
Term IDsort descending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
3237 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
3238 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Tobruk
3239 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Utah Beach
3240 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Old Point Comfort, Virginia
3241 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Charleston, South Carolina
3242 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Sugar Islands|Carribbean
3243 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Popular magazines
3244 Cultural Issues Clothes Historical
3245 Themes and Motifs Animals Mockingbird
3246 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Folk customs
3247 Themes and Motifs Objects Harmonica
3248 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Blind
3249 Cultural Issues Alcohol Moonshine
3250 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Wilson, Woodrow
3251 Aesthetics Tone Apocalyptic
3252 Themes and Motifs Objects Airplane
3253 Themes and Motifs Character Impulsiveness
3254 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Medicine
3255 Themes and Motifs Objects Sewing machine
3256 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Headache
3257 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Amputation
3258 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Anaesthetic
3259 Environment Auditory Frogs
3260 Actions Violent Violence against animals
3261 Themes and Motifs Animals Geese
3262 Environment Auditory Water
3263 Themes and Motifs Animals Bats
3264 Actions Physical Wagon|Car maintenance
3265 Actions Verbal Ordering
3266 Cultural Issues Clothes Collar
3267 Themes and Motifs Objects Collar box
3268 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Jesus
3269 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Saint Francis
3270 Themes and Motifs Death Longing for death
3271 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Little sister
3272 Themes and Motifs Art Christian art or iconography
3273 Cultural Issues Religion Religious art or iconography
3274 Relationships Friendship College roommate
3275 Environment Domestic Space College dormitory
3276 Themes and Motifs Objects Bed
3277 Actions Non-human Animal senses
3278 Themes and Motifs Body Excrement
3279 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Father said
3280 Aesthetics Language Contemporary slang
3281 Aesthetics Typography/Orthography Dialogue with no quotation marks
3282 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Wagner, Richard
3283 Cultural Issues Entertainment Boat race
3284 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical New London, Connecticut
3285 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Garden of Eden
3286 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Keble, John
3287 Themes and Motifs Objects Flowers Roses
3288 Actions Communication Marriage announcement
3289 Aesthetics Language Fragments
3290 Cultural Issues Sexuality Incest
3291 Themes and Motifs Objects Flowers Milkweed
3292 Themes and Motifs Objects Flowers Dogwood
3293 Themes and Motifs Time Being on time / punctuality
3294 Themes and Motifs Time Being late / tardiness
3295 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Dumas, Alexandre
3296 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Hymn "Holy Matrimony"
3297 Cultural Issues Education Chapel Service (morning prayers)
3298 Cultural Issues Religion Church service
3299 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Flood imagery
3300 Cultural Issues Class noblesse-oblige
3301 Themes and Motifs Body Foot / Feet
3302 Relationships Social Homoerotic
3303 Themes and Motifs Death Like death
3304 Relationships Social Crowds
3305 Aesthetics Diction Misogynistic wording
3306 Relationships Friendship College companions / classmates
3307 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical South Carolina
3308 Cultural Issues Education College class or lecture
3309 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Thompson's Restaurant in Boston, Massachusetts
3310 Environment Time of Day Ten o'clock a.m.
3311 Actions Verbal Insulting
3312 Themes and Motifs Time Awareness of time
3313 Actions Legal Bonding
3314 Environment Public Academic quad / quadrangle
3315 Actions Economic Banking
3316 Actions Economic Lending Money
3317 Relationships Familial Interracial
3318 Themes and Motifs Animals Sparrow
3319 Actions Non-human Bird watching a human
3320 Environment Auditory Clock chiming
3321 Actions Non-human Bird flying
3322 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Gospel of Luke
3323 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Bible verse on sparrows
3324 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Hymn "His Eye Is on the Sparrow"
3325 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Gospel of Matthew
3326 Relationships Interspecies Man-bird
3327 Actions Mental Fantasizing
3328 Cultural Issues Religion Damnation
3329 Actions Physical Inaction / Not doing something
3330 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Judgment Day
3331 Cultural Issues Religion Resurrection
3332 Themes and Motifs Death Death by water / Drowning
3333 Themes and Motifs Objects Flat-iron
3334 Actions Legal Hearing
3335 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Romeo and Juliet
3336 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Tristan and Isolde
