
Vocabulary: Cultural Issues
Term ID Termsort ascending Parent Description
2435 Silk Clothes
3742 Sick as euphemism for pregnancy Health and Illness
861 Shooting Violence
1190 Shoes Clothes
3080 Shirtsleeves Clothes
5321 Shirtless Clothes
2630 Shirt Clothes
3585 Shipping tugboat Technology
3586 Shipping schooner Technology
5510 Shipping Economy
3590 Ship's wheel Technology
907 Sheriff's deputy Law
804 Sheriff Law
1645 Shawl Clothes
4798 Sharing the land Economy
3203 Share-cropping|Tenantry Agriculture

There are significant differences between "share-cropping" and "tenant farming" in reality. "Tenants" typically furnished their own farming tools and livestock, and had at least a measure of control over what crops they planted on land they rented from a landlord; "share-croppers" typically only contributed their own labor, with the landlord dictating what they would raise and providing the animals and tools they used. But in his fiction Faulkner does not maintain this distinction, using the terms as essentially synonymous. SR

1564 Shadow of Negro Race
579 Shabby Clothes
486 Sexuality (First level term)
3650 Sexual passion Sexuality
2816 Sexual Harassment Gender
3730 Sexual double standard Gender

For when a text makes references to the double standards between men and women; also can apply to double standard for women - Madonna/whore (or virgin/whore). Added for when Mrs Compson posits that a woman is either a lady or not (referring to Caddy and her dishonor). JBP

4624 Sexual Violence
3900 Sex and death Sexuality
271 Sex Slavery
3464 Sewanee Education
Vocabulary: Environment
Term ID Termsort ascending Parent Description
803 Silence Auditory
2765 Sidewalk Public
3153 Sick room Domestic Space

Added to denote a room being used or described as for when someone is sick. Added to refer to the "empty" room that is also where the family "has the measles" in S&F, but can be applied in other texts as well -- Addie's room in AILD, for example. -JBP

4247 Shrubbery Place
4187 Shots Auditory
5130 Sheriff's office Place
3398 Shaving lotion Olfactory
3956 Sexual smells Olfactory
4649 Sexual Atmospheric
5145 Seven o'clock p.m. Time of Day
2875 Servants' home Domestic Space

For when a text draws attention to the home of a servant (not necessarily a slave quarter) - the servants' homes in "The Sound and the Fury," for instance, or maybe in "The Unvanquished." -JBP

Vocabulary: Actions
Term ID Termsort ascending Parent Description
1854 Silence Verbal
4425 Silence Communication
4732 Showing Physical
1061 Shouting Verbal
619 Shopping Interaction, Social
4759 Shopping Economic
1054 Shooting Hunting
1253 Shooting Violent
3388 Shock Emotional
916 Shivering Bodily
4347 Ship Movement
3371 Shaving Bodily
2642 Sharpening Work
3100 Sharing confidences Verbal
696 Share-cropping|Tenantry Economic

There are significant differences between "share-cropping" and "tenant farming" in reality. "Tenants" typically furnished their own farming tools and livestock, and had at least a measure of control over what crops they planted on land they rented from a landlord; "share-croppers" typically only contributed their own labor, with the landlord dictating what they would raise and providing the animals and tools they used. But in his fiction Faulkner does not maintain this distinction, using the terms as essentially synonymous. SR

1294 Shame Emotional
2785 Shaking hands Interaction, Social
3414 Shaking Bodily
3794 Sexual assault Violent
4227 Sexual Interaction, Private
4691 Sex as payment Economic
1213 Sewing Domestic
5236 Settling up Economic
1553 Setting up camp Hunting
2495 Setting the table Domestic
Vocabulary: Themes and Motifs
Term ID Termsort ascending Parent Description
2877 Signs / Omen Supernatural
2613 Sickness Supernatural
4365 Shrewdness Character
5291 Showing up Arrivals/Departures
5158 Shovel Objects
3148 Shoulder Body
1183 Shotgun Objects
3428 Ship Objects
5486 Shell Objects
5176 Sheep Animals
5138 Shaving brush Objects
3064 Shadows Recurring Tropes
845 Sexual power Recurring Tropes
3255 Sewing machine Objects
Vocabulary: Aesthetics
Term ID Termsort ascending Parent Description
2376 Signs Metafictional
3666 Shiloh Allusion, Historical
4777 Shiloh Allusion, Geographical
2660 Shift Tone
4565 Shhhh Language
2602 Sherman, William Tecumseh Allusion, Historical
5347 Sherlock Holmes Allusion, Literary
4239 Sheridan, Philip Allusion, Historical
3828 Shelley, Percy Bysshe Allusion, Literary
2636 Shell Figures of Speech
3604 Sheep Figures of Speech
4882 Shared humanity Symbolism
2762 Shakespeare, William Allusion, Literary
947 Shakespeare Intertextuality
1323 Shadows Symbolism
666 Shadow Figures of Speech
2309 Shades Allusion, Mythical
3758 Sexual symbol Symbolism
5250 Sexual goddesses Allusion, Mythical
Vocabulary: Relationships
Term ID Termsort ascending Parent Description
4131 Siblings Interracial
620 Sibling Familial
560 Shotgun marriage Marital
3104 Sexual Romantic
482 Sexual (First level term)
