"The Old People", 210 (Event)

Page Number: 
Order within Page: 
First 8-10 words of event: 
And I remember how I turned upon him
Page Event Ends: 
Turn of the Century (1890-1913)
Characters Present: 
Characters Mentioned: 
Narrative Status: 
Thursday, November 3, 1904 to Tuesday, December 31, 1940

The narrative leaps forward to the future, when the boy "remembers" later what happened next with Sam in the woods (174). The memory is probably a recurring one, but the immediate context does not allow us to identify any specific place or moment from which the event is being remembered. Our dating as far into the future as 1940 is speculative (though based on the way this story is followed by "Delta Autumn" when Faulkner included it in the novel Go Down, Moses). The locution "I remember" is repeated a few words later. The effect of this temporal disruption is complex: on the one hand it makes the moment itself less immediate; on the other, it locates the moment in a time- and place-less realm, one that is difficult for a database to capture!

Chronological Order: 
Indeterminate Date Range: 
Themes and Motifs:
