
Vocabulary: Cultural Issues
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
4967 Anti-Catholic Prejudice
5460 Anti-Communism|McCarthy Era History
4470 Anti-Semitism Prejudice
3876 Apotheosis Religion
1284 Appearance of Sexuality
5499 Appliance Technology
549 Apron Clothes
5088 Archaeology History
2311 Aristocratic posing Class
4717 Arraignment Law
4705 Arrest Law
3014 Arrival of whites in Mississippi History
4714 Arson Crime
1710 Arthritis Health and Illness
5522 Artificial Limb Health and Illness
5372 Aryan Race
4459 As anaesthetic Alcohol
5564 As cause of Civil War Slavery
4948 As currency Alcohol
4977 As educational War
3019 As loss Progress
4181 As metaphor War
1732 As source of money Government
1353 As substitute Food
4669 Assault Violence
Vocabulary: Aesthetics
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
1638 Anti-climax Narrative
1901 Anticipation Narrative
3485 Antimetabole Language
3776 Antony and Cleopatra Allusion, Literary
3884 Ants Figures of Speech
3251 Apocalyptic Tone
2365 Arabian Nights Allusion, Literary
2968 Arcadia Allusion, Mythical
3471 Archaic Language
5177 Archangel Michael Allusion, Biblical
2928 Archetype Symbolism

I did not see archetype anywhere else in the keyword list, so I added it here under symbolism - for when a text refers to something clearly archetypal, like the tree in S&F. -JBP

3594 Archimedes Allusion, Historical
5056 Architect captured Recurring Episodes
3602 Arctic Allusion, Geographical
5116 Argonne Allusion, Historical
4958 Argument Narrative
2845 Arkansas Allusion, Geographical
3461 Arlen, Michael Allusion, Historical
4204 Armistice Day Allusion, Historical
3403 Armor Figures of Speech
3856 Arrow Figures of Speech
5001 Ashby, Turner Allusion, Historical
5411 Asia Allusion, Geographical
Vocabulary: Actions
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
4721 Anticipation Emotional
777 Anxiety Emotional
3090 Apathy Emotional
1801 Apology Verbal
1251 Apprehending Physical
5655 Architect Work
964 Arguing Verbal
1758 Arraign Legal
1405 Arrest Legal
1969 Arson Violent
1228 Ascent Economic
4473 Asking for money Economic
5133 Asphyxiation Violent
1248 Assault Violent
3839 Assist Interaction, Private
5644 Asthma Bodily
Vocabulary: Themes and Motifs
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
2749 Anticipation Time
3099 Anticipation of death Death
1615 Antlers Objects
2379 Ants Animals
3455 Anxiety about|Resistance to change Past
4216 Apotheosis Recurring Tropes
4209 Apparition Recurring Tropes
1090 Appearance (First level term)
631 Appearance-plain Body
3738 Apple tree Objects
3145 Arm Body
1667 Arrival Arrivals/Departures
2503 Arrival in Yoknapatawpha Arrivals/Departures
362 Arrivals/Departures (First level term)
363 Art (First level term)
2022 Artist Character
3444 Artistic creation Art
5231 As character Appearance
3059 As explanatory Past
3103 As motive Money
4513 As symbol Money

I added this term for when money is representative of something, like Chick's shame in Intruder. LW

5529 As tribute Naming
2865 Assertive Character
Vocabulary: Environment
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
2984 Apartment Domestic Space
1855 April Time of Year
5320 April Fool's Time of Year
3438 Arcadian Atmospheric
525 Architecture Domestic Space
4430 Architecture Public
4320 Art museum Public
5400 Artist's studio Place
Vocabulary: Relationships
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
3384 Arranged Marital
1029 Arrangements Marital
2992 As atonement Marital
4244 As rebellious Interracial
1140 Assailant-victim Social
