
Vocabulary: Actions
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
1189 Washing Domestic
630 Washing clothes Physical
658 Washing clothes Work
4722 Watching Physical
1726 Watching Perceptual
1482 Watching Bodily
4071 Wave / waving Physical
5166 Weakness Bodily
5293 Weaving Work
4647 Whimper Verbal
2482 Whipping Violent
1077 Whispering Verbal
5147 Whistling Physical
5079 Whittling Physical
4014 Wildcat hunting Hunting
4571 Will Legal
4080 Winking Physical
3127 Wishing Verbal
5518 Withdrawal from public Interaction, Social
868 Withholding Verbal
1570 Without words Communication

When someone communicates by means of something other than words (written or spoken); for example, the envelope full of money Boyd wants Ike to give his mistress, or the verbena that Drusilla leaves on Bayard's pillow.

Vocabulary: Aesthetics
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
5254 Washington Irving Allusion, Literary
2680 Washington, D.C. Allusion, Geographical
1123 Washington, George Allusion, Historical
627 Water Figures of Speech
4372 Weaponry imagery Figures of Speech
5313 Weber, Joe Allusion, Historical

Part of the vaudeville comedy duo Weber and Fields. JHB

3519 Weight / Burden Description
5367 West Point Allusion, Geographical
622 Western vernacular Diction
2811 White Citizens' Council Allusion, Historical
3818 WhoOoooo Language
3819 WhoOooooooooooooooo Language
4102 Wild breath Figures of Speech
3053 Wilde, Oscar Allusion, Literary
4936 Wilkinson, James Allusion, Historical
5206 Will Mayes lynched Recurring Episodes
3250 Wilson, Woodrow Allusion, Historical
1639 Withholding Narrative
Vocabulary: Themes and Motifs
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
4534 Wasting Money
633 Watch Time
1001 Watch Objects
1491 Watermelon Objects
1666 Wedding Community
669 Wedding license Objects
2843 Wedding ring Objects
2441 Weight Body
1062 Well Objects
2470 Wheel Objects
5540 Wheel chair Objects
1345 When will it stop Futility
694 Whippoorwills Animals
606 Wild horses Animals
1002 Wildcats Animals
594 Wildness Chaos/Order
4572 Will Texts
1864 Will to endure Psychological
4150 Willow tree Objects
2021 Windows Objects
1887 Wisteria Objects
Vocabulary: Cultural Issues
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
5156 Watch chain Clothes
3453 Weak heart Health and Illness
1044 Wealth Economy
5620 Wedding Ritual
1899 Wedding dress Clothes
1048 Wedding license Law
3492 Welfare Government
5695 Welsh Nationality
2143 West Point Education
4149 Wet clothes Clothes
724 Whiskey Alcohol
296 White anxiety Slavery

For moments in the text which describe anxiety felt by white characters about the presence or possible actions of slaves, as when Loosh's sudden appearance and behavior make Bayard uncomfortable. SR

4962 White fear Race
2401 White race Race
1007 White savior Race
2530 White supremacists Race
572 White supremacy Prejudice
2513 White trash Class
2409 White-Indian commerce Economy
1655 Widow Gender
2228 Wine Alcohol
4106 Wine hamper Alcohol
1009 Witness Law
Vocabulary: Environment
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
3262 Water Auditory
3860 Water moving / flowing Natural
341 Weather (First level term)
5193 Wednesday Time of Year
3057 Wee hours Time of Day
2996 Weed Olfactory
3965 Weeds Natural
4558 Well|Wellhouse Place
3984 Wetness Atmospheric
3732 Whistle Auditory
1548 Wilderness Natural

I'm wondering how this is different from "woods" and if they two terms might need to be meshed into one. Are woods more domestic or something? LW
I'm using wilderness when it is directly discussed in the text as a presence, a living thing as in GDM (i.e., "the wilderness breathed again" (174)) JJ

1728 Wilderness-civilized boundary Place
883 Wind Atmospheric
773 Winter Time of Year
Vocabulary: Relationships
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
3094 Wedding Marital
946 White-black Interracial
4285 Widower Familial
