
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort ascending Description
3834 Actions Emotional Tragic / tragedy
4793 Actions Movement Traffic
290 Cultural Issues Slavery Traditions

For instances of the patterns that became a recurring aspect of the social interactions between slaves and masters, as in the description of the young slaves approaching Sutpen's big house on Christmas morning in expectation of a gift. SR

4096 Cultural Issues Alcohol Traditional southern drink
3422 Cultural Issues Entertainment Traditional music
539 Themes and Motifs Community Tradition
1195 Actions Economic Trading
5113 Cultural Issues Education Trade school
3206 Cultural Issues Agriculture Tractors
5627 Cultural Issues Progress Tractor
1618 Actions Hunting Tracking
3588 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Toys
798 Themes and Motifs Objects Toys
3919 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Toy bear / teddybear
4137 Cultural Issues Class Town v. country/farm
1038 Environment Public Town Square
4043 Environment Public Town hall
2527 Themes and Motifs Time Town clock
3365 Themes and Motifs Objects Towel
2832 Cultural Issues Hunting and Fishing Tourism

Tourism generated by annual hunting and fishing seasons. JB

2976 Actions Physical Touching
2609 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Touch
1592 Cultural Issues Religion Totem
4356 Cultural Issues Violence Torture
1937 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Tornado
5594 Environment Atmospheric Torch-light
2908 Themes and Motifs Objects Toothpick
5151 Themes and Motifs Objects Toothpaste
415 Aesthetics (First level term) Tone
1259 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Tomorrow and tomorrow
5665 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Tommy's murder
2594 Themes and Motifs Objects Tombstone
1547 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Tomb
5109 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Tom Jones
2437 Actions Emotional Tolerance
1543 Themes and Motifs Objects Toilet set
3799 Cultural Issues Alcohol Toddy
3238 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Tobruk
768 Themes and Motifs Objects Tobacco
3396 Environment Olfactory Tobacco
4687 Actions Work To pay for education
4132 Themes and Motifs Texts Title
2720 Actions Verbal Tirade
3346 Themes and Motifs Time Timelessness
340 Environment (First level term) Time of Year
339 Environment (First level term) Time of Day
394 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Time
5625 Aesthetics Symbolism Time
1840 Themes and Motifs Animals Tigers
2443 Cultural Issues Clothes Tie
3736 Environment Natural Tide flat / marsh
2922 Actions Perceptual Tickling
3163 Environment Time of Year Thursday
2345 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Thunderclap
1943 Environment Atmospheric Thunder
3749 Actions Violent Throwing downstairs
1861 Actions Physical Throwing
4040 Themes and Motifs Body Throat
1948 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Threshold
3425 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Three score and ten
5194 Environment Time of Day Three o'clock a.m.
1750 Actions Violent Threatening
563 Actions Verbal Threat
3874 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Threads
3309 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Thompson's Restaurant in Boston, Massachusetts
1597 Actions Bodily Thirsting
653 Themes and Motifs Body Thinness
3539 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Thinking of home
2973 Actions Mental Thinking
2110 Themes and Motifs Objects Thimble
3952 Themes and Motifs Body Thighs
2851 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Thessaloniki
3120 Aesthetics Interpretation Theodicy
592 Cultural Issues Crime Theft|Robbery
2006 Actions Emotional Theatricality
3055 Aesthetics Metafictional Theatrical setting
2982 Aesthetics Narrative Theatrical effect
2981 Aesthetics Symbolism Theatrical
1574 Cultural Issues Region The West
3781 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary The Tempest
1155 Cultural Issues Region The South

When a narrator or character explicitly foregrounds the region as distinctive, problematic, or otherwise noteworthy. JW

3210 Environment Time of Year Thanksgiving
5680 Actions Verbal Thanking
5420 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Thackeray
393 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Texts
5037 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Texas horses auctioned
3474 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Texas
574 Cultural Issues Law Testimony
5652 Actions Legal Testifying
3157 Themes and Motifs Body Testicles
1292 Actions Emotional Terror
1404 Themes and Motifs Psychological Terror
4602 Cultural Issues Law Territory
2570 Themes and Motifs Animals Termites
4897 Environment Place Tent
4421 Themes and Motifs Objects tent
5586 Actions Bodily Tension
5192 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Tennyson, Alfred
4203 Cultural Issues Clothes Tennis shoes
3469 Actions Play Tennis
