
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort ascending Description
661 Themes and Motifs Animals Mules
1128 Actions Movement Mule
3541 Environment Natural Mud
5376 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Mozart
4806 Environment Auditory Moving wagon
4953 Cultural Issues History Moving away
4790 Themes and Motifs Death Moving a dead body
1285 Cultural Issues Entertainment Movies
1287 Cultural Issues Mass Media Movies
2242 Cultural Issues Migration Movement to city

This keyword refers to references or descriptions of characters who move from a less urban to a more urban environment, and is equally appropriate when someone moves from Frenchman's Bend to Jefferson and when someone from Jefferson moves to Memphis or New York. SR

351 Actions (First level term) Movement
2271 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Movement
2995 Themes and Motifs Body Mouth
2491 Themes and Motifs Body Moustache
1656 Cultural Issues Clothes Mourning
3054 Actions Emotional Mourning
3540 Environment Natural Mountains
5386 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Mount Vernon
4765 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Mottstown
5393 Themes and Motifs Texts Mottoes
2285 Cultural Issues Clothes Motoring clothes

Clothes that people wear when they go for a drive. JB

2278 Cultural Issues Entertainment Motoring

Any time someone goes driving for recreational reasons. JB

2274 Environment Place Motordrome
2277 Cultural Issues Law Motor vehicle

This keyword notes the creation and enforcement of motor vehicle laws. Notably the prohibition on automobiles by Colonel John Sartoris. JB

1774 Themes and Motifs Psychological Motivation
1859 Relationships Familial Motherhood

As a part of one's identity. I created it when Temple Drake (in Requiem) notes that she had become a mother but never exorcised her culturally improper sexual desires. SR

656 Relationships Familial Mother-son
2472 Relationships Familial Mother-son
4837 Relationships Familial Mother-infant
4550 Relationships Familial Mother-in-law
1271 Relationships Familial Mother-daughter passim
604 Relationships Familial Mother-daughter
2336 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Moth
3980 Environment Natural Moss
1820 Themes and Motifs Animals Mosquitoes
2057 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Moses
492 Environment Time of Day Morning
4324 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Morgan, John Hunt
5390 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Morgan, J.P.
1092 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Morals
4405 Actions Verbal Moralizing
3722 Themes and Motifs Morals Morality
1630 Themes and Motifs Values Moral authority
350 Actions (First level term) Moral
3934 Cultural Issues Crime Moonshining
3935 Cultural Issues Economy Moonshine
3249 Cultural Issues Alcohol Moonshine
603 Environment Atmospheric Moonlit
3946 Environment Otherworldly Moon / Lunar
2049 Environment Place Moon
1427 Environment Natural Moon
1803 Themes and Motifs Objects Monument
495 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Monument
3710 Environment Time of Year Month of brides
4789 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Montgomery, Alabama
4730 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Montesquieu
2941 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Monteagle, Tennessee
2168 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Monroe, Marilyn
3424 Actions Verbal Monologue
1282 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Money|Wealth
4477 Themes and Motifs Money Money order
382 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Money
559 Environment Time of Day Monday morning
5641 Environment Time of Day Monday
4147 Environment Time of Year Monday
5181 Environment Place Monastery
4160 Actions Perceptual Moment of vision

For moments when a character sees something charged with a sense of wonder or awe - created for the boy seeing the buck in "Race at Morning," but also appropriate for Sarty seeing De Spain's mansion or Ike seeing the bear. SR

2790 Themes and Motifs Death Moment of
5603 Cultural Issues Modernity Modernization
440 Cultural Issues (First level term) Modernity
4449 Cultural Issues Modernity Modernist style

When text makes fairly explicit reference to "modernism" as a movement, like the cubistic bug in As I Lay Dying or the modernist lampstand in Sanctuary. SR

3199 Cultural Issues Clothes Modern fashions
3245 Themes and Motifs Animals Mockingbird
5265 Aesthetics Tone Mock-heroic
567 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Mob behavior
2218 Actions Emotional Moaning
2711 Actions Interaction, Social Mixed-race gathering
793 Cultural Issues Race Mixed race
2219 Actions Mental Misunderstanding
542 Cultural Issues Law Mistrial
3219 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Mistinguett
4273 Cultural Issues Identity, Personal Mistaken identity
3044 Cultural Issues Violence Mistaken for sexual assault
3754 Aesthetics Language Misspelling
3982 Actions Verbal Misspeaking
4779 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Missouri
3551 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Mississippi River
1874 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Mississippi Reports
5526 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Mississippi Delta
2886 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Mississippi
4586 Actions Work Missing work
4464 Cultural Issues Education Missing school
874 Cultural Issues Law Missing person
4148 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Missing
5035 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Miss Quentin runs away
5435 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Miss America
1563 Actions Perceptual Misreading
5154 Themes and Motifs Values Misogyny
3305 Aesthetics Diction Misogynistic wording
3160 Themes and Motifs Meaning Misinterpretation
