
Vocabulary: Cultural Issues
Term ID Term Parent Description
2435 Silk Clothes
4968 Silver Shirts History
1780 Sin Religion
4145 Skirt Clothes
3356 Skyscraper Progress
306 Slave trading Slavery
248 Slavery (First level term)
289 Slaves vs masters Slavery
297 Slaves vs poor whites Slavery
2999 Sleeping pill Health and Illness
4505 Smallpox Health and Illness
3780 Smoke stack Progress
4743 Smoking habit Health and Illness
1357 Snopesism Class
2988 Sobriety Alcohol
4978 Social Progress
5600 Social decline Class
3452 Social mobility Class
2107 Social Shaming Group Mentality
275 Social value Slavery
2456 Social welfare as substitute Religion
1358 Socio-economic Prejudice
2885 Socks Clothes
4781 Soda Food
1176 Soil quality Agriculture
709 Soldier Identity, Personal
2585 Solidarity Race

Whenever characters feel a relationship or shared purpose with another character due to racial affinity. In the specific example, Lucius imagines that Ned and Minnie have some type of relationship because they are both African-American (117). JB

3180 South vs North Identity, Cultural
327 Southern curse Slavery
3663 Southern identity Cultural Identity
3028 Southern secession History
4233 Southern stereotype Identity, Cultural
924 Southern woman Gender
3360 Souvenir Materialism
2142 Spanish American War War
5355 Spanish Civil War History
4023 Spectacles Clothes
2289 Speed Modernity

Any time characters experience new speeds as a result of modernization. This could be speeds achieved by car, train, or flight, but also more abstract speeds like the speed of communication due to the telephone. The specific example is when Lucius Priest accidentally spits in his wife's face while motoring. JB

541 Spinsterhood Age
1634 Spiritual Land-Use
1487 Spoils War
731 Sports Clothes
1014 Spousal privilege Law
3004 State capital Government
5517 State government Government
3026 State laws and regulations Government
2059 Status Materialism

Any material acquisition that signifies a marker of status. Lucius Priest buying an automobile because Colonel Sartoris had one. J. Burgers.

1258 Status, low Class
3533 Steam locomotive Technology
5511 Steamboats Technology
3647 Stereotype black women's sexual promiscuity Race
1124 Stereotype cannibalism Race
872 Stereotype eyes Race
3939 Stereotype librarian / school teacher Gender
4566 Stereotype lower intelligence Race
1499 Stereotype mule Race
4584 Stereotype Superstitious Race
991 Stereotype sweat Race
837 Stereotype: smell Race
1940 Stereotype: teeth Race
4319 Stockings Clothes
2546 Stolen valor War

Whenever someone claims to have fought in a war, but it is implied that he (always he) did not do so. This comes up quite a bit in Faulkner. JB

4022 Store clothes Clothes
5334 Store-bought vs moonshine Alcohol
1460 Strategy War

Although technically strategy and tactics are two different elements of war, for the time being they have been collapsed into the same keyword unless there are really nuanced discussions of either in Faulkner. JB

3868 Streetcar line Progress
4708 Streetcars Technology
2934 Stroke Health and Illness
4689 Subpoena Law
3694 Subservient / Obsequious to whites Race
4589 Subverting a stereotype Race
4352 Sugar Food
2097 Suit Clothes
1034 Sunday clothes Clothes
5288 Sunday school Religion
1047 Sunday shoes Clothes
5697 Sundown town Race
476 Supernatural (First level term)
3045 Surgery Health and Illness
3046 Surgical castration Health and Illness
763 Surrender War
3187 Surrender at Appomattox History
4929 Tartan Clothes
3458 Taste Gender
1216 Taxes Politics
4724 Taxes, local Government
1665 Technological Progress
446 Technology (First level term)
2774 Teetotaling Alcohol

Teetotaling as a cultural issue or as a personal moral or habitual choice. This is different than "teetotaler" under character, which is the defining character trait of that person. The example here is Minnie in The Reivers who works in a brothel, but is a teetotaler because she is a "damn christian scientist or republican or something" (153). In this sense, it is not her defining character trait. JB

4496 Telegraph Progress
5384 Telegraph Technology
801 Telephone Mass Media
2279 Telephone Technology
1664 Television Technology
3034 Television Entertainment
524 Tenantry|Share-cropping Economy

There are significant differences between "share-cropping" and "tenant farming" in reality. "Tenants" typically furnished their own farming tools and livestock, and had at least a measure of control over what crops they planted on land they rented from a landlord; "share-croppers" typically only contributed their own labor, with the landlord dictating what they would raise and providing the animals and tools they used. But in his fiction Faulkner does not maintain this distinction, using the terms as essentially synonymous. SR

4203 Tennis shoes Clothes
4602 Territory Law
574 Testimony Law
1155 The South Region

When a narrator or character explicitly foregrounds the region as distinctive, problematic, or otherwise noteworthy. JW
