
Term ID Vocabulary Parentsort descending Term Description
1272 Cultural Issues Gender Masculine woman
585 Cultural Issues Gender Masculinity
1365 Cultural Issues Gender Maternal impulse
638 Cultural Issues Gender Men vs women
3945 Cultural Issues Gender Menstruation / menstrual cycle
3888 Cultural Issues Gender New Woman
1523 Cultural Issues Gender Patriarchy
322 Cultural Issues Gender Reproduction
2842 Cultural Issues Gender Separate spaces

Not the most refined word for this concept, but essentially different spaces in which women and men can move. This is not like segregation or separate spheres, rather existing social norms that prevent, generally women, from entering certain spaces like hotels, saloons, bootleg joints, etc. JB

3730 Cultural Issues Gender Sexual double standard

For when a text makes references to the double standards between men and women; also can apply to double standard for women - Madonna/whore (or virgin/whore). Added for when Mrs Compson posits that a woman is either a lady or not (referring to Caddy and her dishonor). JBP

2816 Cultural Issues Gender Sexual Harassment
924 Cultural Issues Gender Southern woman
3939 Cultural Issues Gender Stereotype librarian / school teacher
3458 Cultural Issues Gender Taste
1791 Cultural Issues Gender Traits

Indicates when a particular quality is attributed to a character on the basis of their gender, such as when Miss Belle Worsham is described as possessing "some old, timeless, female affinity for blood and grief" (p. 261) in "Go Down, Moses." BR

2619 Cultural Issues Gender Transsexuality
807 Cultural Issues Gender War
1655 Cultural Issues Gender Widow
5324 Cultural Issues Gender Woman smoking
561 Cultural Issues Gender Women
3950 Cultural Issues Gender Women as gentler sex / delicate
3953 Cultural Issues Gender Women as mysterious / secretive
4701 Cultural Issues Gender Women as sacred
2873 Cultural Issues Gender Work
2552 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Comedy
4749 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Detective fiction
3136 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Ghost story
520 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Gothic
3135 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Horror story
2103 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Melodrama
1004 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Minstrelsy
1172 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Mystery
5097 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Parable
3924 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Parody
3659 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Romance / Romanticism
501 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Tall tale
5689 Aesthetics Genre Conventions War story
762 Cultural Issues Global Exoticism
921 Cultural Issues Global Pacific Ocean
1452 Cultural Issues Global Travel
905 Cultural Issues Government Abdication
1732 Cultural Issues Government As source of money
1483 Cultural Issues Government Audit
4230 Cultural Issues Government Bureaucracy
2514 Cultural Issues Government Civic officials
5394 Cultural Issues Government Congress
1528 Cultural Issues Government Contract
1775 Cultural Issues Government Corruption
781 Cultural Issues Government Demographics
3196 Cultural Issues Government Depression-era programs
5461 Cultural Issues Government Federal Bureau of Investigation
1735 Cultural Issues Government Federal laws and regulations
590 Cultural Issues Government Generational reform
3720 Cultural Issues Government Governor
899 Cultural Issues Government Inheritance
901 Cultural Issues Government Inherited position
4143 Cultural Issues Government Interference
3021 Cultural Issues Government Legislative action
2728 Cultural Issues Government Local laws and regulations
2414 Cultural Issues Government Militia muster
1722 Cultural Issues Government Municipal meeting
1713 Cultural Issues Government National authority
5567 Cultural Issues Government Nepotism
1716 Cultural Issues Government Right of secession
1737 Cultural Issues Government Secrecy
3004 Cultural Issues Government State capital
5517 Cultural Issues Government State government
3026 Cultural Issues Government State laws and regulations
4724 Cultural Issues Government Taxes, local
2035 Cultural Issues Government Uncle Sam
1734 Cultural Issues Government US Bureau of Indian Affairs
1733 Cultural Issues Government US Post Office
1464 Cultural Issues Government Usurpation
5544 Cultural Issues Government Veterans Administration
2525 Cultural Issues Government Voting rights
3492 Cultural Issues Government Welfare
2508 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Communal story
507 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Community collective

We created this term to denote any instance in which the community operates as a social body, collectively self-organizing to think or do something. Sometimes, this may be simply believing an idea collectively and, at others, it may entail acting together as in the crowd at the horse auction of The Hamlet. JC and JJ

4742 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Creating an Other
5501 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Intolerance
567 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Mob behavior
4881 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Political solidarity
4880 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Racial solidarity
2107 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Social Shaming
3420 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Abortion
1407 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Addiction
3257 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Amputation
3258 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Anaesthetic
1295 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Anemia
1710 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Arthritis
5522 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Artificial Limb
3077 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Bandage
4710 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Birth defect
3248 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Blind
3488 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Broken bones
4685 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Bullet hole
3395 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Change of environment

Created for people like Melisandre Backus Harriss's children who relocate to Europe for their health.--LW

2654 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Coma
3632 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Convalescence
4193 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Cure
