
Term IDsort ascending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
3995 Themes and Motifs Body Chins
3994 Themes and Motifs Animals Beavers
3993 Actions Perceptual Sweetness
3992 Themes and Motifs Body Legs
3991 Cultural Issues Gender Female body
3990 Themes and Motifs Body Lips
3989 Actions Physical Turning away
3988 Environment Olfactory Hog / pig pen
3987 Themes and Motifs Body Waist
3986 Actions Physical Rolling / wallowing
3985 Environment Domestic Space Hogwallow
3984 Environment Atmospheric Wetness
3983 Cultural Issues Gender Male body
3982 Actions Verbal Misspeaking
3981 Environment Natural Flowers
3980 Environment Natural Moss
3979 Themes and Motifs Meaning Profound
3978 Themes and Motifs Appearance Invisibility
3977 Cultural Issues Clothes Hair ribbons
3976 Themes and Motifs Appearance Hair pigtails
3975 Cultural Issues Sexuality Orgasm
3974 Aesthetics Language Oh Oh Oh Oh
3973 Environment Auditory Rodent sounds
3972 Actions Emotional Self-consciousness
3971 Themes and Motifs Objects Ladder
3970 Actions Physical Climbing
3969 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Calf rope
3968 Cultural Issues Gender Dirty girl
3967 Actions Bodily Swallowing
3966 Environment Natural Vines
3965 Environment Natural Weeds
3964 Themes and Motifs Money Coin
3963 Actions Physical Nodding
3962 Environment Domestic Space Immigrant neighborhood
3961 Aesthetics Description Color pink
3960 Environment Public Railroad tracks
3959 Environment Olfactory Animal / stable
3958 Environment Olfactory Ammonia
3957 Cultural Issues Ethnicity Language barrier
3956 Environment Olfactory Sexual smells
3955 Actions Perceptual Looking back
3954 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Periodical filth
3953 Cultural Issues Gender Women as mysterious / secretive
3952 Themes and Motifs Body Thighs
3951 Themes and Motifs Body Hips
3950 Cultural Issues Gender Women as gentler sex / delicate
3949 Environment Atmospheric Full moon
3948 Environment Time of Year Lunar month / cycle
3947 Environment Atmospheric Harvest moon
3946 Environment Otherworldly Moon / Lunar
3945 Cultural Issues Gender Menstruation / menstrual cycle
3944 Relationships Commercial Doctor-patient
3943 Actions Work Doctor / medical care
3942 Themes and Motifs Appearance Fatness / obesity
3941 Environment Place Drugstore / pharmacy
3940 Cultural Issues Food Cake
3939 Cultural Issues Gender Stereotype librarian / school teacher
3938 Actions Moral Judgmental
3937 Relationships Familial Patriarch
3936 Cultural Issues Nationality Foreigners
3935 Cultural Issues Economy Moonshine
3934 Cultural Issues Crime Moonshining
3933 Actions Economic Competition
3932 Cultural Issues Economy Bootlegging
3931 Actions Physical Chase
3930 Actions Physical Capture
3929 Cultural Issues Food Coffee
3928 Cultural Issues Nationality Immigration|Immigrants
3927 Aesthetics Diction Ethnic slur
3926 Cultural Issues Ethnicity Offensive terminology
3925 Cultural Issues Ethnicity Jewish
3924 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Parody
3923 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Poem/song "The Star-Spangled Banner"
3922 Actions Physical Screaming
3921 Environment Olfactory Baking / bread
3920 Themes and Motifs Appearance Librarian look
3919 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Toy bear / teddybear
3918 Environment Place Bakery
3917 Themes and Motifs Death Killing oneself slowly
3916 Cultural Issues Alcohol Death from drinking
3915 Cultural Issues Alcohol Alcoholism
3914 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Treadmill
3913 Themes and Motifs Appearance Diminishment / fading
3912 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Embroidery
3911 Themes and Motifs Objects Elm tree
3910 Environment Auditory Hoofbeats
3909 Actions Physical Escaping
3908 Actions Physical Starting over
3907 Actions Mental Flashback
3906 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Lexington, Virginia
3905 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Tedious / tedium
3904 Relationships Interspecies Man-fox
3903 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Chess imagery stalemate
3902 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Reduction / summing up
3901 Actions Perceptual Familiarity
3900 Cultural Issues Sexuality Sex and death
3899 Environment Place Lawns
3898 Environment Place Houses
3897 Aesthetics Description Color white
3896 Themes and Motifs Character Scoundrel
