Aesthetics Language Misspelling
3219 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Mistinguett
5265 Aesthetics Tone Mock-heroic
2168 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Monroe, Marilyn
2941 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Monteagle, Tennessee
4730 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Montesquieu
4789 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Montgomery, Alabama
495 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Monument
5390 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Morgan, J.P.
4324 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Morgan, John Hunt
2057 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Moses
2336 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Moth
4765 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Mottstown
5386 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Mount Vernon
5376 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Mozart
3561 Aesthetics Narrative Multiple quotations in a single paragraph
5568 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Murat, Joachim
4207 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Musical imagery
1172 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Mystery
5051 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Nancy confronts white man
1685 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Napoleon
5217 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Narcissa marries Bayard
5033 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Narcissa's anonymous letters
3848 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Narcissus
411 Aesthetics (First level term) Narrative
4382 Aesthetics Narrative Narrative anomaly
4395 Aesthetics Narrative Narrative shift
2901 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Nashville, Tennessee
4941 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Natchez Trace
4325 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Natchez, Mississippi
4190 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Native American
1606 Aesthetics Diction Native American languages

I created this for "The Old People," 204.2, because the emphasis is on the "old tongue" that Sam Fathers speaks. LW

5686 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Nazi Party
1116 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Negation

This is the term for when the narrative suggests an image or action, but only in the act of denying it: "He was not crying." EP

2203 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Negro spirituals
5025 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Negro voting
641 Aesthetics Style Neologism
930 Aesthetics Diction Neologism

This keyword can be used for terms and words invented by Faulkner, including portmanteau words, hyphenated words (e.g., "ax-squared"), non-hyphenated words (e.g., "deathcolored"), onomatopoeic words, or other similar constructions. Not all hyphenated words would qualify as a neologism, such as "mud-caked" or "three-foot-high" which are too commonplace to qualify as neologisms. -CR

3779 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical New England
4644 Aesthetics Language new item
3284 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical New London, Connecticut
2375 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical New Orleans, Louisiana
3075 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical New Testament Book of Revelation
2445 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical New York
5426 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Newton, Isaac
3352 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Niagara Falls
4495 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Nicaragua
1907 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Niobe
4154 Aesthetics Language no no
2163 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Noah/flood
4899 Aesthetics Diction Northern dialect
746 Aesthetics Tone Nostalgic
3538 Aesthetics Style Numerous adjectives
1904 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Ogre
3974 Aesthetics Language Oh Oh Oh Oh
5433 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Ohio
4914 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Oklahoma
2860 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Old Bailey
4341 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Old Bailey
5024 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Old Bayard's death
5041 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Old Frenchman's arrival
4097 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Old maid
3240 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Old Point Comfort, Virginia
4959 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Old Testament
3567 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Old Testament Book of Isaiah
3866 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Old Testament Book of Proverbs
3712 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Old Testament Book of Psalms
3862 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Old Testament Book Song of Songs
1963 Aesthetics Typography/Orthography Onomatopoeia
3122 Aesthetics Narrative Origin
4084 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Othello
2743 Aesthetics Tone Overwrought

This label is as subjective as it is possibly contentious, yet I have created for those instances in which the tone appears too highfalutin, philosophical, or otherwise "fancy" in relation to the subject matter at hand. The specific example, is from The Reivers when Lucius Priest constantly reflects on his younger self in mock-epic fashion to describe his battles with "Virtue". JB

3599 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Oxford, England
4371 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Oxford, Mississippi
1892 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Oxymoron
2830 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Ozarks
5410 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Pacific islands
4731 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Paine, Thomas
4076 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Paint
1889 Aesthetics Metafictional Painting
5260 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Pan
5097 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Parable
1687 Aesthetics Narrative Parentheses
4309 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Paris
5378 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Paris
3494 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Parker House Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts
3924 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Parody
3769 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Parrot
2586 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Parsham
2896 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Patch, Dan
1423 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Pathetic fallacy
1364 Aesthetics Narrative Pause
3237 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
3875 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Pencil
527 Aesthetics Figures of Speech People compared to animals
3954 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Periodical filth
4087 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Persephone
