Term ID |
Vocabulary![]() |
Parent | Term | Description |
3396 | Environment | Olfactory | Tobacco | |
5594 | Environment | Atmospheric | Torch-light | |
4043 | Environment | Public | Town hall | |
1038 | Environment | Public | Town Square | |
3791 | Environment | Auditory | Train sound | |
2769 | Environment | Public | Train Station/Train depot | |
2929 | Environment | Auditory | Tree / leaves | |
2252 | Environment | Natural | Trees | |
2253 | Environment | Olfactory | Trees | |
5122 | Environment | Time of Year | Tuesday | |
500 | Environment | Time of Day | Twilight | |
3595 | Environment | Atmospheric | Twinkling | |
5664 | Environment | Time of Day | Two o'clock a.m. | |
5638 | Environment | Time of Day | Two o'clock p.m. | |
4183 | Environment | Atmospheric | Unfamiliar place |
When the action of a story takes someone into a place they've never been before, for example the "strange country" that the chase of the deer reaches in "Race at Morning" (301). |
2983 | Environment | Auditory | Unseen voice | |
1461 | Environment | Domestic Space | Upstairs | |
2770 | Environment | Olfactory | Urine | |
1326 | Environment | Place | Vacant house | |
2125 | Environment | Place | Vacant lot | |
5357 | Environment | Time of Year | Valentine's Day | |
5175 | Environment | Natural | Valley | |
770 | Environment | Domestic Space | Veranda | |
3966 | Environment | Natural | Vines | |
1800 | Environment | Auditory | Voices | |
2224 | Environment | Weather | Warmth | |
3262 | Environment | Auditory | Water | |
3860 | Environment | Natural | Water moving / flowing | |
341 | Environment | (First level term) | Weather | |
5193 | Environment | Time of Year | Wednesday | |
3057 | Environment | Time of Day | Wee hours | |
2996 | Environment | Olfactory | Weed | |
3965 | Environment | Natural | Weeds | |
4558 | Environment | Place | Well|Wellhouse | |
3984 | Environment | Atmospheric | Wetness | |
3732 | Environment | Auditory | Whistle | |
1548 | Environment | Natural | Wilderness |
I'm wondering how this is different from "woods" and if they two terms might need to be meshed into one. Are woods more domestic or something? LW |
1728 | Environment | Place | Wilderness-civilized boundary | |
883 | Environment | Atmospheric | Wind | |
773 | Environment | Time of Year | Winter | |
1103 | Environment | Natural | Woods | |
1025 | Environment | Domestic Space | Yard | |
4983 | Environment | Place | Yoknapatawpha Beat | |
1839 | Environment | Public | Zoo | |
1354 | Relationships | Marital | Abandonment | |
625 | Relationships | Marital | Abusive | |
5159 | Relationships | Familial | Adoptive | |
2799 | Relationships | Friendship | Adult friends | |
2892 | Relationships | Friendship | Adult-child | |
858 | Relationships | Sexual | Adultery | |
1355 | Relationships | Marital | Adultery | |
597 | Relationships | Social | Adversarial | |
1147 | Relationships | Marital | Alleged | |
397 | Relationships | (First level term) | Ancestral | |
4803 | Relationships | Interspecies | Animals preying on humans | |
3384 | Relationships | Marital | Arranged | |
1029 | Relationships | Marital | Arrangements | |
2992 | Relationships | Marital | As atonement | |
4244 | Relationships | Interracial | As rebellious | |
1140 | Relationships | Social | Assailant-victim | |
2317 | Relationships | Familial | Aunt-nephew | |
2339 | Relationships | Familial | Aunt-niece | |
4954 | Relationships | Marital | Bachelor | |
1168 | Relationships | Marital | Bigamy | |
5240 | Relationships | Familial | Blended | |
2248 | Relationships | Interracial | Boss-employee | |
2238 | Relationships | Commercial | Boss-underling | |
4141 | Relationships | Marital | Breakup | |
1954 | Relationships | Familial | Brother-brother | |
1799 | Relationships | Familial | Brother-sister | |
1857 | Relationships | Commercial | Business partners | |
2214 | Relationships | Hierarchical | Caretaker-mentally challenged person | |
4086 | Relationships | Marital | Certificate | |
2725 | Relationships | Civic | Charity | |
678 | Relationships | Hierarchical | Child as authority | |
1397 | Relationships | Civic | child protection | |
1519 | Relationships | Interracial | Child-adult | |
1298 | Relationships | Friendship | Childhood friends | |
3505 | Relationships | Familial | Childlessness | |
5323 | Relationships | Institutional | Church-Town |
Relationship between any of the Churches and the Town in which they are situated. The specific example here is that even though Reverend Schultz and his church found a new clerk to replace Uncle Willy, no one trusted the new stranger. |
398 | Relationships | (First level term) | Civic | |
1321 | Relationships | Marital | Civil marriage | |
2058 | Relationships | Familial | Clan | |
3895 | Relationships | Social | Club | |
3121 | Relationships | Familial | Cohesion | |
3306 | Relationships | Friendship | College companions / classmates | |
3274 | Relationships | Friendship | College roommate | |
399 | Relationships | (First level term) | Commercial | |
893 | Relationships | Marital | Common law | |
895 | Relationships | Familial | Common law marriage | |
4810 | Relationships | Interracial | Companions | |
4070 | Relationships | Familial | Competition | |
952 | Relationships | Interracial | Competitive | |
759 | Relationships | Social | Conflict | |
782 | Relationships | Intergenerational | Conflict | |
1012 | Relationships | Familial | Conflict | |
1037 | Relationships | Interracial | Conflict | |
1055 | Relationships | Marital | Conflict | |
545 | Relationships | Romantic | Courtship | |
815 | Relationships | Familial | Cousin |