
Vocabulary: Environment
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
5227 Squalor Atmospheric
4838 Stable Place
1020 Stable Domestic Space
2610 Stairway Domestic Space
3399 Starch Olfactory
4018 Starlight Atmospheric
2221 Stars Natural
2866 Sterile Atmospheric
581 Stillness Atmospheric
3783 Stone wall Place
491 Store Public
2262 Store porch Public
3496 Store window Public
2273 Storm Weather
2039 Street Public
3574 Streetcar sound Auditory
3689 Streetlamp Atmospheric
5124 Study Domestic Space
Vocabulary: Aesthetics
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
1792 Square brackets Typography/Orthography
2881 St. Louis Allusion, Geographical
3056 Stage direction Description
2319 Stage manager Figures of Speech
5602 Steamboat race Allusion, Historical
3877 Stencil Figures of Speech
5311 Stereotypical Jewish accent Diction

Whenever the text imitates a Jewish accent. JHB

2597 Stone Figures of Speech
5403 Stork Club Allusion, Geographical
3695 Stowe, Harriet Beecher Allusion, Literary
2212 Stream of consciousness narration Narrative
Vocabulary: Actions
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
5120 Squatting Physical
1604 Squatting Bodily
1817 Squirrel hunting Hunting
2750 Stabbing Violent
1413 Stalking Physical
5136 Standing Bodily
4588 Standing guard Legal
1072 Staring Bodily
5140 Starting fire Physical
3908 Starting over Physical
1898 Starvation Bodily
3139 Stating intent to leave home / run away Verbal
1113 Stealing Moral
2517 Steamboat Movement
2119 Stock trading Economic

Term for those who buy or sell "stock" - horses, mules, etc. -JBP

4889 Stopping Movement
1843 Store clerk Work
5527 Store owner Economic
3504 Store owner-customer Interaction, Private
1185 Storytelling Verbal
3578 Strangers in a public place Interaction, Private

For when two people happen to interact in some way in the street or some other public place. Added for Quentin's various chance encounters with people during his long day of travel in and around Cambridge. JBP

3499 Street vendor / service worker Interaction, Private
2557 Streetcar Movement
5141 Stretching Bodily
1302 Strip searching Perceptual
5180 Struggling Physical
3615 Stubbornness Emotional
Vocabulary: Themes and Motifs
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
1809 Squirrel Animals
1527 Stained glass window Objects
918 Steamboat Objects
710 Still Objects
3418 Stillness Recurring Tropes
3068 Stingy with money Money
4484 stoic Character
2217 Stolen Money
1740 Stomach/belly Body
392 Story-telling (First level term)
1131 Story-telling passim Story-telling
2150 Stove Objects
2603 Stove polish Objects
4870 Straightened hair Body
4424 Stranger Community

I'm thinking of the times when someone enters a community who is unknown and the collective community has suspicions about this character. A clear example would be Lena Grove. (jj)

4861 Stubborn Character
5330 Stud fee Money
Vocabulary: Cultural Issues
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
3004 State capital Government
5517 State government Government
3026 State laws and regulations Government
2059 Status Materialism

Any material acquisition that signifies a marker of status. Lucius Priest buying an automobile because Colonel Sartoris had one. J. Burgers.

1258 Status, low Class
3533 Steam locomotive Technology
5511 Steamboats Technology
3647 Stereotype black women's sexual promiscuity Race
1124 Stereotype cannibalism Race
872 Stereotype eyes Race
3939 Stereotype librarian / school teacher Gender
4566 Stereotype lower intelligence Race
1499 Stereotype mule Race
4584 Stereotype Superstitious Race
991 Stereotype sweat Race
837 Stereotype: smell Race
1940 Stereotype: teeth Race
4319 Stockings Clothes
2546 Stolen valor War

Whenever someone claims to have fought in a war, but it is implied that he (always he) did not do so. This comes up quite a bit in Faulkner. JB

4022 Store clothes Clothes
5334 Store-bought vs moonshine Alcohol
1460 Strategy War

Although technically strategy and tactics are two different elements of war, for the time being they have been collapsed into the same keyword unless there are really nuanced discussions of either in Faulkner. JB

3868 Streetcar line Progress
4708 Streetcars Technology
2934 Stroke Health and Illness
Vocabulary: Relationships
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
3837 Stepparent-child Familial
4552 Strife Marital
