
Term IDsort ascending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
4287 Cultural Issues Education College life
4286 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Balance
4285 Relationships Familial Widower
4284 Themes and Motifs Past Traumatic
4283 Themes and Motifs Home Substitute
4282 Cultural Issues Class Planter vs farmer
4281 Themes and Motifs Time Cyclical
4279 Cultural Issues Age Coming of age
4278 Themes and Motifs Objects Matchstick
4277 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Churchill, John, Duke of Marlborough
4276 Cultural Issues War Cost of war
4275 Cultural Issues War Casualties of war
4274 Cultural Issues War Military reassignment
4273 Cultural Issues Identity, Personal Mistaken identity
4272 Cultural Issues Education Flight school
4271 Cultural Issues Clothes Changing clothes
4270 Cultural Issues Ethnicity Gallic
4269 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Birmingham, Alabama
4268 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Gilbert and Sullivan
4267 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Delirium
4266 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Medical treatment
4265 Environment Public Cafe
4264 Environment Auditory Combat sounds
4263 Actions Movement Ambulance
4262 Cultural Issues Law Trespassing
4261 Themes and Motifs Home Neglect
4260 Actions Interaction, Social Camaraderie
4259 Themes and Motifs Character Bravado
4258 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Individualism

Beyond self-reliance, this concept also folds in ideas of treating people as individuals and a deep skepticism about organizations, institutions, or perspectives that group people together. In its base form it is anti-government, anti-collectivist, anti-group think, but not a full-fledged political doctrine like Libertarianism. JB and EP

4257 Themes and Motifs Home Getting away
4256 Themes and Motifs Objects Vegetation
4255 Themes and Motifs Body Symbolism

This term refers to the body itself being referred to symbolically, as when in AILD Peabody says death is "no more than a single family or tenant moving out of a tenement or a town" or the subadar in "Ad Astra" referring to the body as "a room in the inn . . . where we hide for a little while" (420). CR

4254 Cultural Issues Religion Rituals and rites
4253 Environment Public Drugstore
4252 Cultural Issues Clothes Cap
4251 Actions Physical Extinguishing fire
4250 Themes and Motifs Values Family values

Not to be confused with the contemporary politically charged term. Rather, these are values shared by all or most members of the family. It's what your mamma or daddy taught you. JB and EP

4249 Actions Emotional Rebelliousness
4248 Cultural Issues Class Class conflict
4247 Environment Place Shrubbery
4246 Cultural Issues Identity, Cultural National
4245 Actions Bodily Recoiling
4244 Relationships Interracial As rebellious
4243 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Cambrai
4242 Themes and Motifs Appearance Racialized
4241 Cultural Issues Race Passing
4240 Environment Domestic Space Closet
4239 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Sheridan, Philip
4238 Actions Emotional Introspective
4237 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Kitchener, Horatio Herbert
4236 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Dark house
4235 Environment Public Bank
4234 Actions Economic Receiving money
4233 Cultural Issues Identity, Cultural Southern stereotype
4232 Actions Economic Barter
4231 Actions Violent Homicide
4230 Cultural Issues Government Bureaucracy
4229 Relationships Familial Nepotism
4228 Cultural Issues War Military awards
4227 Actions Interaction, Private Sexual
4226 Cultural Issues Education Military education
4225 Actions Play Prank
4224 Themes and Motifs Psychological Repression
4223 Actions Interaction, Private Rejection
4222 Cultural Issues War Prisoner
4221 Aesthetics Language Slang, military
4220 Actions Movement Getting closer

When someone's thoughts during a journey are focused on the place they're heading for, either with excitement or dread or something in between. SR

4219 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Amiens, France
4218 Themes and Motifs Futility Nothing to do

"There's nothing else I can do now," Elly thinks (207). Reaching a point where no further options or ways forward can be imagined.

4217 Aesthetics Language Grammatically incorrect
4216 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Apotheosis
4215 Aesthetics Description Location portrait
4214 Themes and Motifs Objects Construction tools
4213 Actions Communication Censorship
4212 Cultural Issues War Psychological effects
4211 Themes and Motifs Body Physical disability
4210 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Vanishing
4209 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Apparition
4208 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Jazz Age
4207 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Musical imagery
4206 Themes and Motifs Past Past vs present
4205 Themes and Motifs Objects Farming tools
4204 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Armistice Day
4203 Cultural Issues Clothes Tennis shoes
4202 Environment Weather Fog
4201 Relationships Romantic Engagement
4200 Actions Perceptual Hearing
4199 Actions Mental Disorientation
4198 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Return to Yoknapatawpha
4197 Themes and Motifs Appearance Nondescript
4196 Relationships Marital Entrapment
4195 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Alabama
4194 Actions Work Traveling salesman
4193 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Cure
4192 Cultural Issues Hunting and Fishing Sacramental
4191 Actions Perceptual Observing
4190 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Native American
4189 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Technological imagery
4188 Themes and Motifs Home Distance from home

For moments when somebody thinks how far they've come from where they live. SR

4187 Environment Auditory Shots
