Term ID![]() |
Vocabulary | Parent | Term | Description |
1224 | Themes and Motifs | Character | Honesty | |
1225 | Actions | Emotional | Love | |
1226 | Themes and Motifs | Character | Responsibility | |
1227 | Themes and Motifs | Character | Trust | |
1228 | Actions | Economic | Ascent | |
1229 | Environment | Time of Year | February | |
1230 | Actions | Movement | Riding | |
1231 | Cultural Issues | Health and Illness | Unspecified sickness | |
1232 | Cultural Issues | Law | Legal document | |
1233 | Relationships | Marital | Desertion | |
1234 | Actions | Mental | Speculation | |
1235 | Themes and Motifs | Character | Pride | |
1236 | Actions | Domestic | Feeding | |
1237 | Actions | Bodily | Childbirth | |
1238 | Actions | Legal | Marriage | |
1239 | Actions | Bodily | Dying | |
1240 | Actions | Physical | Burial | |
1241 | Actions | Work | Quitting job | |
1242 | Themes and Motifs | Arrivals/Departures | Departure | |
1243 | Themes and Motifs | Appearance | Complexion | |
1244 | Cultural Issues | Law | Custody | |
1245 | Themes and Motifs | Morals | Injustice | |
1246 | Actions | Movement | Carriage | |
1247 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Ax | |
1248 | Actions | Violent | Assault | |
1249 | Cultural Issues | Law | Legal authority | |
1250 | Actions | Physical | Hitting | |
1251 | Actions | Physical | Apprehending | |
1252 | Themes and Motifs | Money | Filthy lucre |
When money elicits moral contempt: as tainted, corrupting, compromised, beneath one. JW |
1253 | Actions | Violent | Shooting | |
1254 | Cultural Issues | Alcohol | Drunkenness | |
1255 | Environment | Public | Highway | |
1256 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Going fast | |
1257 | Cultural Issues | Nationality | American | |
1258 | Cultural Issues | Class | Status, low | |
1259 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Tomorrow and tomorrow | |
1260 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Bugs | |
1261 | Themes and Motifs | Body | Flesh | |
1262 | Cultural Issues | Education | Mentorship | |
1263 | Relationships | Social | Mentorship | |
1264 | Relationships | Familial | Mentorship | |
1265 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | France | |
1266 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Gulliver's Travels | |
1267 | Aesthetics | Style | Unfinished sentence | |
1268 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Candle | |
1269 | Actions | Verbal | Warning | |
1270 | Environment | Place | Tavern | |
1271 | Relationships | Familial | Mother-daughter passim | |
1272 | Cultural Issues | Gender | Masculine woman | |
1273 | Actions | Verbal | Complaining | |
1274 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Coleridge, Samuel | |
1275 | Cultural Issues | Violence | Implied shooting | |
1276 | Environment | Place | Seedy parts of town | |
1277 | Actions | Emotional | Vengeful | |
1278 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Fate | |
1279 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Vestal | |
1280 | Themes and Motifs | Arrivals/Departures | Return home | |
1281 | Actions | Emotional | Satisfaction | |
1282 | Themes and Motifs | Absence/Loss | Money|Wealth | |
1283 | Themes and Motifs | Home | Home as prison | |
1284 | Cultural Issues | Sexuality | Appearance of | |
1285 | Cultural Issues | Entertainment | Movies | |
1286 | Cultural Issues | Mass Media | Magazines | |
1287 | Cultural Issues | Mass Media | Movies | |
1288 | Cultural Issues | Age | Childhood | |
1289 | Actions | Play | School recess | |
1290 | Environment | Place | Playground | |
1291 | Cultural Issues | Violence | Child abuse | |
1292 | Actions | Emotional | Terror | |
1293 | Actions | Bodily | Vomiting | |
1294 | Actions | Emotional | Shame | |
1295 | Cultural Issues | Health and Illness | Anemia | |
1296 | Cultural Issues | Health and Illness | Medical advice | |
1297 | Themes and Motifs | Money | Recovery | |
1298 | Relationships | Friendship | Childhood friends | |
1299 | Actions | Perceptual | Investigating | |
1300 | Actions | Perceptual | Surveillance | |
1301 | Themes and Motifs | Psychological | Paranoia | |
1302 | Actions | Perceptual | Strip searching | |
1303 | Themes and Motifs | Past | Parental | |
1304 | Actions | Verbal | Family history | |
1305 | Themes and Motifs | Home | Estranged | |
1306 | Cultural Issues | Age | Maturing | |
1308 | Aesthetics | Typography/Orthography | Dots |
This is for the occasions when Faulkner uses a series of dots as a feature of his prose - i.e. ". . ." or ". . . . . ." We can't call these dots ellipses, because they do not represent anything being left out of the text. The most disconcerting use of this technique is in "Miss Zilphia Gant." SR |
1309 | Cultural Issues | Progress | Country to city |
To capture the movement of people from the countryside to more urban areas, including moving from Frenchman's Bend to Jefferson, as Zilphia Gant's mother and so many Snopeses do. SR |
1310 | Themes and Motifs | Psychological | Madness | |
1311 | Actions | Emotional | Attraction | |
1312 | Actions | Economic | Buying a house | |
1313 | Cultural Issues | Economy | Buying a house | |
1314 | Actions | Mental | Dreaming | |
1315 | Aesthetics | Symbolism | Freudian | |
1316 | Actions | Physical | Searching | |
1317 | Actions | Interaction, Private | Courting | |
1318 | Actions | Bodily | Fainting | |
1319 | Actions | Verbal | Promising | |
1320 | Themes and Motifs | Morals | Chivalry | |
1321 | Relationships | Marital | Civil marriage | |
1322 | Themes and Motifs | Past | Past in present | |
1323 | Aesthetics | Symbolism | Shadows | |
1324 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Metaphorical elephant |