
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort ascending Description
2808 Cultural Issues Religion Catholicism
5161 Themes and Motifs Objects Catechism
5085 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Cataline / Catiline
4275 Cultural Issues War Casualties of war
2571 Cultural Issues Violence Castration
3824 Actions Violent Castration
4390 Cultural Issues Class Caste system
1931 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Cassandra
4853 Themes and Motifs Money Cash
906 Themes and Motifs Texts Case file
4807 Environment Auditory Car|truck movement
4344 Actions Movement Cart
4296 Environment Auditory Cars passing
1416 Cultural Issues Progress Cars
1952 Actions Physical Carrying
2351 Environment Domestic Space Carriage house
1246 Actions Movement Carriage
2226 Cultural Issues History Carpetbaggers
1603 Actions Economic Carpentry
1961 Environment Auditory Carpentry
888 Actions Work Carpenter
4564 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Carolina
2724 Themes and Motifs Community Carnival
1448 Actions Emotional Caring
2214 Relationships Hierarchical Caretaker-mentally challenged person
5577 Actions Bodily Caressing
2501 Actions Domestic Care
3402 Themes and Motifs Objects Cards
2074 Actions Play Card playing

Added for moments when it is unclear if (a) the game is poker, or (b) if gambling is occurring. -JBP

2638 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Carcassonne
4465 Cultural Issues Technology Car tire
4593 Cultural Issues Crime Car theft
2942 Actions Communication Car horn
1350 Themes and Motifs Death Car accident
3487 Actions Violent Car accident
670 Themes and Motifs Objects Car
499 Actions Movement Car
2301 Cultural Issues Technology Car
4829 Actions Military Capturing prisoners
1385 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Capture as loss
3930 Actions Physical Capture
1962 Cultural Issues War Capture
4500 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Capone, Al
1768 Environment Place Capitol
3005 Aesthetics Typography/Orthography Capitalization
1767 Environment Place Capital
4252 Cultural Issues Clothes Cap
4674 Themes and Motifs Objects Canteen
5658 Actions Movement Canoe
4562 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Cannon
4563 Themes and Motifs Objects Cannon
784 Cultural Issues Food Cannibalism
2475 Cultural Issues Food Candy
2689 Environment Atmospheric Candlelight
1268 Themes and Motifs Objects Candle
2198 Themes and Motifs Objects Candelabra
3744 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Canada
4998 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Canaan
4834 Environment Place Campsite
4530 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Campion, Thomas
4661 Actions Physical Camping
1111 Actions Domestic Camping
3681 Environment Olfactory Camphor
4955 Cultural Issues Politics Campaigning
4823 Cultural Issues War Campaign
4396 Environment Olfactory Camp-fire smoke
4454 Cultural Issues Religion camp meeting
4417 Themes and Motifs Objects Camera
2637 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Camelot
3617 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Cambridge, Massachusetts
4243 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Cambrai
4260 Actions Interaction, Social Camaraderie
2627 Actions Emotional Calm
2448 Actions Emotional Callousness
3600 Actions Legal Calling police
5164 Actions Verbal Calling by name
3126 Actions Verbal Calling

To cover when a character calls or summons someone else (cf. Dilsey calling Miss Quentin to supper). Could also perhaps be used for when someone uses a telephone to call someone else, though that might be conveyed by other keywords as well. -JBP

1798 Aesthetics Language Call and response
4436 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical California
3969 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Calf rope
4769 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Caledonia, Mississippi
4370 Actions Mental Calculation
3940 Cultural Issues Food Cake
5509 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Cairo, Illinois
2781 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Cain
4887 Aesthetics Symbolism Cage
4265 Environment Public Cafe
2164 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Caesar, Julius
5553 Cultural Issues Technology Cadillac
5073 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Caddy's wedding
5074 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Caddy's marriage ends
876 Environment Place Cabin
1403 Environment Domestic Space Cabin
5055 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Byron Snopes' children
5031 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Byron robs bank
3656 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Byron
2425 Actions Communication By sound
4964 Cultural Issues Violence By police
2909 Themes and Motifs Animals Buzzards
4599 Actions Economic Buying timber
