
Term IDsort ascending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
5402 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Twenty-One Club
5401 Themes and Motifs Meaning Aesthetic experience
5400 Environment Place Artist's studio
5399 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Burgoyne, General John
5398 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Blue Ridge Mountains
5397 Cultural Issues Identity, Personal Ancestral
5396 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Jacob
5395 Cultural Issues History League of Nations
5394 Cultural Issues Government Congress
5393 Themes and Motifs Texts Mottoes
5392 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Hill, A.T.
5391 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Harriman, E.H.
5390 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Morgan, J.P.
5389 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Astor, John Jacob
5388 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Burr, Aaron
5387 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Hamilton, Alexander
5386 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Mount Vernon
5385 Relationships Marital Intergenerational
5384 Cultural Issues Technology Telegraph
5383 Cultural Issues Religion Baptism
5382 Themes and Motifs Character Generous
5381 Cultural Issues Education University of Mississippi
5380 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Francesca
5379 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Judith
5378 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Paris
5377 Themes and Motifs Art And civilization
5376 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Mozart
5375 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity And nationality
5374 Aesthetics Language Italian
5373 Cultural Issues History European Revolutions of 1848
5372 Cultural Issues Race Aryan
5371 Cultural Issues Gender Gentleman
5370 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Yoknapatawpha as mythic Greece
5369 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Menelaus
5368 Environment Place Cotillion Club
5367 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical West Point
5366 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Florida
5365 Actions Economic Eviction
5364 Cultural Issues Education Phi Beta Kappa
5363 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Greenwich Village
5362 Cultural Issues History Cold War
5361 Actions Movement Hitch-hiking
5360 Cultural Issues Progress Paving
5359 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical San Diego, California
5358 Cultural Issues Religion Sect
5357 Environment Time of Year Valentine's Day
5356 Cultural Issues History Communism
5355 Cultural Issues History Spanish Civil War
5354 Cultural Issues Sexuality Wonderful
5353 Relationships Marital Honeymoon
5352 Themes and Motifs Death Of parent
5351 Cultural Issues History Mexican Rebellion
5350 Cultural Issues Sexuality Male vitality
5349 Cultural Issues Sexuality Adult-adolescent
5348 Aesthetics Style Address to reader
5347 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Sherlock Holmes
5345 Cultural Issues Law Insanity plea
5344 Cultural Issues Law Parole
5343 Actions Work Railroad workers
5342 Cultural Issues Race Uppitiness
5341 Cultural Issues Segregation Housing
5340 Cultural Issues Economy Prices
5339 Environment Atmospheric Burgeoning
5338 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Constitutive moment

A moment in a character's story when something happens that changes the arc of his or her life. For example, when in Absalom! Thomas Sutpen is turned away from the front door of that Tidewater plantation. Or in The Mansion, when Houston tells Mink Snopes he still owes the one dollar "pound fee" (28). SR

5337 Actions Agricultural Planting
5336 Actions Bodily Sleeplessness
5335 Cultural Issues Agriculture Furnish bill
5334 Cultural Issues Alcohol Store-bought vs moonshine
5333 Cultural Issues Race Racial resentment
5332 Cultural Issues Agriculture Regulations
5331 Cultural Issues Agriculture Government regulations
5330 Themes and Motifs Money Stud fee
5329 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Right-of-way

Use to identify scenes where - because of race or class - one person is denied the right-of-way in a public space. The Sutpen children being 'ridden down' by a carriage, or Mink Snopes by Houston, and so on. Includes the related episodoes of Bayard Sartoris almost driving into wagons with Negroes in them. SR

5328 Cultural Issues Law Guardianship
5327 Actions Economic Bankrupcy
5326 Cultural Issues Gender makeup
5325 Aesthetics Language YIPPPEEE
5324 Cultural Issues Gender Woman smoking
5323 Relationships Institutional Church-Town

Relationship between any of the Churches and the Town in which they are situated. The specific example here is that even though Reverend Schultz and his church found a new clerk to replace Uncle Willy, no one trusted the new stranger.

5322 Cultural Issues Religion Rebirth

Rebirth as either a goal or a result of Christianity. In this particular case, Uncle Willy's church wants him to be reborn in "Uncle Willy". (232

5321 Cultural Issues Clothes Shirtless
5320 Environment Time of Year April Fool's
5319 Actions Bodily Inject
5318 Cultural Issues War Veterans

This is a general marker for anything to do with veterans. The specific instance is the relationship between Jock and Captain Warren in "Death Drag." Although this is technically a "relationship" between veterans, the occurrence is so rare that it makes more sense to create a generic term.

5317 Aesthetics Language Aaahhhhhhh
5316 Cultural Issues Crime Fraud

This type of fraud is distinct from action: moral :: fraud in the sense that there are legal consequences. The specific example here is from "Death Drag" where Ginsfarb has a plane that is unlicensed and purchased a license from another plane that was allowed to fly thereby "compound[ing] another felony" (194). JHB

5315 Cultural Issues Food Gum

Chewing gum

5314 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Fields, Lew

Part of the vaudeville comedy duo Weber and Fields. JHB

5313 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Weber, Joe

Part of the vaudeville comedy duo Weber and Fields. JHB

5312 Cultural Issues Race Jewish

This is listed under cultural identity and ethnic identity, but in "Death Drag" it is very clear that this is a racial difference. The text states, "When he came up the spectators saw that he, like the limping man, was also a Jew. That is, they knew at once that two of the strangers were of a different race from themselves, without being able to say what the difference was" (188). Not sure if it makes to consolidate with the other forms of identifying Jewishness. JHB

5311 Aesthetics Diction Stereotypical Jewish accent

Whenever the text imitates a Jewish accent. JHB

5310 Environment Public Airfield
5309 Cultural Issues Law Aviation

Any law related to aviation. JHB

5308 Cultural Issues Economy Market day
5307 Actions Bodily Dismemberment
5306 Environment Olfactory Decomposition
5305 Cultural Issues Agriculture Ownership
5304 Themes and Motifs Animals Owl
5303 Themes and Motifs Animals Possum
5302 Cultural Issues Race Economic basis of racism
