Term ID |
Vocabulary![]() |
Parent | Term | Description |
1874 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Mississippi Reports | |
3551 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Mississippi River | |
4779 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Missouri | |
3754 | Aesthetics | Language | Misspelling | |
3219 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Mistinguett | |
5265 | Aesthetics | Tone | Mock-heroic | |
2168 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Monroe, Marilyn | |
2941 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Monteagle, Tennessee | |
4730 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Montesquieu | |
4789 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Montgomery, Alabama | |
495 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Monument | |
5390 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Morgan, J.P. | |
4324 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Morgan, John Hunt | |
2057 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Moses | |
2336 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Moth | |
4765 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Mottstown | |
5386 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Mount Vernon | |
5376 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Mozart | |
3561 | Aesthetics | Narrative | Multiple quotations in a single paragraph | |
5568 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Murat, Joachim | |
4207 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Musical imagery | |
1172 | Aesthetics | Genre Conventions | Mystery | |
5051 | Aesthetics | Recurring Episodes | Nancy confronts white man | |
1685 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Napoleon | |
5217 | Aesthetics | Recurring Episodes | Narcissa marries Bayard | |
5033 | Aesthetics | Recurring Episodes | Narcissa's anonymous letters | |
3848 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Narcissus | |
411 | Aesthetics | (First level term) | Narrative | |
4382 | Aesthetics | Narrative | Narrative anomaly | |
4395 | Aesthetics | Narrative | Narrative shift | |
2901 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Nashville, Tennessee | |
4941 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Natchez Trace | |
4325 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Natchez, Mississippi | |
4190 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Native American | |
1606 | Aesthetics | Diction | Native American languages |
I created this for "The Old People," 204.2, because the emphasis is on the "old tongue" that Sam Fathers speaks. LW |
5686 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Nazi Party | |
1116 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Negation |
This is the term for when the narrative suggests an image or action, but only in the act of denying it: "He was not crying." EP |
2203 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Negro spirituals | |
5025 | Aesthetics | Recurring Episodes | Negro voting | |
641 | Aesthetics | Style | Neologism | |
930 | Aesthetics | Diction | Neologism |
This keyword can be used for terms and words invented by Faulkner, including portmanteau words, hyphenated words (e.g., "ax-squared"), non-hyphenated words (e.g., "deathcolored"), onomatopoeic words, or other similar constructions. Not all hyphenated words would qualify as a neologism, such as "mud-caked" or "three-foot-high" which are too commonplace to qualify as neologisms. -CR |
3779 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | New England | |
4644 | Aesthetics | Language | new item | |
3284 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | New London, Connecticut | |
2375 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | New Orleans, Louisiana | |
3075 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | New Testament Book of Revelation | |
2445 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | New York | |
5426 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Newton, Isaac | |
3352 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Niagara Falls | |
4495 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Nicaragua | |
1907 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Niobe | |
4154 | Aesthetics | Language | no no | |
2163 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Noah/flood | |
4899 | Aesthetics | Diction | Northern dialect | |
746 | Aesthetics | Tone | Nostalgic | |
3538 | Aesthetics | Style | Numerous adjectives | |
1904 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Ogre | |
3974 | Aesthetics | Language | Oh Oh Oh Oh | |
5433 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Ohio | |
4914 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Oklahoma | |
2860 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Old Bailey | |
4341 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Old Bailey | |
5024 | Aesthetics | Recurring Episodes | Old Bayard's death | |
5041 | Aesthetics | Recurring Episodes | Old Frenchman's arrival | |
4097 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Old maid | |
3240 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Old Point Comfort, Virginia | |
4959 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Old Testament | |
3567 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Old Testament Book of Isaiah | |
3866 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Old Testament Book of Proverbs | |
3712 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Old Testament Book of Psalms | |
3862 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Old Testament Book Song of Songs | |
1963 | Aesthetics | Typography/Orthography | Onomatopoeia | |
3122 | Aesthetics | Narrative | Origin | |
4084 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Othello | |
2743 | Aesthetics | Tone | Overwrought |
This label is as subjective as it is possibly contentious, yet I have created for those instances in which the tone appears too highfalutin, philosophical, or otherwise "fancy" in relation to the subject matter at hand. The specific example, is from The Reivers when Lucius Priest constantly reflects on his younger self in mock-epic fashion to describe his battles with "Virtue". JB |
3599 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Oxford, England | |
4371 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Oxford, Mississippi | |
1892 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Oxymoron | |
2830 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Ozarks | |
5410 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Pacific islands | |
4731 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Paine, Thomas | |
4076 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Paint | |
1889 | Aesthetics | Metafictional | Painting | |
5260 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Pan | |
5097 | Aesthetics | Genre Conventions | Parable | |
1687 | Aesthetics | Narrative | Parentheses | |
4309 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Paris | |
5378 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Paris | |
3494 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Parker House Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts | |
3924 | Aesthetics | Genre Conventions | Parody | |
3769 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Parrot | |
2586 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Parsham | |
2896 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Patch, Dan | |
1423 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Pathetic fallacy | |
1364 | Aesthetics | Narrative | Pause | |
3237 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Pearl Harbor, Hawaii | |
3875 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Pencil | |
527 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | People compared to animals | |
3954 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Periodical filth | |
4087 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Persephone |