Unnamed Son of Moketubbe

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Unnamed Son of Moketubbe
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Unnamed Son of Moketubbe
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Ever Present in Yoknapatawpha?: 

The unnamed son of Moketubbe is identified as an "eight-year-old" in "The Old People" and in Go Down, Moses (202, 158) and as "Moketubbe's little son" in "A Courtship" (363). He should have grown up to succeed his father as the chief of the tribe. However, in all three texts he dies within the same sentence in which he is first mentioned and within a few days after Ikkemotubbe, his father's cousin, returns to the tribe from New Orleans with a white powder that kills at least a puppy - and probably, though none of the texts say so explicitly, this child. His removal, at least, quickly leads to Moketubbe's abdication in his cousin's favor.