
Term IDsort descending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
4440 Themes and Motifs Death Plane accident
4441 Themes and Motifs Texts Epitaph
4442 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Battle of Ronceavaux Pass
4443 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Chess
4444 Themes and Motifs Objects rubber tree
4445 Aesthetics Narrative Temporal discontinuity

When narrative relates events in achronological order, i.e. event3 followed by event1 followed by event2, etc. Cf. opening paragraph of Sanctuary. SR

4446 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Dehumanizing

Narrative/narrator uses a metaphor that dehumanizes a character. Popeye "had that vicious depthless quality of stamped tin," in Sanctuary.

4447 Themes and Motifs Exile Alienation from nature
4448 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Madame Bovary
4449 Cultural Issues Modernity Modernist style

When text makes fairly explicit reference to "modernism" as a movement, like the cubistic bug in As I Lay Dying or the modernist lampstand in Sanctuary. SR

4450 Environment Olfactory Smelling black
4451 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Battle of Lookout Mountain
4452 Relationships Familial Favoritism
4453 Cultural Issues Religion Free Will
4454 Cultural Issues Religion camp meeting
4455 Relationships Hierarchical Pastor-congregant
4456 Cultural Issues Religion Heresy
4457 Themes and Motifs Meaning Maternity
4458 Cultural Issues Religion Blessing
4459 Cultural Issues Alcohol As anaesthetic
4460 Themes and Motifs Character Helpless
4461 Relationships Interspecies Man-fish
4462 Themes and Motifs Death Denial
4463 Cultural Issues Religion Consolation
4464 Cultural Issues Education Missing school
4465 Cultural Issues Technology Car tire
4466 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Infection
4467 Actions Communication Receiving mail
4468 Cultural Issues Ritual Easter
4469 Themes and Motifs Animals Insect boll weevil
4470 Cultural Issues Prejudice Anti-Semitism
4471 Cultural Issues Economy Economic speculation
4472 Actions Economic Child support
4473 Actions Economic Asking for money
4474 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Leprosy
4475 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Leprosy
4476 Themes and Motifs Values Family honor
4477 Themes and Motifs Money Money order
4478 Themes and Motifs Character Self-righteousness
4479 Themes and Motifs Character Superhuman strength
4480 Cultural Issues Economy Evaluate exchange value
4481 Environment Auditory Music
4482 Cultural Issues Mass Media Graphophone
4483 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Laughter as sign of madness
4484 Themes and Motifs Character stoic
4485 Actions Moral Fraud
4486 Relationships Hierarchical Parent-child
4487 Actions Economic Transactional
4488 Cultural Issues History Transatlantic migration
4489 Cultural Issues Entertainment Honky-Tonks
4490 Cultural Issues Sexuality Perverse
4491 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Drugs
4492 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Einstein, Albert
4493 Cultural Issues Sexuality Pornography
4494 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Virgil
4495 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Nicaragua
4496 Cultural Issues Progress Telegraph
4497 Environment Public Telegraph office
4498 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Medicine aspirin
4499 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Pocahontas
4500 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Capone, Al
4501 Actions Emotional Denial
4502 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Patent medicine
4503 Themes and Motifs Animals Swallows
4504 Environment Time of Year Easter
4505 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Smallpox
4506 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Beale Street, Memphis, Tennessee
4507 Aesthetics Description Color maroon
4508 Aesthetics Description Color purple
4509 Themes and Motifs Animals Bluejays
4510 Themes and Motifs Objects Firewood
4511 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Emptiness
4512 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Absence of sound
4513 Themes and Motifs Money As symbol

I added this term for when money is representative of something, like Chick's shame in Intruder. LW

4514 Themes and Motifs Objects Pear tree
4515 Cultural Issues Religion Christianity
4516 Themes and Motifs Objects Saw
4517 Cultural Issues Religion Sermon
4518 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Egypt
4519 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Russia
4520 Aesthetics Typography/Orthography Drawing of an eye
4521 Actions Economic Saving money
4522 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Cicero
4523 Relationships Sexual Extramarital
4524 Environment Public Poolhall
4525 Themes and Motifs Home Improvements
4526 Environment Domestic Space Ritual
4527 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Donne, John
4528 Themes and Motifs Body Prosthetic
4529 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Herrick, Robert
4530 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Campion, Thomas
4531 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Jonson, Ben
4532 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Messalina
4533 Cultural Issues Technology Typewriter
4534 Themes and Motifs Money Wasting
4535 Themes and Motifs Death Animal mule
4536 Actions Economic Insurance payment
4537 Themes and Motifs Animals Giraffe
4538 Themes and Motifs Objects Broom
4539 Themes and Motifs Objects Rope
