
Term IDsort ascending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
2975 Themes and Motifs Objects Swing
2974 Relationships Familial Uncle-niece
2973 Actions Mental Thinking
2972 Cultural Issues Clothes Bathrobe
2971 Cultural Issues Agriculture Matched team of horses or mules
2970 Cultural Issues Agriculture Hay
2969 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Nihilism
2968 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Arcadia
2967 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Latin pastoral poetry
2966 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Horace
2965 Cultural Issues Age Baby
2964 Themes and Motifs Time Series of events experienced as long duration
2963 Cultural Issues Alcohol Manhood
2962 Aesthetics Language Yah-yah-yah
2961 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Hangover
2960 Environment Place Speakeasy
2959 Cultural Issues Crime Extortion
2958 Themes and Motifs Animals Fish
2957 Environment Auditory Barking
2956 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Gaines's Mill
2955 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Chickhahominy River
2954 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Porter, Fitz-John
2953 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Hampton, Wade
2952 Cultural Issues Identity, Cultural Northerner
2951 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Manassas, Horse
2950 Themes and Motifs Objects Fishing rod
2949 Environment Domestic Space Office
2948 Cultural Issues Race Black family working for white
2947 Relationships Romantic Unrequited
2946 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Recovery
2945 Actions Violent Interracial
2944 Cultural Issues Law Incarceration

There are already a number of similar words in the keyword list that denote some type of legal confinement. This one is meant to indicate the general concept of going to jail, not the direct action of someone being sent to jail or prison. JB

2943 Themes and Motifs Money Won
2942 Actions Communication Car horn
2941 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Monteagle, Tennessee
2940 Cultural Issues Age Rite of passage

Any challenge or ritualized moment in which a person goes from child to adult. The other option here is coming of age, but felt like a more passive, ambiguous movement over time, when what is meant here is someone having an active, singular moment in which he or she becomes an adult. For example, Lucius winning the horse race in The Reivers (274). JB

2939 Cultural Issues Economy Banking
2938 Themes and Motifs Values Conservatism

Here conservatism is meant as a value and is politically agnostic. It is roughly being used as prudence, common sense, and tradition all wrapped up in one. JB

2937 Actions Emotional Intuition
2936 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Alps
2935 Environment Domestic Space Ladies parlor
2934 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Stroke
2933 Cultural Issues Violence Gendered

A violent action in which the gender dynamic plays a salient feature. The specific example is Boon hitting Miss Corrie in The Reivers. JB

2932 Environment Olfactory Perfume smell
2931 Themes and Motifs Objects Perfume
2930 Environment Olfactory Smelling trees
2929 Environment Auditory Tree / leaves
2928 Aesthetics Symbolism Archetype

I did not see archetype anywhere else in the keyword list, so I added it here under symbolism - for when a text refers to something clearly archetypal, like the tree in S&F. -JBP

2927 Environment Auditory Insect sounds
2926 Environment Natural Dew
2925 Environment Natural Grass
2924 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Measles
2923 Actions Interaction, Social Celebration
2922 Actions Perceptual Tickling
2921 Actions Perceptual Tasting
2920 Cultural Issues Alcohol Champagne
2919 Environment Domestic Space Cellar
2918 Actions Physical Obeying / obedience
2917 Actions Mental Repression
2916 Environment Time of Year January
2915 Cultural Issues Clothes Fancy
2914 Actions Legal Charge/accuse
2913 Actions Hunting Fishing
2912 Actions Mental Disbelief
2911 Themes and Motifs Death Bones
2910 Themes and Motifs Death Animal horse
2909 Themes and Motifs Animals Buzzards
2908 Themes and Motifs Objects Toothpick
2907 Themes and Motifs Time Return to present time
2906 Themes and Motifs Objects Handcuffs
2905 Themes and Motifs Objects Bow and arrow
2904 Themes and Motifs Character Cruel
2903 Actions Emotional Cruelty
2902 Actions Violent Animal attack on human
2901 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Nashville, Tennessee
2900 Cultural Issues Politics Democracy
2899 Cultural Issues Race Friendly interaction

Any time in the text during which different races meet in the same space and have a friendly, uncharged interaction. The specific example is the horse race in The Reivers.

2898 Cultural Issues Class Equality

Whenever there is a leveling force that allows different classes to meet on an equal playing field. In this particular example it is the horse race in The Reivers in which class and status don't matter to the observers.

2897 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Hardwick, Tennessee
2896 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Patch, Dan
2895 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Sande, Earl
2894 Environment Place Spring
2893 Actions Moral Reform
2892 Relationships Friendship Adult-child
2891 Actions Communication Post card
2890 Aesthetics Language Haw haw
2889 Cultural Issues Clothes Clean
2888 Actions Verbal Revealing

Whenever a character accidentally or intentionally reveals an important piece of information. For example, Lucius revealing that Miss Corrie's real name is Everbe to Boon in The Reivers (212).

2887 Cultural Issues Entertainment Horse race
2886 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Mississippi
2885 Cultural Issues Clothes Socks
2884 Cultural Issues Education Parenting

This word already exists as a private interaction. Here it is intended not as a specific moment of parenting, but rather the cultural norms and practices that are related to parenting. JB

2883 Themes and Motifs Values Refinement
2882 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Chattanooga, Tennessee
2881 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical St. Louis
2880 Themes and Motifs Time Abrupt shift in time

For when a narrative makes an abrupt or unexpected shift in time - as in Benjy's narrative in S&F.

2879 Themes and Motifs Objects Golf ball
2878 Themes and Motifs Death Hearse
2877 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Signs / Omen
2876 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Sleeping in same bed

For when two characters (usually black and white) sleep in the same bed; Benjy with Luster in S&F, Lucas and Henry in GDM, etc. -JBP
