
Term ID Vocabularysort ascending Parent Term Description
1887 Themes and Motifs Objects Wisteria
1894 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Creation
1897 Themes and Motifs Art Poetry
1906 Themes and Motifs Objects Photograph
1920 Themes and Motifs Community Secrecy
1921 Themes and Motifs Psychological Trauma
1923 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Paradox
1924 Themes and Motifs Morals Honor
1925 Themes and Motifs Objects Sword
1926 Themes and Motifs Character Teetotaler
1927 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Fatality
1932 Themes and Motifs Time Frozen / Static
1933 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Sun / Sunlight
1934 Themes and Motifs Art Music
1938 Themes and Motifs Appearance Similarity
1946 Themes and Motifs Objects Phaeton
1947 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Place
1948 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Threshold
1950 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Triumph
1957 Themes and Motifs Home Homesickness_Longing for home
1968 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Livestock
1982 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Belatedness
1985 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Open secret

Any moment when everyone or many people in a place know something to be true, but they pretend not to know it. For example, everyone knows Linda is not Flem's child, but pretends to not know, just as everyone pretends John Powell brings his gun to work but people pretend he does not. JB

1986 Themes and Motifs Animals Fireflies
1992 Themes and Motifs Objects Saddlebag
1994 Themes and Motifs Values Determination
1995 Themes and Motifs Time Running out
1997 Themes and Motifs Money Gold
1998 Themes and Motifs Texts Deed
1999 Themes and Motifs Money Loot
2003 Themes and Motifs Body Teeth
2013 Themes and Motifs Time Continuity

Any time the past is consonant with the present, or a tradition is passed on. For example, the Hampton's being Sheriffs is a historical continuity. JB

2019 Themes and Motifs Appearance Nakedness
2020 Themes and Motifs Character Forbearance
2021 Themes and Motifs Objects Windows
2022 Themes and Motifs Character Artist
2023 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Dream
2024 Themes and Motifs Character Ruthless
2025 Themes and Motifs Character Vanity
2028 Themes and Motifs Objects Footprint
2030 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Solitude
2034 Themes and Motifs Objects Chandlier
2036 Themes and Motifs Animals Oxen
2043 Themes and Motifs Animals Wolf
2051 Themes and Motifs Time Future
2068 Themes and Motifs Objects Compass
2070 Themes and Motifs Objects Boat
2073 Themes and Motifs Death Animal Dog
2075 Themes and Motifs Objects Portmanteau
2076 Themes and Motifs Objects Tarpaulin
2080 Themes and Motifs Character Power
2082 Themes and Motifs Death Animal bear
2083 Themes and Motifs Community Posse
2084 Themes and Motifs Objects Flowers
2088 Themes and Motifs Character Swagger
2089 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Loss of animal companion
2090 Themes and Motifs Appearance Cosmetics
2092 Themes and Motifs Values Conscience
2093 Themes and Motifs Objects Pine knots
2094 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Leaving home
2100 Themes and Motifs Body Nose
2104 Themes and Motifs Character Unruliness
2108 Themes and Motifs Character Resolve
2110 Themes and Motifs Objects Thimble
2112 Themes and Motifs Memory Forgetting
2113 Themes and Motifs Character Playfulness
2117 Themes and Motifs Objects Guitar
2121 Themes and Motifs Money Owed

This keyword is for when a character claims or otherwise believes he or she is owed money (to repay a debt, as payment for labor, etc.). -JBP

2145 Themes and Motifs Body Scar
2150 Themes and Motifs Objects Stove
2151 Themes and Motifs Objects Dolls
2152 Themes and Motifs Money Refund
2158 Themes and Motifs Time Long passage of time

Perhaps self-evident, but for when a text makes a huge jump in time very quickly -- Zilphia Gant sitting beside the window "for twelve years," for instance. JBP

2161 Themes and Motifs Objects Eyeglasses
2172 Themes and Motifs Values Faithfulness

Faithfulness as a general virtue, synonymous with fidelity and/or loyalty (unless others think those merit a separate keyword entry). Wasn't sure if this should go here or go also or instead under Actions > Emotions. JBP

2181 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Precognition / Something to happen

For when a character precognitively senses or says that "something" is going to happen to him/her - e.g., Joe Christmas, Miss Zilphia Gant. JBP

2183 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Destiny
2186 Themes and Motifs Morals Protest
2193 Themes and Motifs Objects Piano
2195 Themes and Motifs Values Propriety
2196 Themes and Motifs Objects Damask
2197 Themes and Motifs Objects Porcelain
2198 Themes and Motifs Objects Candelabra
2200 Themes and Motifs Money Collecting money

Added for when Gavin Stevens raises money to pay for the funeral in "Go Down, Moses"; can be used for anytime characters take a collection or otherwise raise money for some cause. JBP

2204 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Confederate monument
2206 Themes and Motifs Psychological Learning disability
2208 Themes and Motifs Objects Flag
2216 Themes and Motifs Money Lost
2217 Themes and Motifs Money Stolen
2220 Themes and Motifs Objects Nail
2223 Themes and Motifs Appearance Scruffiness
2229 Themes and Motifs Death Murder
2232 Themes and Motifs Death Afterlife
2235 Themes and Motifs Character Recklessness
2236 Themes and Motifs Objects Anchovies
2237 Themes and Motifs Memory Collective memory
2249 Themes and Motifs Objects Magnet
2251 Themes and Motifs Animals Pigs
2257 Themes and Motifs Death Deathbed
2258 Themes and Motifs Character Opportunism
