
Term IDsort descending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
2431 Actions Interaction, Social Partying
2432 Cultural Issues Alcohol Drugged
2433 Themes and Motifs Naming Change over time
2434 Relationships Ancestral Generational succession
2435 Cultural Issues Clothes Silk
2436 Actions Verbal Chatter
2437 Actions Emotional Tolerance
2438 Cultural Issues Land-Use Loss of wildlife
2439 Cultural Issues Land-Use Loss of flora
2440 Cultural Issues Food Ice-cream
2441 Themes and Motifs Body Weight
2442 Cultural Issues Sexuality Harassment
2443 Cultural Issues Clothes Tie
2444 Relationships Intergenerational Uncle-nephew
2445 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical New York
2446 Cultural Issues Slavery Courtship
2447 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity Anglophile
2448 Actions Emotional Callousness
2449 Environment Place Graveyard
2450 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Loss of object
2451 Themes and Motifs Objects Hunting horn
2452 Themes and Motifs Objects Books
2453 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Searching
2454 Themes and Motifs Objects Keys
2455 Themes and Motifs Objects Locks
2456 Cultural Issues Religion Social welfare as substitute
2457 Actions Verbal Eloquence
2458 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Demosthenes
2459 Cultural Issues Clothes Dirty
2460 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Attempt to find substitute
2461 Relationships Civic Postal carrier-community
2462 Themes and Motifs Animals Pony
2463 Actions Physical Race
2464 Themes and Motifs Objects Fox-horn
2465 Actions Verbal Planning
2466 Themes and Motifs Objects Fan
2467 Themes and Motifs Animals Bumble-bee
2468 Cultural Issues Clothes Jewelry
2469 Themes and Motifs Objects Bottle
2470 Themes and Motifs Objects Wheel
2471 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Rheumatism
2472 Relationships Familial Mother-son
2473 Themes and Motifs Animals Cows
2474 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Hands in pockets
2475 Cultural Issues Food Candy
2476 Themes and Motifs Objects Ice
2477 Actions Physical Delivering
2478 Actions Emotional Scolding
2479 Actions Physical Taking
2480 Actions Play Playing in water

For when people (usually children) are playing (splashing, etc.) in water - a creek or branch - as in The Sound and the Fury. Distinct from "swimming" per se. JBP

2481 Environment Olfactory Rain
2482 Actions Violent Whipping
2483 Actions Violent Kicking
2484 Environment Time of Day Evening
2485 Environment Olfactory Locust
2486 Themes and Motifs Animals Crickets
2487 Environment Olfactory Cigar
2488 Environment Auditory Birdsong
2489 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Gulf Coast
2490 Actions Violent Dragging
2491 Themes and Motifs Body Moustache
2492 Cultural Issues War Revenge
2493 Environment Weather Cloud
2494 Themes and Motifs Character Tenderness
2495 Actions Domestic Setting the table
2496 Actions Domestic Making a bed
2497 Themes and Motifs Objects Milk
2498 Environment Auditory Industry
2499 Actions Mental Nightmare
2500 Actions Bodily Groaning
2501 Actions Domestic Care
2502 Actions Emotional Petulance
2503 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Arrival in Yoknapatawpha
2504 Cultural Issues Slavery Imported

To indicate when slaves began their lives (in either freedom or slavery) outside the U.S. The most obvious example are the slaves Sutpen brings with him from the Caribbean. SR

2505 Cultural Issues History Prohibition
2506 Aesthetics Symbolism Christian
2507 Aesthetics Style Present tense
2508 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Communal story
2509 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Creating order
2511 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Chasing a person

For the many instances when a human being is hunted by others - the slave in "Red Leaves," the architect in Absalom!, Christmas several times in Light in August, Miss Quentin in The Sound and the Fury, etc. SR

2512 Cultural Issues Slavery Growth of
2513 Cultural Issues Class White trash
2514 Cultural Issues Government Civic officials
2515 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Departing Yoknapatawpha

For characters who leave Yoknapatawpha once and for all in a text - like Bayard Sartoris at the end of Flags in the Dust or Sarty Snopes in "Barn Burning." SR

2516 Cultural Issues Education Female education
2517 Actions Movement Steamboat
2518 Themes and Motifs Objects Marble columns
2519 Actions Verbal Vowing
2520 Cultural Issues War Going to war
2521 Actions Military Combat
2522 Cultural Issues History Battle of Bull Run
2523 Actions Legal Trial
2524 Actions Interaction, Social Voting
2525 Cultural Issues Government Voting rights
2526 Themes and Motifs Values Durability
2527 Themes and Motifs Time Town clock
2528 Cultural Issues Technology Electricity
2529 Cultural Issues Technology Neon
2530 Cultural Issues Race White supremacists
2531 Themes and Motifs Animals Pigeons
