
Term IDsort descending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
2331 Themes and Motifs Community Alienation
2332 Themes and Motifs Character Personality change
2333 Themes and Motifs Objects Hammer
2334 Themes and Motifs Character Integrity
2335 Cultural Issues Crime Looting
2336 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Moth
2337 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Doom
2338 Cultural Issues Class Birthright
2339 Relationships Familial Aunt-niece
2340 Themes and Motifs Objects Chamber pot
2341 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Vampire
2342 Themes and Motifs Objects Keys
2343 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Dead time
2344 Environment Time of Year Christmas Eve
2345 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Thunderclap
2346 Actions Emotional Ambivalence
2347 Cultural Issues Religion African American

Religion with regard to either African-Americans or the African-American community. The particular example here is of Lucius Priest in the The Reivers who imagines a "Negro" sermonizing about a moral decision. R 61.8. JB

2348 Cultural Issues Agriculture Grist mill

This is for any general discussion of grist mills as a farm implement. JB

2349 Actions Mental Unaware
2350 Actions Communication Telegraph
2351 Environment Domestic Space Carriage house
2352 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Satan
2353 Themes and Motifs Past Innocence
2354 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Scythian
2355 Actions Interaction, Private Seducing
2356 Actions Emotional Detachment
2357 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Roman consul
2358 Themes and Motifs Character Sophistication
2359 Themes and Motifs Character Barbarism
2360 Themes and Motifs Psychological Unconscious
2361 Relationships Friendship Male-male attraction
2362 Cultural Issues Clothes Cloak
2363 Cultural Issues Clothes Gown
2364 Cultural Issues Gender Cross-dress
2365 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Arabian Nights
2366 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Imitation
2367 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Talisman
2368 Themes and Motifs Character Provincialism
2369 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Soul / Spirit
2370 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Bloom
2371 Aesthetics Metafictional Projection
2372 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Memphis, Tennessee
2373 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Telepathy
2374 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Desert island
2375 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical New Orleans, Louisiana
2376 Aesthetics Metafictional Signs
2377 Themes and Motifs Art Objet d'art
2378 Themes and Motifs Meaning Meaninglessness
2379 Themes and Motifs Animals Ants
2380 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Lothario
2381 Actions Emotional Suspicion
2382 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Phantom
2383 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Secret
2384 Themes and Motifs Values Devotion
2385 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Spell
2386 Actions Emotional Seduction
2387 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Don Juan
2388 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity Puritan
2389 Themes and Motifs Character Naivety
2390 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical God / Jehovah
2391 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Saint
2392 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Planting
2393 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Photography
2394 Actions Moral Corrupting
2395 Cultural Issues Ritual Dueling
2396 Cultural Issues Violence Dueling
2397 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Medical / Surgical
2398 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Eternal feminine
2399 Environment Place Brothel / Bordello
2400 Themes and Motifs Values Decorum
2401 Cultural Issues Race White race
2402 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Evolution
2403 Themes and Motifs Character Gambler
2404 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Bull Run
2405 Actions Military Enlistment
2406 Themes and Motifs Values Providence
2407 Themes and Motifs Character Inherited traits
2408 Themes and Motifs Morals Faith
2409 Cultural Issues Economy White-Indian commerce
2410 Cultural Issues Law And progress
2411 Themes and Motifs Naming Promotional
2412 Cultural Issues Economy Civic boosterism
2413 Cultural Issues History Frontier outlawry
2414 Cultural Issues Government Militia muster
2415 Cultural Issues Violence Drunken brawling
2416 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Restoring order
2417 Relationships Intergenerational Tutor-student
2418 Themes and Motifs Past Yoknapatawpha founders
2419 Cultural Issues Slavery Local origins
2420 Cultural Issues Economy Cotton planting
2421 Themes and Motifs Exile Indian Removal
2422 Actions Interaction, Social Social protest
2423 Cultural Issues History American Revolution
2424 Cultural Issues History War of 1812
2425 Actions Communication By sound
2426 Actions Communication Swearing
2427 Themes and Motifs Meaning Interpretation of symbol
2428 Actions Communication Unsent message
2429 Themes and Motifs Community Preserving order
2430 Environment Place Hotel kitchen
