
Term ID Vocabularysort ascending Parent Term Description
5130 Environment Place Sheriff's office
5131 Environment Time of Day Eight o'clock p.m.
5132 Environment Time of Day Saturday morning
5145 Environment Time of Day Seven o'clock p.m.
5148 Environment Time of Day Ten o'clock p.m.
5149 Environment Time of Day Eleven o'clock p.m.
5150 Environment Place Orphanage
5170 Environment Time of Year Mid-week
5175 Environment Natural Valley
5181 Environment Place Monastery
5191 Environment Time of Day Sunrise
5193 Environment Time of Year Wednesday
5194 Environment Time of Day Three o'clock a.m.
5195 Environment Time of Day Eight o'clock a.m.
5198 Environment Time of Day Four o'clock p.m.
5200 Environment Public Courthouse
5201 Environment Auditory Siren
5202 Environment Place Seminary
5221 Environment Place Boundary
5227 Environment Atmospheric Squalor
5241 Environment Time of Year Between planting and harvesting
5244 Environment Time of Year Harvest
5246 Environment Time of Year Between harvesting and planting
5258 Environment Place Gambling house
5264 Environment Atmospheric Fire
5269 Environment Olfactory Milk
5286 Environment Atmospheric Bleak
5287 Environment Weather Ice
5306 Environment Olfactory Decomposition
5310 Environment Public Airfield
5320 Environment Time of Year April Fool's
5339 Environment Atmospheric Burgeoning
5357 Environment Time of Year Valentine's Day
5368 Environment Place Cotillion Club
5400 Environment Place Artist's studio
5417 Environment Auditory Engine
5484 Environment Place Factory|Plant
5485 Environment Natural Beach
5508 Environment Public Park
5513 Environment Place Pawn shop
5582 Environment Place Negro district
5594 Environment Atmospheric Torch-light
5596 Environment Auditory Echoing
5608 Environment Place Slave market
5612 Environment Olfactory Fire
5633 Environment Time of Day Five o'clock p.m.
5636 Environment Time of Day Saturday evening
5638 Environment Time of Day Two o'clock p.m.
5639 Environment Time of Day Nine o'clock a.m.
5640 Environment Time of Day Saturday
5641 Environment Time of Day Monday
5647 Environment Olfactory Honeysuckle
5648 Environment Olfactory Coffee
5664 Environment Time of Day Two o'clock a.m.
5667 Environment Place Country club
5675 Environment Time of Day Six o'clock p.m.
5676 Environment Time of Day Six o'clock p.m.
5684 Environment Time of Day Four o'clock a.m.
239 Cultural Issues (First level term) Class
240 Cultural Issues (First level term) Gender
241 Cultural Issues (First level term) History
242 Cultural Issues (First level term) Land-Use
243 Cultural Issues (First level term) Politics
244 Cultural Issues (First level term) Progress
245 Cultural Issues (First level term) Race
246 Cultural Issues (First level term) Region
247 Cultural Issues (First level term) Religion
248 Cultural Issues (First level term) Slavery
249 Cultural Issues (First level term) Violence
250 Cultural Issues (First level term) War
271 Cultural Issues Slavery Sex
272 Cultural Issues Slavery Racialism

Used to note passages where enslaved blacks are described as members of an inferior species. The Indians in "Red Leaves," for example, say that their slaves "are like horses and dogs." SR

273 Cultural Issues Slavery Labor
274 Cultural Issues Slavery Domestic labor
275 Cultural Issues Slavery Social value
276 Cultural Issues Slavery Purchase
277 Cultural Issues Slavery Violence
278 Cultural Issues Slavery Interracial violence
279 Cultural Issues Slavery Miscegenation
280 Cultural Issues Slavery Forced migration
281 Cultural Issues Slavery Metaphorical

Used to flag the passages in which a narrator or a non-enslaved character uses "slavery" metaphorically, to describe something else. Lucas Burch, for instance, complains that his job at the planing mill has him "slaving all day." SR

282 Cultural Issues Slavery Ownership

For moments in the texts where owning slaves is evoked as a marker of status or wealth, as when Jason Compson connects his family pride to the fact that his ancestors owned slaves. SR

283 Cultural Issues Slavery Fugitive
284 Cultural Issues Slavery Self-emancipation

For textual moments in which an enslaved person or group acts upon the desire to be free, as when Loosh or unnamed groups of slaves take advantage of the proximity of the Union Army to leave the Sartoris, Sutpen and other plantations where they were enslaved. Most examples of self-emancipation occur during the Civil War, but it also applies the way Thucydus earns the money to buy himself from the McCaslins. SR

285 Cultural Issues Slavery Loyalty

To note passages in which enslaved people are described - or describe themselves - as loyal to the family that owns them, as when Simon describes how happy all the Sartoris slaves were at the birth of their master's son. SR

286 Cultural Issues Slavery Manumission
287 Cultural Issues Slavery Commodity
288 Cultural Issues Slavery Big house vs quarters
289 Cultural Issues Slavery Slaves vs masters
290 Cultural Issues Slavery Traditions

For instances of the patterns that became a recurring aspect of the social interactions between slaves and masters, as in the description of the young slaves approaching Sutpen's big house on Christmas morning in expectation of a gift. SR

291 Cultural Issues Slavery Etiquette
292 Cultural Issues Slavery Civil War
293 Cultural Issues Slavery Biblical curse
294 Cultural Issues Slavery Persistence over time
296 Cultural Issues Slavery White anxiety

For moments in the text which describe anxiety felt by white characters about the presence or possible actions of slaves, as when Loosh's sudden appearance and behavior make Bayard uncomfortable. SR

297 Cultural Issues Slavery Slaves vs poor whites
298 Cultural Issues Slavery Revolt
299 Cultural Issues Slavery Evil
300 Cultural Issues Slavery Music
301 Cultural Issues Slavery Nostalgia

When black characters, especially ones who had been enslaved, seem nostalgic for the institution of slavery. Simon in Flags in the Dust is probably the most obvious instance of this. SR
