
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort ascending Description
3075 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical New Testament Book of Revelation
2166 Cultural Issues Progress New replacing old
2375 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical New Orleans, Louisiana
3284 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical New London, Connecticut
4644 Aesthetics Language new item
2726 Actions Physical new item
5524 Themes and Motifs Home New home
5182 Cultural Issues Region New England
3779 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical New England
4972 Cultural Issues History New Deal
3385 Themes and Motifs Objects New car
879 Relationships Interracial Networks
4229 Relationships Familial Nepotism
5567 Cultural Issues Government Nepotism
5507 Cultural Issues Progress Neon lights
2529 Cultural Issues Technology Neon
641 Aesthetics Style Neologism
930 Aesthetics Diction Neologism

This keyword can be used for terms and words invented by Faulkner, including portmanteau words, hyphenated words (e.g., "ax-squared"), non-hyphenated words (e.g., "deathcolored"), onomatopoeic words, or other similar constructions. Not all hyphenated words would qualify as a neologism, such as "mud-caked" or "three-foot-high" which are too commonplace to qualify as neologisms. -CR

752 Relationships Social Neighbor
4980 Cultural Issues Race Negro-lover
5025 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Negro voting
4975 Cultural Issues History Negro troops
2203 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Negro spirituals
4756 Cultural Issues Race Negro reporting white behavior
3030 Cultural Issues Education Negro education
5582 Environment Place Negro district
1033 Actions Verbal Negotiation
4261 Themes and Motifs Home Neglect
1116 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Negation

This is the term for when the narrative suggests an image or action, but only in the act of denying it: "He was not crying." EP

4288 Cultural Issues Education Need to be educated
5496 Themes and Motifs Money Need for
5686 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Nazi Party
5489 Cultural Issues War Naval warfare
5152 Actions Bodily Nausea
3626 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Nausea
2549 Environment Auditory Nature

The sounds of nature, generally on a quiet night. JB

334 Environment (First level term) Natural
5599 Cultural Issues Race Native American stereotype
1606 Aesthetics Diction Native American languages

I created this for "The Old People," 204.2, because the emphasis is on the "old tongue" that Sam Fathers speaks. LW

1600 Cultural Issues Race Native American

I added this in addition to the more specific Indian tribal identifications because I thought that it would be useful to have a larger umbrella term for users searching for Faulkner's Native American material. LW

4190 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Native American
1211 Cultural Issues Ethnicity Native American
474 Cultural Issues (First level term) Nationality
1713 Cultural Issues Government National authority
4246 Cultural Issues Identity, Cultural National
4325 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Natchez, Mississippi
4941 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Natchez Trace
2901 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Nashville, Tennessee
4395 Aesthetics Narrative Narrative shift
4382 Aesthetics Narrative Narrative anomaly
411 Aesthetics (First level term) Narrative
3848 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Narcissus
5033 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Narcissa's anonymous letters
5217 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Narcissa marries Bayard
1685 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Napoleon
3141 Themes and Motifs Objects Napkin
5051 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Nancy confronts white man
311 Cultural Issues Slavery Naming slaves
1057 Actions Verbal Naming self
463 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Naming
2280 Cultural Issues Race Naming

The informal names given to people of another race, especially African-Americans. In particular, names like "Uncle" or "Mammy" stand out here. This is a bit distinct from "Naming slavery" as these practices post-date enslavement. JB

1166 Themes and Motifs Naming Named for historical figure
860 Themes and Motifs Animals Named dog Lion
1830 Themes and Motifs Animals Named bear Ben
2019 Themes and Motifs Appearance Nakedness
5137 Themes and Motifs Body Naked
2389 Themes and Motifs Character Naivety
2220 Themes and Motifs Objects Nail
877 Themes and Motifs Meaning Mystery
1172 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Mystery
852 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Mysterious
4846 Actions Violent Mutilation
1469 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Mute
2858 Environment Olfactory Must
4317 Themes and Motifs Objects Musical instrument
4207 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Musical imagery
4637 Cultural Issues Entertainment Music
300 Cultural Issues Slavery Music
4481 Environment Auditory Music
1934 Themes and Motifs Art Music
2771 Environment Auditory Murmur
819 Actions Violent Murder
2229 Themes and Motifs Death Murder
750 Cultural Issues Crime Murder
5568 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Murat, Joachim
1722 Cultural Issues Government Municipal meeting
3152 Actions Verbal Mumbling
3561 Aesthetics Narrative Multiple quotations in a single paragraph
4307 Relationships Romantic Multiple

I created this term for Gavin Stevens's multiple romantic relationships in Knight's Gambit to capture the emotional rather than sexual nature of his attachments.--LW

3207 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity Multiculturalism
661 Themes and Motifs Animals Mules
1128 Actions Movement Mule
3541 Environment Natural Mud
5376 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Mozart
4806 Environment Auditory Moving wagon
4953 Cultural Issues History Moving away
4790 Themes and Motifs Death Moving a dead body
1285 Cultural Issues Entertainment Movies
1287 Cultural Issues Mass Media Movies
2242 Cultural Issues Migration Movement to city

This keyword refers to references or descriptions of characters who move from a less urban to a more urban environment, and is equally appropriate when someone moves from Frenchman's Bend to Jefferson and when someone from Jefferson moves to Memphis or New York. SR
