
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Term Description
3083 Cultural Issues Gender Male domination
4643 Cultural Issues Gender Male gaze
5262 Cultural Issues Gender Male rescuer
4622 Cultural Issues Gender Male rivalry
5350 Cultural Issues Sexuality Male vitality
4648 Cultural Issues Violence Male-female
3887 Cultural Issues Gender Mama's boy
2963 Cultural Issues Alcohol Manhood
4896 Cultural Issues Sexuality Manipulative
4290 Cultural Issues Identity, Cultural Mankind
969 Cultural Issues Crime Manslaughter
286 Cultural Issues Slavery Manumission
5308 Cultural Issues Economy Market day
4875 Cultural Issues Agriculture Market gardening
5569 Cultural Issues Hunting and Fishing Market-hunting
2054 Cultural Issues Hunting and Fishing Marksmanship
310 Cultural Issues Slavery Marriage
323 Cultural Issues Gender Marriage
1579 Cultural Issues Segregation Marriage
847 Cultural Issues Law Marshal
5476 Cultural Issues Religion Martyrdom
1272 Cultural Issues Gender Masculine woman
585 Cultural Issues Gender Masculinity
2798 Cultural Issues Religion Mason

Although the Masons are explicitly not a religion, as a secret fraternal order they do represent a belief system. I have placed them under religion for the time being, until we figure out a better place. JB

751 Cultural Issues Race Masquerade

I created "Masquerade" to address Lucas’s dissimulation with Roth Edmonds, the inscrutability of his racial performance. JW

438 Cultural Issues (First level term) Mass Media
2971 Cultural Issues Agriculture Matched team of horses or mules
473 Cultural Issues (First level term) Materialism
1365 Cultural Issues Gender Maternal impulse
1306 Cultural Issues Age Maturing
2924 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Measles
2674 Cultural Issues Food Meat
1296 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Medical advice
4266 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Medical treatment
3254 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Medicine
4498 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Medicine aspirin
3680 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Medicine camphor
638 Cultural Issues Gender Men vs women
529 Cultural Issues Labor Menial
3945 Cultural Issues Gender Menstruation / menstrual cycle
1521 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Mental illness
721 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Mental limitations
1262 Cultural Issues Education Mentorship
1108 Cultural Issues War Mercenary
281 Cultural Issues Slavery Metaphorical

Used to flag the passages in which a narrator or a non-enslaved character uses "slavery" metaphorically, to describe something else. Lucas Burch, for instance, complains that his job at the planing mill has him "slaving all day." SR

2106 Cultural Issues Religion Methodism
2861 Cultural Issues War Mexican
5351 Cultural Issues History Mexican Rebellion
624 Cultural Issues Class Middle
4420 Cultural Issues Age Middle age
308 Cultural Issues Slavery Middle passage
1089 Cultural Issues (First level term) Migration
2682 Cultural Issues Clothes Military
4228 Cultural Issues War Military awards
4226 Cultural Issues Education Military education
3708 Cultural Issues War Military rank of general
4274 Cultural Issues War Military reassignment
4784 Cultural Issues War Military service

Whenever a character did or did not serve in the military during war. In this case, it is Redmond in The Unvanquished (225), but another example is Percy Grimm. JHB

2414 Cultural Issues Government Militia muster
5653 Cultural Issues Food Milk
316 Cultural Issues Slavery Minstrelsy

Used to mark the passages where the representation of a slave or group of slaves draws on the representational conventions of blackface minstrelsy, where slaves were depicted as comically inferior to whites. The scene in "Retreat" where Ringo "hollers and moans and hollers again" for "Marse John" and "Bayard and Colonel and Marse John and Granny" is an instance of this. SR

4094 Cultural Issues Alcohol Mint julep
1762 Cultural Issues Law Miscarriage of justice
279 Cultural Issues Slavery Miscegenation
1587 Cultural Issues Race Miscegenation
1569 Cultural Issues Hunting and Fishing Misconduct
874 Cultural Issues Law Missing person
4464 Cultural Issues Education Missing school
3044 Cultural Issues Violence Mistaken for sexual assault
4273 Cultural Issues Identity, Personal Mistaken identity
542 Cultural Issues Law Mistrial
793 Cultural Issues Race Mixed race
567 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Mob behavior
3199 Cultural Issues Clothes Modern fashions
4449 Cultural Issues Modernity Modernist style

When text makes fairly explicit reference to "modernism" as a movement, like the cubistic bug in As I Lay Dying or the modernist lampstand in Sanctuary. SR

440 Cultural Issues (First level term) Modernity
5603 Cultural Issues Modernity Modernization
3249 Cultural Issues Alcohol Moonshine
3935 Cultural Issues Economy Moonshine
3934 Cultural Issues Crime Moonshining
2277 Cultural Issues Law Motor vehicle

This keyword notes the creation and enforcement of motor vehicle laws. Notably the prohibition on automobiles by Colonel John Sartoris. JB

2278 Cultural Issues Entertainment Motoring

Any time someone goes driving for recreational reasons. JB

2285 Cultural Issues Clothes Motoring clothes

Clothes that people wear when they go for a drive. JB

1656 Cultural Issues Clothes Mourning
2242 Cultural Issues Migration Movement to city

This keyword refers to references or descriptions of characters who move from a less urban to a more urban environment, and is equally appropriate when someone moves from Frenchman's Bend to Jefferson and when someone from Jefferson moves to Memphis or New York. SR

1285 Cultural Issues Entertainment Movies
1287 Cultural Issues Mass Media Movies
4953 Cultural Issues History Moving away
3207 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity Multiculturalism
1722 Cultural Issues Government Municipal meeting
750 Cultural Issues Crime Murder
300 Cultural Issues Slavery Music
4637 Cultural Issues Entertainment Music
1469 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Mute
2280 Cultural Issues Race Naming

The informal names given to people of another race, especially African-Americans. In particular, names like "Uncle" or "Mammy" stand out here. This is a bit distinct from "Naming slavery" as these practices post-date enslavement. JB

311 Cultural Issues Slavery Naming slaves
4246 Cultural Issues Identity, Cultural National
1713 Cultural Issues Government National authority
474 Cultural Issues (First level term) Nationality
1211 Cultural Issues Ethnicity Native American
