
Term IDsort ascending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
3178 Cultural Issues Slavery And progress
3177 Themes and Motifs Objects Bricks
3176 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Cincinnatus
3175 Actions Communication Graffiti
3174 Themes and Motifs Past Discovering it
3173 Themes and Motifs Texts Graffiti
3172 Themes and Motifs Futility Illusion of success or victory
3171 Actions Emotional Cynicism
3170 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Classical rhetoric
3169 Aesthetics Typography/Orthography Hyphen
3168 Aesthetics Language Latin phrase
3167 Themes and Motifs Time Being outside of time
3166 Themes and Motifs Time Being in time

Added to mark those moments when Quentin Compson explicitly refers to being "in" time -- subject to it, existing within it and unable to stop or evade its progression. This is opposite of course to those moments when he is "outside" of time and all that entails. JBP

3165 Themes and Motifs Objects Curtains
3164 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Joyce, James
3163 Environment Time of Year Thursday
3162 Themes and Motifs Futility Failure to defend honor
3161 Relationships Familial Great grandfather-grandfather
3160 Themes and Motifs Meaning Misinterpretation
3159 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Poem "The Waste Land"
3158 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Eliot, T. S.
3157 Themes and Motifs Body Testicles
3156 Themes and Motifs Objects Hot water bottle
3155 Actions Physical Locking a door
3154 Actions Physical Confining
3153 Environment Domestic Space Sick room

Added to denote a room being used or described as for when someone is sick. Added to refer to the "empty" room that is also where the family "has the measles" in S&F, but can be applied in other texts as well -- Addie's room in AILD, for example. -JBP

3152 Actions Verbal Mumbling
3151 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Synesthesia

For when description in a text merges sensory perceptions. Added for when Benjy in S&F describes "hearing it getting night ... hearing it getting dark." -JBP

3150 Environment Domestic Space Empty room
3149 Themes and Motifs Money Gift of money
3148 Themes and Motifs Body Shoulder
3147 Actions Physical Lifting
3146 Themes and Motifs Objects Paper
3145 Themes and Motifs Body Arm
3144 Aesthetics Description Color red
3143 Themes and Motifs Objects Drinking glass
3142 Actions Emotional Sulking
3141 Themes and Motifs Objects Napkin
3140 Actions Physical Climbing stairs
3139 Actions Verbal Stating intent to leave home / run away
3138 Themes and Motifs Objects Bowl
3137 Cultural Issues Religion Preacher / Minister
3136 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Ghost story
3135 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Horror story
3134 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Superstitions
3133 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Folklore
3132 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Loss of innocence
3131 Aesthetics Narrative First-person passim throughout section
3130 Actions Physical Pushing away
3129 Cultural Issues Sexuality First sexual encounter or experience

There did not seem to be a keyword for one's first time having sex, so I added this. JBP

3128 Actions Verbal Refusing
3127 Actions Verbal Wishing
3126 Actions Verbal Calling

To cover when a character calls or summons someone else (cf. Dilsey calling Miss Quentin to supper). Could also perhaps be used for when someone uses a telephone to call someone else, though that might be conveyed by other keywords as well. -JBP

3125 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Redemption
3124 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Salvation
3123 Themes and Motifs Values Sacrifice
3122 Aesthetics Narrative Origin
3121 Relationships Familial Cohesion
3120 Aesthetics Interpretation Theodicy
3119 Themes and Motifs Objects Handkerchief
3118 Relationships Marital Death of spouse
3117 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Of loved one
3116 Cultural Issues Race Black incarceration
3115 Actions Emotional Resignation
3114 Actions Bodily Kneeling
3113 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Hollywood
3112 Themes and Motifs Objects Baby bottle
3111 Actions Bodily Kissing
3110 Environment Domestic Space Dressing room
3109 Cultural Issues Religion Divine judgment
3108 Themes and Motifs Objects Pencil
3107 Aesthetics Ambiguity Unspecified shapes
3106 Aesthetics Symbolism Reflection

Created for when a text makes explicit reference to mirrored reflection that has potential symbolic importance - created to capture Benjy's repeated references to a mirror in the library (of fire, of Caddy) that in the present day is gone (leaving only a door-like discoloration on the wall where it once had been). -JBP

3105 Themes and Motifs Objects Scissors
3104 Relationships Romantic Sexual
3103 Themes and Motifs Money As motive
3102 Cultural Issues Religion Relationship with God
3101 Cultural Issues Crime Blackmail
3100 Actions Verbal Sharing confidences
3099 Themes and Motifs Death Anticipation of death
3098 Actions Mental Studying
3097 Relationships Marital Honeymoon
3096 Cultural Issues Identity, Cultural America vs Europe
3095 Actions Moral Purification
3094 Relationships Marital Wedding
3093 Themes and Motifs Past Freedom from it
3092 Themes and Motifs Texts Novel
3091 Actions Physical Travel
3090 Actions Emotional Apathy
3089 Relationships Marital Social respectability
3088 Aesthetics Narrative Contested

I created this to capture scenes when two or more characters interrupt each other's attempt to create a narrative - specifically, in the context of the way Gavin (and sometimes the Governor) seize on parts of Temple's story that she would rather not dwell on. SR

3087 Cultural Issues Sexuality Voyeurism
3086 Relationships Marital Secrecy
3085 Aesthetics Tone Ironic
3083 Cultural Issues Gender Male domination
3082 Cultural Issues Sexuality Impotence
3081 Aesthetics Narrative Revisionary
3080 Cultural Issues Clothes Shirtsleeves
3079 Themes and Motifs Objects Cushion
3078 Actions Bodily Feeling pain
