
Term ID Vocabulary Parentsort ascending Term Description
2329 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Military analogy
2156 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Military terminology
2634 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Mirage
4142 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Mirror
495 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Monument
2336 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Moth
4207 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Musical imagery
4190 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Native American
1116 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Negation

This is the term for when the narrative suggests an image or action, but only in the act of denying it: "He was not crying." EP

4097 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Old maid
1892 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Oxymoron
4076 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Paint
3769 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Parrot
1423 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Pathetic fallacy
3875 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Pencil
527 Aesthetics Figures of Speech People compared to animals
3954 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Periodical filth
1981 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Personification
2393 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Photography
2647 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Pilgrim
3609 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Planets
2392 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Planting
3724 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Poisoned
3654 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Puppy
3534 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Rabbit
2091 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Rain
2632 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Rape
4114 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Rats
1939 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Replica
2635 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Ripple
2328 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Sacrifice
2601 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Scarecrow
2140 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Scientific

To be used for figures of speech drawn from science (for example, references to osmosis, astronomy, or Darwinian evolution) - CR

2599 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Scratch
2666 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Scythe
2095 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Seed
666 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Shadow
3604 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Sheep
2636 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Shell
608 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Simile
682 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Simile-mask
1903 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Skeleton
2595 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Skull
4027 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Slot machine
4960 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Space program
2319 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Stage manager
3877 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Stencil
2597 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Stone
3741 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Swallows
4090 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Swine
3151 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Synesthesia

For when description in a text merges sensory perceptions. Added for when Benjy in S&F describes "hearing it getting night ... hearing it getting dark." -JBP

2367 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Talisman
4189 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Technological imagery
3874 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Threads
2345 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Thunderclap
1547 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Tomb
1937 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Tornado
3919 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Toy bear / teddybear
3588 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Toys
5615 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Train / locomotive imagery
3914 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Treadmill
4170 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Vernacular
3787 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Violent in figurative sense

For when a text uses "violent" in a figurative sense for things not actually violent -- violent fecundity, for instance, or "cheap violent blues" of someone's clothing. JBP

1886 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Voice
627 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Water
4372 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Weaponry imagery
4102 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Wild breath
2318 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Woodpile
5159 Relationships Familial Adoptive
2317 Relationships Familial Aunt-nephew
2339 Relationships Familial Aunt-niece
5240 Relationships Familial Blended
1954 Relationships Familial Brother-brother
1799 Relationships Familial Brother-sister
3505 Relationships Familial Childlessness
2058 Relationships Familial Clan
3121 Relationships Familial Cohesion
895 Relationships Familial Common law marriage
4070 Relationships Familial Competition
1012 Relationships Familial Conflict
815 Relationships Familial Cousin
811 Relationships Familial Cousin-cousin
4359 Relationships Familial Descendants
1910 Relationships Familial Dissolution
4439 Relationships Familial Dynasty
4620 Relationships Familial Dysfunctional
1381 Relationships Familial Exigent circumstances
1576 Relationships Familial Extended family
5281 Relationships Familial Family as shackle
565 Relationships Familial Father-daughter
514 Relationships Familial Father-son
4108 Relationships Familial Father-son in law
4452 Relationships Familial Favoritism
4913 Relationships Familial Foster family
4809 Relationships Familial Fratricide
4126 Relationships Familial Genealogy
810 Relationships Familial Grandparent-grandchild
3161 Relationships Familial Great grandfather-grandfather
1860 Relationships Familial Husband-wife
3317 Relationships Familial Interracial
