
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort ascending Description
3190 Actions Economic Partnership
3191 Relationships Economical Partnership
2586 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Parsham
3769 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Parrot
5344 Cultural Issues Law Parole
3924 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Parody
1514 Environment Domestic Space Parlor
3494 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Parker House Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts
4719 Environment Place Park
5508 Environment Public Park
5378 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Paris
4309 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Paris
965 Relationships Familial Parents-children
2884 Cultural Issues Education Parenting

This word already exists as a private interaction. Here it is intended not as a specific moment of parenting, but rather the cultural norms and practices that are related to parenting. JB

2147 Actions Interaction, Private Parenting
1687 Aesthetics Narrative Parentheses
1303 Themes and Motifs Past Parental
4486 Relationships Hierarchical Parent-child
2041 Relationships Ancestral Parent's great-grandparent
1766 Actions Legal Pardon
1771 Cultural Issues Law Pardon
3633 Themes and Motifs Objects Parcel
1646 Themes and Motifs Objects Parasol
1301 Themes and Motifs Psychological Paranoia
5539 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Paralysis
1923 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Paradox
3407 Themes and Motifs Community Parade
5097 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Parable
3146 Themes and Motifs Objects Paper
2569 Cultural Issues Clothes Pants
1586 Actions Bodily Panting
4069 Actions Physical Panting
2793 Actions Hunting Panther hunting
999 Themes and Motifs Animals Panther
5292 Cultural Issues History Panic of 1893
4883 Actions Emotional Panic
1027 Cultural Issues Clothes Panama hat
5260 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Pan
2160 Actions Work Painting|Drawing
1544 Themes and Motifs Art Painting
1889 Aesthetics Metafictional Painting
4076 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Paint
4731 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Paine, Thomas
4630 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Pain
2561 Environment Place Paducah
1700 Themes and Motifs Objects Padlock
3380 Environment Domestic Space Paddock
2292 Actions Domestic Packing
921 Cultural Issues Global Pacific Ocean
5410 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Pacific islands
5409 Cultural Issues Progress Pace of travel
2830 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Ozarks
1892 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Oxymoron
4371 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Oxford, Mississippi
3599 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Oxford, England
3465 Cultural Issues Education Oxford
2036 Themes and Motifs Animals Oxen
2541 Actions Movement Ox
282 Cultural Issues Slavery Ownership

For moments in the texts where owning slaves is evoked as a marker of status or wealth, as when Jason Compson connects his family pride to the fact that his ancestors owned slaves. SR

4947 Cultural Issues Land-Use Ownership
939 Themes and Motifs Animals Ownership
5305 Cultural Issues Agriculture Ownership
3381 Environment Auditory Owls
5304 Themes and Motifs Animals Owl
2121 Themes and Motifs Money Owed

This keyword is for when a character claims or otherwise believes he or she is owed money (to repay a debt, as payment for labor, etc.). -JBP

2743 Aesthetics Tone Overwrought

This label is as subjective as it is possibly contentious, yet I have created for those instances in which the tone appears too highfalutin, philosophical, or otherwise "fancy" in relation to the subject matter at hand. The specific example, is from The Reivers when Lucius Priest constantly reflects on his younger self in mock-epic fashion to describe his battles with "Virtue". JB

4334 Actions Emotional Overwhelmed
3682 Environment Olfactory Oversweet organic

Honeysuckle, but also the blooms from the "heaven tree" in Sanctuary, etc.

1383 Actions Perceptual Overhearing
1026 Cultural Issues Clothes Overalls
756 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Over time
886 Actions Emotional Outrage
2543 Environment Place Outlaw country

On a number of occasions, Faulkner makes reference to stretches of outlaw country. Places where illegal and illicit practices transpire, but there is no enforcement by local or federal authority. This is particular in reference to Frenchman's Bend in the Hamlet, but also Ballenbaugh's historic emergence in the Reivers. JB

4745 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity Outlander
1462 Environment Domestic Space Outhouse
1387 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Out of ordered place

This phrase derives from the last words of The Sound and the Fury: "each in its ordered place." It is used when the expected order is radically unsettled, such as when one of the spotted horses goes inside Mrs. Littlejohn's house or the mule gets into Mrs. Hait's yard, and so on. SR

336 Environment (First level term) Otherworldly
4084 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Othello
5150 Environment Place Orphanage
913 Relationships Familial Orphan
3122 Aesthetics Narrative Origin
3975 Cultural Issues Sexuality Orgasm
5162 Themes and Motifs Objects Organ
4652 Themes and Motifs Community Ordinary
3265 Actions Verbal Ordering
4048 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Order in a courtroom
4835 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Order
3881 Environment Natural Orchard
4007 Environment Atmospheric Oppressive
2258 Themes and Motifs Character Opportunism
3546 Themes and Motifs Community Opinion
5702 Environment Public Opera house
3354 Themes and Motifs Objects Opera glass
1985 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Open secret

Any moment when everyone or many people in a place know something to be true, but they pretend not to know it. For example, everyone knows Linda is not Flem's child, but pretends to not know, just as everyone pretends John Powell brings his gun to work but people pretend he does not. JB

1963 Aesthetics Typography/Orthography Onomatopoeia
5521 Cultural Issues Politics One-Party
3870 Environment Time of Day One o'clock p.m.
4695 Cultural Issues War On homefront
1720 Cultural Issues Identity, Personal On frontier
4017 Actions Verbal Omission
