
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort descending Description
3852 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
3159 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Poem "The Waste Land"
3565 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Poem "The Windhover"
5463 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Poem, "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard"
3923 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Poem/song "The Star-Spangled Banner"
4312 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Poem: "Ode on a Grecian Urn"
1897 Themes and Motifs Art Poetry
5004 Themes and Motifs Texts Poetry
4177 Themes and Motifs Animals Point-of-view

Created for a moment in "Race at Morning" when the narrator imagines what the hunted deer is seeing and thinking. There may not be other instances of this, but to open up the narrative to the subjectivity of an animal seems worth noting. SR

3853 Actions Physical Pointing
1532 Themes and Motifs Objects Poison
3724 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Poisoned
4168 Actions Violent Poisoning
2179 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Poisoning
1827 Themes and Motifs Objects Pokeberry juice
1955 Actions Play Poker
934 Cultural Issues Entertainment Poker game
5472 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Poland
962 Cultural Issues Law Police
1773 Relationships Institutional Police-arrestee
4553 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Polio
1515 Actions Domestic Polish
4688 Cultural Issues Politics Political ambition
4881 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Political solidarity
243 Cultural Issues (First level term) Politics
3401 Actions Play Polo
4744 Cultural Issues Entertainment Polo
959 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Polynesian tribes
2016 Environment Place Pond
2462 Themes and Motifs Animals Pony
4524 Environment Public Poolhall
2004 Environment Place Poorhouse
5671 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Pope, John
5067 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Popeye's execution
3437 Themes and Motifs Community Populace
5203 Cultural Issues Entertainment Popular culture
5106 Cultural Issues Entertainment Popular literature
3243 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Popular magazines
4604 Themes and Motifs Character Popularity
2197 Themes and Motifs Objects Porcelain
920 Environment Domestic Space Porch
4493 Cultural Issues Sexuality Pornography
2954 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Porter, Fitz-John
2075 Themes and Motifs Objects Portmanteau
2083 Themes and Motifs Community Posse
4166 Actions Emotional Possessiveness
1607 Actions Hunting Possum
5303 Themes and Motifs Animals Possum
2891 Actions Communication Post card
3405 Environment Public Post office
3189 Themes and Motifs Exile Post-war
5548 Cultural Issues History Post-war prosperity
5502 Cultural Issues History Post-war society
2461 Relationships Civic Postal carrier-community
1714 Environment Auditory Postal horn
5650 Actions Work Postal worker
5692 Themes and Motifs Texts Postcard
5095 Themes and Motifs Texts Poster
5487 Relationships Romantic Potential
1191 Cultural Issues Economy Poverty
2080 Themes and Motifs Character Power
1074 Cultural Issues Class Power
761 Themes and Motifs Art Power of
712 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Power of literature
2139 Environment Place Power Plant
3836 Actions Emotional Practicality
1956 Actions Verbal Praising
4225 Actions Play Prank
4618 Actions Verbal Praying
2706 Actions Moral Praying
2733 Actions Physical Praying
5452 Cultural Issues Religion Pre-Christian
636 Environment Time of Day Pre-dawn
911 Cultural Issues History Pre-World War II issues
3137 Cultural Issues Religion Preacher / Minister
3643 Actions Verbal Preaching
3641 Themes and Motifs Character Precision
2181 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Precognition / Something to happen

For when a character precognitively senses or says that "something" is going to happen to him/her - e.g., Joe Christmas, Miss Zilphia Gant. JBP

816 Themes and Motifs Character Predatory
4180 Cultural Issues Sexuality Predatory
532 Cultural Issues Economy Predatory practices
2847 Actions Mental Predicting
3379 Actions Verbal Predicting
863 Actions Bodily Pregnancy
4706 Cultural Issues Sexuality Pregnancy
1401 Themes and Motifs Body Pregnancy
564 Cultural Issues Sexuality Pregnant out of wedlock
3006 Environment Natural Prehistoric forces
3008 Themes and Motifs Past Prehistory
3007 Cultural Issues Land-Use Prehuman landscape
441 Cultural Issues (First level term) Prejudice
880 Cultural Issues Sexuality Premarital
1188 Cultural Issues Age Premature aging
3234 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Prentiss
3518 Themes and Motifs Death Preparing for death
4555 Cultural Issues Religion Presbyterian
2507 Aesthetics Style Present tense
2085 Aesthetics Narrative Present-time reference

For when a character switches from past-tense narration (about past events) to refer to the present time and/or how he/she feels "now." -JBP

2429 Themes and Motifs Community Preserving order
1050 Cultural Issues Politics Presidential administration
