
Vocabulary: Aesthetics
Term ID Term Parent Description
3373 Ha ha ha Language
4327 Hah Language
4330 Ham Allusion, Biblical
5387 Hamilton, Alexander Allusion, Historical
2657 Hamlet Allusion, Literary
2953 Hampton, Wade Allusion, Historical
1893 Hamsa Symbolism
598 Handwriting Typography/Orthography
2746 Handy, W.C. Allusion, Historical
2897 Hardwick, Tennessee Allusion, Geographical
4019 Hardy, Thomas Allusion, Literary
3017 Hare Allusion, Historical
5100 Harlem Allusion, Geographical
2169 Harlow, Jean Allusion, Historical
3016 Harpe Allusion, Historical
5391 Harriman, E.H. Allusion, Historical
5210 Harriss' death Recurring Episodes
1135 Harvard University Allusion, Geographical
1484 Harvest Figures of Speech
3755 Havana, Cuba Allusion, Geographical
2890 Haw haw Language
3376 Haw haw haw Language
4583 Hawkhurst Allusion, Geographical
4890 Heart of Darkness Intertextuality
1928 Heaven Allusion, Biblical
2284 Hee hee hee Language
2821 Heh heh heh Language
1136 Heidelberg, Germany Allusion, Geographical
5294 Helen Allusion, Mythical
2692 Helen of Troy Allusion, Historical
1905 Hell Allusion, Biblical
5666 Hemingway, Ernest Allusion, Literary
5068 Henry kills Bon Recurring Episodes
4529 Herrick, Robert Allusion, Literary
4770 Hickahala bottom Allusion, Geographical
2841 Hickory Flat Allusion, Geographical
1605 Hill dialect Diction
5392 Hill, A.T. Allusion, Historical
5660 Hinds, General Thomas Allusion, Historical
3435 Hinson, Jack Allusion, Historical
919 Hitler, Adolph Allusion, Historical
3638 Holly Springs, Mississippi Allusion, Geographical
3113 Hollywood Allusion, Geographical
4615 Home Sweet Home Allusion, Literary
3796 Homer Allusion, Historical
5669 Hooker, Joseph Allusion, Historical
4662 Hooooooooo Language
3564 Hopkins, Gerard Manley Allusion, Literary
2966 Horace Allusion, Literary
3135 Horror story Genre Conventions
4433 Housman, A.E. Allusion, Literary
5070 Houston murdered Recurring Episodes
5590 Huey Long Allusion, Historical
998 Humorous Tone
3229 Humphries Allusion, Historical
3679 Hunting metaphor / imagery Figures of Speech
2230 Hymn Language
3324 Hymn "His Eye Is on the Sparrow" Allusion, Literary
3296 Hymn "Holy Matrimony" Allusion, Literary
932 Hyperbole Figures of Speech
3169 Hyphen Typography/Orthography
5457 I.W.W.|Industrial Workers of the World Allusion, Historical
5075 Ikkemotubbe becomes "Doom" Recurring Episodes
1805 Imagined conversation Narrative

When a narrator retrospectively imagines what they could have or wished they had said in a particular conversation. BR

1804 Imitation Diction

When a character imitates or approximates the dialect of another, whose dialect they themselves do not use. BR

4821 Impermanence Symbolism
3670 Incongruous Tone
613 Indeterminacy Narrative
3036 Index Style
1636 Indian Language
5043 Indian removal Recurring Episodes
5605 Indiana Allusion, Geographical
4900 Indianapolis, Indiana Allusion, Geographical
5583 Ingersoll, Robert G. Allusion, Historical
1542 Inscription Typography/Orthography
1449 Interjection Language

A cry that expresses an emotion (Ouch! Ugh!) or functions as a command or request (Shhh!). BR

410 Interpretation (First level term)
483 Intertextuality (First level term)
3577 Invisible wire Figures of Speech
5490 Ireland Allusion, Geographical
3085 Ironic Tone
3404 Irony Narrative
4999 Isaac Allusion, Biblical
4139 Island of silence Figures of Speech
5184 Israel Allusion, Geographical
5374 Italian Language
3413 Italian flag Allusion, Geographical
516 Italics Typography/Orthography
4580 Italy Allusion, Geographical
2829 Iuka, Mississippi Allusion, Geographical
2668 Jackal Figures of Speech
3042 Jackson as synonym for state insane hospital Allusion, Geographical
4915 Jackson, Andrew Allusion, Historical
1119 Jackson, Mississippi Allusion, Geographical
5581 Jackson, Tennessee Allusion, Geographical
1167 Jackson, Thomas "Stonewall" Allusion, Historical
5396 Jacob Allusion, Biblical
4343 James River, Virginia Allusion, Geographical
1699 James, Jesse Allusion, Historical
4342 Jamestown, Virginia Allusion, Geographical
