
Vocabulary: Themes and Motifs
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
2043 Wolf Animals
2620 Womb Body
2943 Won Money
4357 Woodpecker|Lord-to-God Animals
1196 Work ethic Character
2874 Working day Time
1824 Wreath Objects
4123 Wrong name Naming
4910 Year the stars fell Recurring Tropes

Added to refer to Faulkner's reference in at least two texts to 1833, "the year the stars fell" (in Appendix and in Go Down, Moses). Seems to refer to an actual historical event of a massive meteor shower that year which many interpreted as an omen, possibly even of end of times. Here is one article referencing the event: JBP

2418 Yoknapatawpha founders Past
Vocabulary: Cultural Issues
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
5324 Woman smoking Gender
800 Women War
561 Women Gender
621 Women Clothes
3950 Women as gentler sex / delicate Gender
3953 Women as mysterious / secretive Gender
4701 Women as sacred Gender
5354 Wonderful Sexuality
818 Woodcraft Hunting and Fishing
2873 Work Gender
1419 Work Migration

This is used for instances of characters relocating to a different state or country for reasons related to work and employment (i.e., economic migration). BR

3572 Work clothes Clothes
1174 Working Class
978 World War I War
735 World War II War
3358 World's Fair Entertainment
616 Wound War
1846 Yale Education
1530 Yankee Identity, Cultural
4845 Yankee uniform Clothes
4333 Yellow fever Health and Illness
650 Youth Age
4651 Youth vs age Age
Vocabulary: Relationships
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
2704 Woman-horse Interspecies
Vocabulary: Aesthetics
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
3704 Women's Christian Temperance Union / W.C.T.U. Allusion, Historical
2318 Woodpile Figures of Speech
5479 Wzlewski Allusion, Historical
2962 Yah-yah-yah Language
4945 Year 1860 Allusion, Historical
5081 Year 1861 Allusion, Historical
4103 yes Yes Yes yes Language
5325 YIPPPEEE Language
5370 Yoknapatawpha as mythic Greece Allusion, Mythical
5032 Young Bayard's death Recurring Episodes
5579 Zodiac Allusion, Mythical
Vocabulary: Environment
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
1103 Woods Natural
1025 Yard Domestic Space
4983 Yoknapatawpha Beat Place
1839 Zoo Public
Vocabulary: Actions
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
357 Work (First level term)
4431 Work song Bodily
825 Worry Emotional
5628 Wrestling Physical
5224 Writing Verbal
1900 Writing Communication
4832 Wrong direction Movement
5497 Yard work Work
2752 Yelling Verbal
