
Term ID Vocabularysort ascending Parent Term Description
403 Relationships (First level term) Interracial
1621 Relationships Marital Interracial
2782 Relationships Friendship Interracial
3317 Relationships Familial Interracial
480 Relationships (First level term) Interspecies
1351 Relationships Familial Invented
1420 Relationships Social Isolation

This term describes moments when a character is isolated or ostracized from the wider social community. BR
Also used this term when a person intentionally isolates him/herself from the larger community. JJ

1406 Relationships Institutional Jailer-prisoner
4055 Relationships Marital Jealousy
568 Relationships Familial Kinless
1021 Relationships Familial Kinship
817 Relationships Hierarchical Landlord-tenant
973 Relationships Commercial Landlord-tenant
744 Relationships Institutional Lawyer-client
822 Relationships Hierarchical Leader
3185 Relationships Romantic Love at first sight
4991 Relationships Marital Loving
2361 Relationships Friendship Male-male attraction
2590 Relationships Friendship Male-male relationship
3224 Relationships Interracial Mammy-child
5009 Relationships Interspecies Man-bear
3326 Relationships Interspecies Man-bird
5268 Relationships Interspecies Man-cow
5002 Relationships Interspecies Man-deer
766 Relationships Interspecies Man-dog
4461 Relationships Interspecies Man-fish
3904 Relationships Interspecies Man-fox
1554 Relationships Interspecies Man-horse
2052 Relationships Interspecies Man-mule
1568 Relationships Interspecies Man-nature
481 Relationships (First level term) Marital
1581 Relationships Interracial Marriage
5273 Relationships Marital Marriage vs freedom
1551 Relationships Interracial Master-servant
3467 Relationships Hierarchical Master-servant
1594 Relationships Hierarchical Master-slave
1912 Relationships Interracial Master-slave
806 Relationships Intergenerational Mentor-disciple
1263 Relationships Social Mentorship
1264 Relationships Familial Mentorship
776 Relationships Institutional Military
4974 Relationships Interracial Military
1540 Relationships Institutional Minister and parishioner
604 Relationships Familial Mother-daughter
1271 Relationships Familial Mother-daughter passim
4550 Relationships Familial Mother-in-law
4837 Relationships Familial Mother-infant
656 Relationships Familial Mother-son
2472 Relationships Familial Mother-son
1859 Relationships Familial Motherhood

As a part of one's identity. I created it when Temple Drake (in Requiem) notes that she had become a mother but never exorcised her culturally improper sexual desires. SR

4307 Relationships Romantic Multiple

I created this term for Gavin Stevens's multiple romantic relationships in Knight's Gambit to capture the emotional rather than sexual nature of his attachments.--LW

752 Relationships Social Neighbor
4229 Relationships Familial Nepotism
879 Relationships Interracial Networks
2256 Relationships Intergenerational Obligation
913 Relationships Familial Orphan
2041 Relationships Ancestral Parent's great-grandparent
4486 Relationships Hierarchical Parent-child
965 Relationships Familial Parents-children
3191 Relationships Economical Partnership
4455 Relationships Hierarchical Pastor-congregant
828 Relationships Social Paternalism
3937 Relationships Familial Patriarch
1366 Relationships Familial Physical discipline
1384 Relationships Familial Physical resemblances
2868 Relationships Civic Pillar of the community
1773 Relationships Institutional Police-arrestee
2461 Relationships Civic Postal carrier-community
5487 Relationships Romantic Potential
4130 Relationships Interracial Prospective

When characters discuss or a character thinks about the possibility of an interracial relationship. SR

2844 Relationships Sexual Prostitute-Client
4638 Relationships Familial Providing for
4876 Relationships Interracial Pseudo-family
1631 Relationships Friendship Racial

I did not create this definition, but I read this as friendships that occur by virtue of people being of the same race. For example, Ned and Ephum in the Reivers are surrounded by white people and form friendship. Not sure how this term is meant to be used though. JB

4712 Relationships Marital Re-marriage
4151 Relationships Marital Reconciliation
700 Relationships Commercial Rivalry
725 Relationships Intergenerational Rivalry
404 Relationships (First level term) Romantic
1575 Relationships Interracial Romantic
3557 Relationships Friendship School classmates
3086 Relationships Marital Secrecy
1328 Relationships Marital Separated
482 Relationships (First level term) Sexual
3104 Relationships Romantic Sexual
560 Relationships Marital Shotgun marriage
620 Relationships Familial Sibling
4131 Relationships Interracial Siblings
922 Relationships Familial Sister-sister
664 Relationships Social Snobbery
405 Relationships (First level term) Social
4969 Relationships Social Social organizations
3089 Relationships Marital Social respectability
1013 Relationships Marital Spousal privilege
3837 Relationships Familial Stepparent-child
4552 Relationships Marital Strife
5285 Relationships Familial Support|Neglect
1562 Relationships Familial Surrogate
741 Relationships Hierarchical Teacher-student
5112 Relationships Economical Trustee-ward
